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Sir William Harcourt made his speech remarkable by stating that

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if he and his friends were now wandering in the wilderness, they were only doing what "the chosen people" had done before them, previously to entering on the Promised Land ; to...

Sir Michael also twitted the Home-rulers with their very different

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tone when they spoke in the House and when they spoke in Ireland. "The opinions stated here, no doubt with perfect sincerity, by honourable Members, seem in some mys- terious...

Louis XIV. would have accepted such a submission from a

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Sovereign at any rate nominally independent. But Louis XIV. had a certain veneer of chivalry and a touch of imagination. The Czar has none ; and he kicks the young Prince from...

*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

The Spectator



The Spectator

W HEN we last wrote, the news of Prince Alexander's liberation had just been received. Since then, after a journey through Russian, Roumanian, and Austrian territory, he has...

The debate on Mr. Parnell's amendment to the Address was

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concluded yesterday week, after a hot party fight, which Mr. Sexton began by pounding away at Mr. Chamberlain with less than his usual effect. His speech was more like a...

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After a violent speech from Mr. W. Redmond, Sir W.

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Har- court made a fierce attack on the Orangemen, as "the curse of Ireland," in the course of which, as we have said, he was called upon thrice by the Speaker to confine himself...

The division showed a majority of 123 against Mr. Parnell's

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amendment,-181 Members voting in its favour, and 304 against it. The majority was composed of Conservatives and 46 Liberal Unionists. Most of the ex-Ministerialists absented...

Mr. Goldwin Smith, in his letter to Wednesday's Times, on

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"Mr. Gladstone and Canada," errs by importing into the question a far too ready disposition to impute motives to Mr. Gladstone which are not worthy motives. So far as the letter...

The position of Great Britain in Burmah was formally brought

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before the House of Commons on Monday. Mr. S. Smith, the philanthropist, moved that the whole expense of any new ex- pedition should not be thrown on India, while Mr. Cremer...

In the debate on Thursday, the Speaker intervened almost as

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often as in the Crofters' debate, calling Colonel Saunderson twice to order, Sir William Harcourt three times, and twice insisting on an apology from Mr. W. Redmond. Colonel...

On Tuesday, the debate on the Address was chiefly devoted

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to the Crofter question, and was distinguished by the frequent interferences of the Speaker, who called Dr. Clark to order for his irrelevancy, and ordered Dr. Tanner and Mr....

The task of reply fell to Sir John G-orst, who

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in a very able speech, made up chiefly of quotations from despatches, stated the facts given briefly elsewhere. He affirmed that the true people were acquiescent, and that even...

On Wednesday, Mr. Sexton moved an amendment on the Address,

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praying her Majesty to confine authority in Belfast to magistrates "directly responsible to her Majesty's Govern- ment," and to increase the local constabulary to such an extent...

Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, who in all his Irish speeches has

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shown very good temper, great moderation, and yet considerable firmness, replied by pointing oat how impossible it was to assume the correct answers to questions which were...

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At a meeting held on Monday at the Hyde Park

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Hotel, a "Dog-Owners' Protection Association" was organised under excellent auspices, and not too soon. The way in which the police,—under orders, no doubt—are now sweeping up...

It has been a week of earthquakes. Yesterday week a

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terrible earthquake was felt in Greece, of which the centre appears to have been on the West Coast of the Peloponnesus, or some thirty miles south of the Island of Zante....

Bank Rate, 3i per cent. Consols were on Friday 1004

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to 101.

The French have been celebrating with enormous enthusiasm the hundredth

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anniversary of the birth of one of their con- siderable chemists, M. Chevrenl, who was born at Angers on August 31st, 1786, and is still in excellent health and full of energy....

A list has been published of no less than twenty-four

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of M. Pasteur's patients who have died of hydrophobia after under- going his inoculations. Whether there are in existence any trustworthy statistics to show what proportion of...

But the worst of the earthquakes was that felt in

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the United States, and especially in South Carolina and Georgia, on the night of August 31st (Tuesday). Charleston was almost destroyed by it Three-fourths of the city will, it...

