5 MARCH 1859

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The Spectator

THE new Reform Bill is the event. It is to a great extent less novel in each particular detail than in its combinations. It pro- ceeds upon a plan of systematizing existing...

The Moniteur announces that, at the request of,tbe Sovereign Pontiff,

The Spectator

the French troops have retreated from Rome to Civita. Vecchia, having thus actually begun the evacuation of the ponti- cal states. They have done so without awaiting the result...

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Ither5 nub Vrombings in Varttranrut.

The Spectator

PRINCIPAL BOSINESS OF THE WEEK. nom OF Loans. Monday ' February 28. The State of Europe ; Lord Claren- don's Question—Debtor and Creditor ; the Lord Chancellor's Bill read a...

The Indian news is chiefly remarkable for one fact :

The Spectator

the de- mand of Jung Bahadoor for aid in hunting down the Sepoys and rebels who have sought shelter in his dominions. This disposes of the suspicions impugning the fidelity of...

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int toad.

The Spectator

Trrz Qintwr held a Court and Privy Council at Buckingham Palace on Thursday. At the Council Mr. Walpole delivered up the seals of office, and Mr. Sotheron Estcourt was sworn in...


The Spectator

The bill placed on the table of the House of Commons on Monday bears the names of Mr. Disraeli, Lord Stanley, and General Peel. It is entitled, "A Bill to Amend the Laws...

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Cie atrtrapolis.

The Spectator

The Westminster Reform Society, and the London Parliamentary Re- form Committee—Mr. Bright's constituents—have met and declared open war with Mr. Disraeli's Reform Bill. The...


The Spectator

A second meeting, on thesubject of intermediate education, has been held at Cork. It was successful this time ; not because the Roman Catholics are less in favour of a separate...

,fortigu Rub Colonial.

The Spectator

c fratre.—The Moniteur announced on Sunday, that Cardinal An- tonelli, by order of the Pope, had instructed the Papal ambassadors at Paris and Vienna to state- " That the Holy...


The Spectator

The Edinburgh section of Bright Liberals, headed by their chief's con- nection, Mr. Duncan M'Laren. held a meeting on Wednesday. They denounced the Ministerial bill as " most...


The Spectator

The modification of the Ministry will cause four new elections. Lord March issued his address to the electors of West Sussex, on Tuesday. The second election will be for...

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(From the Moniteur of this day.) The serious condition of

The Spectator

Italian affairs has attracted the attention of the Emperor, whose wishes are to conclude alliances in furtherance of the in- terests of France. The Emperor has promised the King...

Sir Francis Head has published a letter in the Times

The Spectator

which he has re- ceived from his imperial " friend " the Emperor of the French, thanking Sir Francis for his championship of the imperial cause. The Emperor plaintively regrets...


The Spectator

The meeting at Lord Derby's on Tuesday was attended by upwards of 200 Conservatives. Lord Derby, says the Globe, is said to have held out a threat of dissolution in the event of...

The House of Commons was chiefly occupied last night in

The Spectator

discussing the Army Estimates, moved by General PEEL. Ho said that the troops now in the United Kingdom amount to 105,000 men. Great improve- ments have taken place in military...


The Spectator

SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Up to Thursday, the general anticipation was that the Reform Bill would be read a second time by a fair majority composed of the Minis- terialists, numerous...

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In an interesting lecture on the " Veined Structure of

The Spectator

Glaciers " given last evening at the Royal Institution, Professor Tyndall detailed some observations made by him on the Alps daring the last year, proving that the veined...


The Spectator

(From our own Correspondent.) Paris is in a state of feverish excitement. Not only are the nights taken up with dancing, but the days are consumed in making compli- cated...


The Spectator

In our search for reliable information, writes a trustworthy corre- spondent, as to the spring fashions for gentlemen's clothes, we have come across some interesting facts which...


The Spectator

THE woollen `trade of Leeds and the district around is very healthy, most manufacturers being very much pressed by orders to deliver direct to the warehouses. The cloth jails...

1 01.5rfut arts, grab, la.

The Spectator

- TO CORRESPONDENTS AND ENQUIRERS. In several cases, correspondents have asked us for the address at which newly in vented or improved articles of trade may be procured. We...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Arraarroox. The rise in the value of National Stocks on Saturday, occasioned by the hwourahle statement of Mr. Disraeli, has not been supported, and a...

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ai nth.

The Spectator

Mr. Gye has put forth his announcement of the approaching Royal Italian Opera season. Its substance may be comprised in few words. The company will include almost all the old...

At the last Council of Ministersat Madrid, Queen Isabella of

The Spectator

Spain signed a decree permitting a Universal Exhibition in 1861 Both industrial and agricultural produce and objects of art will be represented on this occasion, and the...

1 , 41 t4tatrf8.

The Spectator

Mr. and Mrs. Wigan reappeared at the Adelpbi, on Monday last, in Mr. Tom Taylor's drama, Still Waters run Deep. They were heartily welcomed by the audience. On the same evening...


