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Paris has remained quiet since the 26th ult., but, as

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a wit has recently said, "Order reigns, but does not govern," and there is a a constant succession of depressing rumours. Now, the insurrec- tion is to be on All Souls' Day, and...

Two millionaires of mark have died this week, the Marquis

The Spectator

of Westminster, and Mr. G. Peabody. The Marquis was remarkable only for the the business capacity which is the specialty of his House, for a certain tone of self-will in his...

Mr. Gladstone has appointed his son, Mr. W. H. Gladstone,

The Spectator

who has, ever since the formation of the Ministry, been his unpaid private secretary, to the Junior Lordship of the Treasury, left vacant by Mr. Stansfeld's acceptance of the...

Mr. Peabody, the second millionaire, was in 1806 apprentice to

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a grocer in Massachusetts, quitted this for a dry-goods store, quitted this for a dry-goods merchant's business, and quitted this for an occupation best described as an American...

Violent as are the Fenian agitators for an amnesty, they

The Spectator

seem to have fairly lost the support of the tenant-farmers and of the most influential part of the Roman Catholic Church. The Limerick Tenant-Farmers' League has openly...


The Spectator

T E Queen visits the City in state to-day, to preside at the opening of Blackfriars Bridge and the Holborn Viaduct, pro- ceeding by Parliament Street, Westminster Bridge, York...

*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

The Spectator


There is another crisis in Spain of a very serious

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character. On the 29th of October General Prim called a meeting of all Unionist, Progressist, and Democrat members, to decide on a Ministerial of his position to hold out the...

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In the colony of Victoria a grant of 150,000 a

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year has hitherto been made "in aid" of religion, but it is now to be gradually withdrawn, decreasing 110,000 every year, till it is extinguished. The cause of the change of...

The unfortunate New Zealanders are living in the profound con-

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fidence that no sooner will their promise to pay, on the old terms, for the regiment now in New Zealand be made known to Lord Granville, than all opposition to the continuance...

The Chapter of Exeter probably elected Dr. Temple yesterday, which

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was, we believe, the day fixed for the election ; but the event had not been telegraphed late last night. Dr. Pusey, who sticks to his adversary with characteristic obstinacy,...

The same correspondent speaks of it as an "undoubted fact

The Spectator

that the removal of the 18th Regiment would be the signal for an outbreak such as never before occurred,"—never dreaming that that is the very thing the Government intend to...

The Indian Government appears to be addressing itself to the

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reduction of its financial embarrassments with great energy. It has, in the first place, told the whole truth to its people, in a special gazette, that truth being that the...

The civil engineers are in a great rage with the

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Government of India for issuing an order warning the profession that although it is the practice at home to take commissions from contractors and others, such conduct will in...

The best letter written in defence of Dr. Temple is

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that of Dr. Ewing, the Bishop of Argyll and the Isles, in Wednesday's Times. He puts the matter plainly enough. He quotes Dr. Pusey's bigoted assertion that Dr. Temple "prefers...

The Dalmatian rebels appear to be capitulating to the Austrian

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General, and there is every probability that that particular spark in the Eastern magazine will be trodden out in time.

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The Cotton Supply Association wants more cotton, and cheaper cotton,

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and thinks it can get it from India without injuring the people. An American acre yields 400 lb. of cotton and an Indian -acre only 70 lb. Consequently, if the ryot could be...

We note, without drawing any deduction, considerable atmo- spheric and

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seismical disturbance. There are earthquakes at Darmstadt and Mayence, and high tides on the coast, specially at Blackpool, where people on Thursday began to think about the day...

The Railway oligarchs have had a sore discouragement this week.

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They think it cruelly hard that they should have to pay for smashing people, and at last found a case to try. A curate in receipt of only 2250 a year received a concussion in a...

The gigantic Australian " diamond " has turned out a

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common -crystal, as sober people ventured to expect. But why was it " sober " to disbelieve in its being a real diamond? Is it at all -more intrinsically improbable that you...

The Education Union,—the body in favour of supplementing denominational schools

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by others, where such others are needed, at the discretion of the Privy Council,—has met this week at Manchester, and several able answers were given to the assaults of the...

The main recommendations of the Commission on Military Education are

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:—(1) Woolwich Academy and Sandhurst College to be retained and kept, as at present, quite separate and distinct ; (2) the powers and functions of the governors of these...

The University of Edinburgh decided yesterday week by a large

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majority to admit women to the course of medical study, and the triumph of Professor Masson and Professor Bennett, who advocated their admission, was so complete, both...

Consols were on Friday evening 93i to 93i.

