11 JANUARY 1997, page 27

The Missing Bottle

Sir: I greatly enjoyed the course by course, almost glass by glass, account given by Bruce Anderson and Alan Watkins of their recent gastronomic heroics at the Con- naught (`Two......

No Surrender

Sir: Your readers may well find it distaste- ful that Andrew Roberts (Letters, 4 Jan- uary) does not have the grace to admit that he was utterly wrong about the army plan......

Eden Experts

Sir: Hard on the heels of a most heart- warming Yuletide message from your liter- ary editor (an exceptional event since, per- haps because he is a first-class card player, he......


Sir: Tony Garrett (Letters, 14/21 Decem- ber) can be as 'inclusive' as he likes with homosexuals, but he really is talking tosh when he suggests that they are 'rejected by......

Sir: I Very Much Enjoyed The Review Of Anthony Eden's

biography by Alastair Forbes. Could you please satisfy my curiosity as to the identity of Alastair Forbes? Obvious- ly he mixed at a very senior level during the second world......