The Spectator

Madame Guyonhas commenced her career at the Theatre Francais, by playing Cleopatra in the Rodugune of Corneille, a character that has not been touched since the retirement of...

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The Spectator

THE GOVERNMENT REFORM BILL. THE measure introduced by Mr. Disraeli may be regarded as the basis of the Reform Bill that will finally pass into law. In this respect, it is...

Joachim, the great violinist, is expected in London in the

The Spectator

course of next month. His first public appearance will be at the first concert of the Phil- harmonic Society, on the 2d of May. He intends, we believe, to set on foot a series...


The Spectator

The following are among the most interesting miscellaneous publica- tions which have recently come under our notice. Moore's Irish Melodies, with symphonies and accompaniments...

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The Spectator

THE great question, How shall we man our Navy ? is not yet satisfactorily solved. The old methods are as inapplicable to the new circumstances of the country, as the old ships...

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The Spectator

Tax death of William Dixon of Govan cannot pass without notice from the ,Spectator. Mr. Dixon was well known as one of the most enterprising and energetic of the men who...


The Spectator

Mn. CRAWPORD ' rather complains of the operation of a. modern law by which shipowners are bound to make compensation to the relatives of a passenger who shall be lost. The...


The Spectator

DR. PINOT, of Fisherton House Asylum, near Salisbury, calls upon the press to support him in a very proper appeal. The story of Mary Newell will be fresh in the recollection of...


The Spectator

ItEw will be found hold enough to dispute the flict, that the re- cently adopted plan of providing examipations for the middle classes was a graceful acknowledgment by the two...

THE SUFFRAGE. 3d March 1859.

The Spectator

Stn—If Mr. Disraeli were to add a short clause to his bill extending the suffrage to such men, not included in its provisions already, as might pass a satisfactory examination...

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The Spectator

BENTLEY'S QUARTERLY REVIEW.* IF literary merit alone would suffice to render a great periodical work successful, Bentley's Quarterly Review would have every prospect of...

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The Spectator

THIS is a new monthly magazine that brings itself modestly into the world without any flourishing announcement of the wonders it intends to do. It does not assign to itself any...


The Spectator

Ix 1857, the Master of the Rolls, who has so honourably distin- guished himself for his attention to the national records, sub- . mitted (as we stated in our review of the...

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The Spectator

MB. Pain KANE is a Canadian artist who has studied in Europe, and who on his return to Canada some fourteen years ago, deter- mined to devote himself to "painting a series of...

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The Spectator

The publishers have instinctively grasped the small nature or slender interest of the new Reform Bill, and proceeded on their course without much reference to Parliamentary...

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Those who envy the rich golden hair displayed in the

The Spectator

pictures of the Venetian masters should consult a chapter on " Femmes Blondes," in the Venetian Chronicle of the past, admirably treated in the fourth number of the Gazette des...

A correspondent of the Builder sensibly enough suggests that the

The Spectator

Chief Commissioner of Works should order a model of Mr. Scott's revised design for the New Foreign Office to be made for public inspection as well as the working drawings, &c.,...

The lecture on Art, Artists, and Industry in England, delivered

The Spectator

at the Society of Arts by M. Theophile Silveatre, has been published in English. This gentleman's business in this country having been somewhat rudely questioned, it may be as...


The Spectator

The want of an elegant and portable edition of the " Waverley Novels," has long been felt, and is now about to be supplied by the pub- lication of a set in forty-eight volumes,...

Bourn KENSINGTON MUSEUM. — During the week ending 26th February 1859, the

The Spectator

visitors have been as follows—On Monday, Tuesday, and Satur- day, free days, 4586; on Monday . and Tuesday, free evenings, 4780. On the three students' days, (admission to the...

Put Irts.

The Spectator

Colonel Fuller of New York, now in London, has been commissioned by the American "Cosmopolitan Art Union" to purchase paintings for that institution, while on his visit to...


The Spectator

On the 28th of January, at St. Croix, D. W. I. the Wife of Frank IL Newton Esq., of a daughter. On the 22d of February, at Euxton Hall, Lancashire, the Lady Emma Andertan, of...

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The Spectator

BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) 8aturd. Monday. Tuesday. Wanes. India Stock, 101 per Cent Annuities 1883 Bank Stock, 9 per Cent 8 per Cents Reduced New 3 per Cents Long...

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The Spectator

FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, MARCH 1. Bankrupts. - SsanraL HINDER junior, Salisbury, auctioneer-Catoss Woohron- von, West Smithfield, ironmonger-Cm-mum 1 - 11/Y Jossam, otherwise...

If4t %rm.

The Spectator

PROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, MARCH 1. WAR OFFICE, Pall Mall, March 1. - Caralry - ] at Regt. of Drag. Guards-Capt. T. Nisbet to be Major, by purchase, vice Paynter, who retires ;...