Seatonian Poems. By The Rev. J. M. Neale, M.a. (bell
and Daldy.)— Ten times has Mr. Neale been crowned with the Seatonian chaplet, and on one occasion the subject of Egypt was so inspiring that he wrote two poems of which one got......
Sermons For The People. By F. D. Huntington, D.d., Plummer
Professor of Christian Morals in the College and Preacher to the University at Cambridge, U.S. (Arthur Miall.)—These are in every respect excellent sermons. The clear,......
Current Literature
• Poems by by Three Sisters. (Hatchard and Co.)—The Surrey hills and the vale of Albnry are the scenes which these three ladies love to adorn with the wreath of poetry. If we......
Famous Regiments Of The British Army.* Ma. Davenport...
done for the army, and done well, what has long since and in many differentforms been done for the navy of England. It is true that in the latter case the task is far more......