Difficul1 Questions.
[To an Emma or suu ..8rxerssoan Srit,—May I mention three matters in which the proverbial difficulty of seeing another person's standpoint is exemplified ? Some people are......
Ulster And The Maine Analogy. [to Sikh Editor Or Thii
"Bracrazos.") Sin,—The Senator for an important New England Slate writes me from Washington (March 25th) :— " Naturally, being an American, accustomed to the State system, I......
Ulster A Nation.
[To ma Eons. or an "Eirscrtroz."1 Sea,—" Oxoniensis " says that in all the distinctive marks of nationality enumerated by Herodotus, except language, Ulster differs from the......
" Lawful " Orders.
[To sus Emma op as “BrsorAsou..] Six,—In your article on "The Kind of Army that the Home Rulers Want" in your issue of April 4th you quote Mr. Massingliam as demurring to the......