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THE INSIDE OF THE ROMAN CONFLICT. Nv E confess we gaze into the inside of the Roman con- troversy with a mixture of fascination and fear,— fascination because the culmination...

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E NGLISHMEN who care at all to understand the struggles which are evidently approaching on the Continent, and which will more or less disturb France, Italy, Spain, and per- haps...

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TR. CATRD'S pamphlet on Irish Tenure is a valuable- 1/1 addition to the literature of the subject. It is true he- dismisses the suggestion of fixity of tenure far too cursorily,...

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feel a sort of blankness and despair in reading time after time the accounts of the Bribery at Elections, Parliamentary or Municipal, and at the feeble and helpless cry for...

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G ENERAL PRIM wants to rule, but wants also to avoid the responsibility of ruling. That harsh sentence seems to us to contain the only possible explanation of the situation in...

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THE present contest for the representation of the Universities of Glasgow and Aberdeen is worthy of some attention. The contest is between an Edinburgh lawyer with a strong...


The Spectator

THIS is the title of an article by M. F. Fouquii, in the Revue 1 des Deux Mondes of October 15, giving an account of some discoveries recently made in the islands of Santorin...

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W HEN it is said that this is the age of railways and the electric telegraph and other such arts and inventions, it is described by mere accidents. Socially it has much more...

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CXXI.—LANCASHIRE :—EARLY HISTORY. L ANCASHIRE:appears in the earliest historical times to have been included in the territories of the great tribe or con- federation of tribes...

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The Spectator

THE IRISH LAND QUESTION. [TO THE EDITOR OF TES "SPECTATOR,'] SIR,—Agreeing entirely with you that "we are bound to try every project for Irish land reform by this test,—Will...

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTITOR.1 SIR,—I quite agree with

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the writer of your article of the 30th ult., that the true solution of the Irish Land Question is to extend the Ulster tenant-right to the whole of Ireland ; but he does not...

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[r0 THE EDITOR OF THE '.SPEOTATOR:] Sta,—Will you permit me to call your attention to the following passages from a sermon on St. Matthias, published by the Rev. Henry...


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FREDERIC TEMPLE. 1. Is there one man in disenchanted days Who yet has feet on earth and head in heaven ? One viceroy yet to whom his King has given The fire that kindles and...

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PRRE LACORDAIRE'S CONFERENCES.* THERE is no eloquence in the Western world like that of the greater French orators. Of course, we must expect European eloquence to be...

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monotonous railway journey, as one's eye wanders listlessly over W. H. Smith and Son's bookstalls, than the sight of an old favourite in one of those gay covers that is a...

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IF seven cities strove to be called Homer's birth-place, almost as many countries seem disposed to struggle for King Arthur. England, Wales, and Brittany have long been...

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THE coming CEcumenical Council, if it does no more, will be productive of a heavy crop of literature. In France, in Holland, and in Germany there has already appeared a...

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Mr. De la Rue's scientific and very useful diaries, memorandum-

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books, and pocket-books for 1870, edited by Mr. Glaisher, have already appeared. The strong russia-leather pocket-book for gentlemen, the. gilt green morocco pocket-book for...

King Gab's Story-Bag, and the Wonderful Stories it Contained. By

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Heraclitus Grey. (Cassell, Patter, and Galpin.)—From the first story in this book it appears that King Gab was originally a poor boy who. could do nothing practical, but that he...

Papers from over the Water. By Sinclair Tommy. (New York

The Spectator

: American News Company.)—Mr. Sinclair, starting for Europe, was asked by his friends to write to them about what he saw. He complied by writing to the newspapers which his...


The Spectator

The Bible the People's Charter. By Michael Thomas Sadler. (Long- mans.)—The best part of Mr. Sadler's book is that in which he discusses what he calls the "agrarian law" of the...

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lza's Story. By Grace Ramsay. 3 vols. (Hurst and Blackett.)—

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This is a story of the last Polish struggle for independence, though the authoress does not take her readers into the actual field of battle. This is probably wise, but the...

Porrav.—Meletae: Poems. By Joseph Ellis. (Pickering.)—Mr. Ellis has done, we

The Spectator

suppose, what many other men have done and will do, in spite of the remonstrances of critics and the neglect of the public,—he has printed the contents of his portfolio, the...

Church Restoration. By the Author of Ecclesia Dei. (Longmans.)— The

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writer sees the evils in the present condition of the Church of England very plainly, and expresses himself with perfect candour about them. A clergyman, as he tells us, of...

A Synoptical History of England. (Walton.)—It is scarcely praise to

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say of a book that it is an excellent "cram" book, but as examinations are a necessary evil, and cramming must be done, and may even be of some real use if it is done...