11 JUNE 1842, page 11


SATURDAY NIGHT. In the House of Commons, last night, Sir ROBERT INGLIS renewed the motion, which had not been formally negatived when brought for- ward before, for the issue of......

• The Times This Morning Publishes The Depositions Taken In

the exa- mination of John Francis at the Home Office, on the charge of shooting at the Queen. They add very little to what is already known. In cross-examining Colonel......

More Recent Accounts Have Been Received Of The Riot In

Ennis on Tuesday. Two persons were killed by the fire of the police, and seven- teen were wounded ; and it is feared that some of the latter will die. The people assembled in......

Money Market.

STOCK EXORANGE, FRIOAT ATIKIIKOON. The report of the illness of the King of the French, coupled with one of a difference between the Cabinets of Paris and St. James's upon the......

The West Indian Steamer Dee Has Arrived At Falmouth, Having

left Nassau on the 20th May. She brings the account of the total loss of the Company's steam-ship Medina ; which struck on a reef of rocks while entering at Turk's Island, on......