11 APRIL 1958, page 17

Cavalier Treatment

Stn,—Some years ,ago at Oxford while researching for an essay for my tutor (and your reviewer) Christopher Hill, I came across an alleged example of Charles l's marital......

Good Coffee _ Si R, — As A Lover Of Good , Coffee I

was pleased to read in Leslie Adrian's column last week that there is at least one retailer with an imaginative appre- ciation of the coffee he sells. The encroachment of......

Public Opinion Polls Sir,—pharos Asks, 'why Were The...

fore- cast a much bigger margin for Mr. Bonham Carte r, so far out?' Which forecasts? Were the polls really 'so far out As far as the Gallup Poll is concerned, we d not attempt......

Sakiet Sia.—the Letter From M. Rivaz Is Certainly Encour-...

because it shows that there are Frenchmen who are not prepared to accept their Government's version of the Algerian War. But where, I believe, he is mis- taken is in his......

Montessori And The Right Boot

SIR,—Dr. Standing feels that I misunderstand much of the nature of Dr. Montessori's work. Be that as it may, he has certainly misread my review. I dealt with one aspect. only of......


APRIL 13, 1833 A GREAT deal of secrecy is affected at the Treasury in regard to the Budget. Why? Because the Chancellor of the Exchequer himself has no plan, and what he knows......