10 JANUARY 1920, page 2

We Cannot Think That Any Such Compromise Would Work Or

is seriously contemplated. What we believe to be Mr. Lloyd George's first and real thoughts are best. It would be foolish to ignore the fact, however, that the French are in a......

Mr. Churchill, Speaking At Sunderland Last Saturday, Said...

country was recovering, rapidly from the wax, but that we could not afford as yet to revert to party politics. National unity did 'not imply unanimity. We - could not try to......

Throughout The Period Of These Pre-war Letters Russia Was...

ally of France. Unhappily we do not know what the Tsar answered to any of these letters. We hope that he sometimes returned a stinging reproach or rebuke, as loyalty to his ally......

Last Week We Wrote About The -need; For Restraint In

Allied policy. There- are many examples: of the moderating' influence of Great Britain in the past, and we mentioned some of them. But we must confess that a better example than......

General Denikin's Retreat In Southern Russia Has Become A...

The large Bolshevik armies concentrated against him have pushed his centre to the coast at Taganrog, on the Sea of Azoff, which was his headquarters, and have thus cut his......

The Morning Post Has Been Publishing An Extraordinary...

letters written by the Kaiser to the late. Emperor of Russia. Of course the Morning Post must have assured itself that these letters are genuine. They certainly have all the......

Signor Nitti, The Italian Prime Minister, Has Been...

London during the week, and he, Mr. Lloyd George, Mr. Balfour, Mr. Bonar Law, Lord Curzon, and Sir Gordon Hewart went to Paris on Thursday. We must really hope that at last the......

Esthonia, Agreed With The Bolsheviks On A Truce At Dorpat

on Wednesday week. The Bolsheviks recognized the independ- ence of Esthonia, and accepted a frontier which leaves Nerve, but not Pskoff, to the Esthbnians. The truce was to last......

Mr. Churchill Went On To Contrast With Our Comparative Calm

the deplorable state of Europe. " The. Allies may abandon Russia, but Russia will not abandon them: The ghost of the Russian Bear comes padding across the immense field of......