The British Association, which is now in session at Birming-

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barn, was opened on Wednesday by an inaugural address from the new President, Sir William Dawson,—formerly President and now Vice-Chancellor of the McGill University of Mon-...

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MR. GLADSTONE'S PAMPRTFIT till it was over-ripe. The healing of inveterate sores would only become more difficult, the growth of budding hopes more liable to be checked and...

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THE STATE OF PARTIES. any attempt to be impartial on

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his side, any more than Mr. Johnston or Colonel Saunderson made any attempt to be im- partial on their side. Indeed, we fear it will be a very long time before either an Irish...

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T HE Powers are watching each other in Eastern Europe, but all seem afraid to act. Prince Alexander dares not deal strongly with the conspirators. The Czar, though he will not...

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I T is a great pity that the few English philanthropists who take up India as "a cause," and who, if they only knew it, might accomplish so much good, are so rarely politicians....


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W E publish in another column a letter of remonstrance from a correspondent, Mr. A. II. Beesly, charging us with having treated Mr. Parnell unfairly in considering him...

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N EVER, perhaps, has there been a more speedy and a more signal refutation of the dismal prophecies of the opponents of a reform in the law than is contained in the Report of...

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M CHEVREIIL, the French centenarian chemist who • reached the close of his century of life on Tuesday last, is reported to have expressed on Monday the opinion that "everything...

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O NE of the most characteristic differences between man and the inferior animals—a difference which seems to lie athwart the Darwinian doctrine of evolution—is man's insatiable...

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D R. JESSOPP tells us, in the Nineteenth Century for August, that if ever he lives to grow rich, he is going to publish his letters in ten books, like Pliny the younger (to...

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IRELAND AND IRISH PRICES. [To TIM EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTATOR:1 Sia,—Were Buncrana separated from the British tourist by any other strait than the Irish Sea, its fortune would...

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Sin,—Can you give me space for a few words on the position of Nonconformists in relation to the Established Church ? They are suggested by letters and editorial notes recently...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] in,—Some time ago you made a statement about Mr. Parnell— to the effect that he had never rebuked the party of assassination —which I...

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1To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.'] SIR,—Your anxiety to show that even the small reduction in the Conservative majority at the election for this borough was due to other causes...


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HONOR t DE BALZAC.* " ifs turned critic, like all the incapables who miss their mark.' That was the opinion of Balzac of the critic-race; and Disraeli only appropriated the...


The Spectator

ITO TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOIL."] STR,—There seems to me to be one cause which, so far as it affects this country at any rate, has been overlooked by the recent Commission,...

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A CONTEMPORARY has called the first series of these sermons "essay-like." It is a curious epithet to apply to sermons of which 'theory' forms so very small a part, and the...

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IT is never an easy task for the most skilful player at any game to write a book of instruction by reading which the un- skilful may attain proficiency. In every game, so much...

MAN AND HIS HANDIWORK.* EVERY properly educated person—that is, every

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one who has read Sandford and Merton—will no doubt remember how, when Tommy Merton, forgetful of the excellent precepts of Mr. Barlow, was giving himself up to the dissipations...

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THOUGH the magazines this month are somewhat more readable than last, they have not yet recovered from the General Elec- tion. The Nineteenth Century is, perhaps, the dullest....

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Days and Nights on Service. By Major A. E. De

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Cosson. (John Murray.)—There is no need for the somewhat apologetic tone of Major De Cosson's preface. He tells us exactly what we want to bear, the daily details of a soldier's...


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Variety is the distinguishing feature of the contents of the September numbers of the two Scotch magazines, the Scottish Church and Sunday Talk. In the former, there is hardly a...

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Some Personal Reminiscences of Carlyle. By Andrew James Symington. (Gardner,

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Paisley and London.)—Mr. Symington's acquaintance with Carlyle extended over a period of some thirty years. We are glad to have these recollections of it. Their tendency is to...

An. Italian Garden : a Book of Songs. By A.

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Mary F. Robinson. (T. Fisher Hnwin.)—These songs are full of elegance, and even tenderness; but they want substance. And the hue of a gentle melancholy with which they are...