10 MARCH 1860, page 9

The Tottenham Accident.

TVarbleton, Hurst Green, 2d March 1860. Srit—I am requested to acknowledge through your columns the receipt of 10s. from E. P., for the benefit of the families of the......


According to the Sunderland Times, a new maritime Treaty with France is in process of preparation, and Mr. Cobden is busy with the authorities, giving them the benefit of his......

From The London Gazette, March 6.

Bankrupts.—GEORGE HAYMAN, Portsmouth. victualler—JOILY PEARCE, Holborn Hill, woollendraper—JAmEs COLLINS, Oxford, paper-maker—GEomom FREDERICK MILLS, Tamworth, innkeeper—CHARLES......

Farrign Nub Culnuial.

I Si IP.—The bill intended to give effect to the treaty is in course of preparation. Count de Momy, in his opening speech, administered a strong dose of modified free-trade......