The Contemporary Review, August.—the Most Readable Paper...
"The Horse as an Instrument of Gambling," by Mr. Curzon, who estimates the eost of racing in England—the direct cost, without betting —at £673,950 a year. It is nearly......
Blackwood, Auguet.—besides The Stories, Blackwood Has An...
Victor Hugo, a careful accouut of our recent policy in 1 . 02okt—well worth reading by any one unable to face the Blue-book for himself —and a most interesting sketch of Murat,......
Muljorie Bruce's Lovers. By Mary Patrick. 2 Vols. (smith And
Elder.)—Marjorie Brace has three lovers,—three, that is, who stand out of the crowd of those who are enslaved of her beauty. These three are the Earl of Caatleton ; Mr.......
The Nineteenth Century, August.—" Achilles Over The...
specimen of a translation of the "Iliad," does not quite content us, though the last lines are extraordinarily fine. The rhythm Is stiffer than a translation from Homer should......
I Macmillan, August.—mr. Charles Nisbet Puts Forward The...
as advanced by Schopenhauer and Ilahnsen with groat force, 1 and offers an argument in reply, but there must be in him some latent essimism, for his answer in the main amounts......
The Sea Of Mountains ; An Account Of Lord Dufferin's
Tour through British Columbia in 1876. By Molyneux St. John. 2 vols. (Hurst and Blaokett.)—Mr. Molyneux accompanied Lord Dufferin's party, as special correspondent of the......
Current Literature.
of Nature," the book which was too thorough-going in its negation ) Fortnightly is the editor's sketch of Holbach's dreary book, the "System even for the sceptics who preceded......