11 FEBRUARY 1882, page 3

A Statement Has Been Published At Vienna Which,...

it was through Renter, has attracted attention from all Europe. The Preen there states that Prince Bismarck had directed General von Schweinitz to ask M. de Giers for explana-......

This Day Week, Lord George Hamilton Made A Speech To

a Conservative meeting at Sevenoaks, from which we extract the dollowing words :—" They all remembered the agitation which was carried on against the late Government with regard......

The Proposals Of The Government As To The Change In

the procedure of the House of Commons were published on Wed- nesday. The most important concerns the closure of debate by an absolute majority, whenever the Speaker or Chairman......

The Further Progress Of The Debate Was Marked By A

strik- ing speech from Mr. Forster, on an amendment moved by Mr. Justin McCarthy, which denounced at unusual length the tyranny of the Government in Ireland. Mr. McCarthy's......

Consols Were On Friday 991 To 99:.


Lord Zetland Made A Speech At A Conservative Banquet At

Richmond (Yorkshire), on Monday, in defence of his desertion of the Liberal Party. He declared that the North Riding contest was a purely political and not at all a social......

The Other Proposals Are Less Important. The Motions For...

the House, in order to raise a new ques- tion suddenly, are to be forbidden ; the motions for ad- journing a debate are to be discussed solely on the question of adjournment;......

A Telegram Has Been Received In London This Week Which

may prove to he valueless, or of the last importance, according to events. It is asserted, and at Constantinople believed, that a powerful tribe in Yemen, the southern Red-Sea......