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The SpectatorIT appears that the wrath of England is not regarded on the Confluent with that salutary 'dread which a patriotic Englishman would expect. The Emperor of Russia has really...
Reports of the storming and capture of Shumla, and of
The Spectatora great slaughter of Turks at Varna, have prevailed, but without being traced to any authentic source. The evacuation of the Morea by Ibrahim Pacha and his Egyptians, was to...
The attention of the nation continues to be intently fixed
The Spectatoron Ireland. In two instances in Tipperary' the peace had been broken, and fears were excited for the consequences which might ensue from the continued assemblies of the...
The SpectatorThere is no news from the seat of war. It is reported in one of the Evening Papers, that the belligerents are negotiating through the medium of Austria; but very little credit...
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The SpectatorFRIDAY EVENING. —There has been a considerable change in the aspect of the Money-market since our last report, and the calm of the last few weeks has been succeeded by a...
The King heard divine service in the Royal Lodge on
The SpectatorSunday, along with his suite and household. The attack of gout with which his Majesty was afflicted is now said to be confined to his left hand only. The Globe of Wednesday gave...
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Orders have been received at Portsmouth for the immediate equipment
The Spectatorof the Spartiate ship of war. The Mediterranean is supposed to be her destination. In the rage of competition between the rival companies who run steamvessels between London...
NEWMARKET MEETING.—The Newmarket first October meeting began on Monday. The
The Spectatorcompany was numerous and fashionable. The first race was for the trial stakes of ten sovereigns each, Lord G. IL Cavendish's Amphion, beat Mr. Payne's Oppidan ; Duke of...
Yesterday morning, as a young man of the name of
The SpectatorBnrridge, residing in 13oston-place, Regent's-park, was cleaning the windows of the upper-story of his house, he lost his hold of the sash, and was precipitated to the ground....
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Charles Conolly, the bankrupt jeweller has been twice examined before
The Spectatorthe Commissioners of the Bankrupt-court, Basineliall-street. He swore that he had not property in his possession, nor under his control, to the amount of 50/. The whole of the...
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We have heard, on what we consider good authority, that
The Spectatoramong the various plans proposed for the location of the King's College one was to appropriate, with the consent of his Majesty, the new palace in St. James'spark for that...
It is now several years since a society of learned
The Spectatorand scientific men was formed in Germany, consisting principally of natural philosophers, who meet once a year in some city celebrated for its academy or university'. This year...
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The SpectatorAnother of Lady Gresley's servants, a female, who had only been a short time with her ladyship as cook, complained to the Magistrate, at Marlbo- rough-street, on Saturday, that...
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The SpectatorBLOCKADE OF THE DARDANELLES. TIMES—Our sentiments on the stupidity of the blockade principle, as a rule of practical policy for this empire, remain entirely unaltered. A fact...
The SpectatorTHE TIMES—Manifest does it appear to us that the greater portion of the British colonies will soon be lost to England, if the principle on which she has hitherto governed them...
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The SpectatorTIMES—We tremble at every wind that blows from Ireland, and our fears are outstripped by every day's communication ' so much more terrible is the reality when it reaches us that...
The SpectatorCUPID. " Oh, 'Us love, 'tis love, 'tis love," Sce. IN our last number we adverted to the frequency of suicide in France, and mentioned that the prime mover of these catastro...
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The SpectatorIN country towns, one is frequently struck by the strange appar:tions which stalk up and down with the pretensions of dandies, but which bear no outward resemblance to any of...
The SpectatorTHE town begins to exhibit signs of returning animation. The Theatres axeopen ; the newspapers are looking lively and intelligent; and the stagnation of the Stock Exchange has...
The SpectatorEITHER Mr. YOUNG . S Hamlet is not so young as it once was, or we are older and less susceptible than heretofore : certainly we had imagined it to be a more moving performance...
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The SpectatorWE like to escape from the fevered bustle of such a place as York, after its triennial saturnalia, that we may ruminate in calmness and quiet on the triumphant exhibitions of...
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The SpectatorFRENCH ACCOUNT OF THE ENGLISH DOINGS IN GREECE. COLONEL jOURDAIN, on his return from Greece, where he has taken an active part in the affairs of that country from the . com...
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The SpectatorUNDER this title we find registered in a volume, the proceedings of the lowest and most contemptible persons in the metropolis. The claim to notice, in works of this sort, is...
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The SpectatorANECDOTES OF MAJOR TAPIA, Major La Tapia, when an ensign, bad distinguished himself at the aesault of Valdivia. The day after the western forts vere captured, he was left with...
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The SpectatorDR. JOHNSON TO THE EDITOR OF TIIE SPECTATOR-LETTER 11. SIR -Before I advert to the real or pretended cures of consumption by Mr. Long, it may not be amiss to say a few words on...
The SpectatorWe formerly alluded to the great inconvenience to which individuals connected with India are exposed, through the conduct of the commanders of vessels, who frequently retails...
The SpectatorButTns.-On the 28th ult. in Grosvenor-street, Mrs. H. Hely Hutchinson, of a daughter-On the 24th, at Cambo-house, Fifeshire, the Lady of Sir David Erskine, Bart. of a son-In...
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The SpectatorTuesday, September 30. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. P. D. Hayman and H. Dod, London, wine-merchants—J. Hindley and J. Henthon, Manchester, gingham-manufacturers—G. and C.Brooks,...
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The SpectatorF OR CEYLON, the beautiful, new river-built coppered Ship, SIR JOHN RAE REID, ANDREW HAIG, Commander. Burthen 350 Tons. Lying in the West India Export Duck. Has a Poop,...
IV EST OF ENGLAND BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIME RES, eee. at the Lowest Prices, for Ready Money. No. U. Northumberlandcourt, Strand.
The SpectatorW. STEPHENS begs to inform the public, that having an opportunity of purchasing from the first Manufacturers in the West of England, and the locality of his premises avoiding...
This Day is published in 4to. with an eleeantly engraved Portrait by Thomson, from a Painting by Hobday.
The Spectatorit UNIVERSAL PRAYER; DEATH; 1 . 1 A VISION OF HEAVEN ; and A VISION OF HELL : Poems. By ROBERT BIONTGOIIIERV, Author of " The Omnipresence of the Deity," &c. &e. THE...
A UTOBIOGAPHY ; a Collection of the most Instructive and Amusing
The SpectatorLIVES ever published, WRITTEN by the PARTIES THEMSELVES. With Original Introductions and Sequels. Vol. 1. Colley Cibber. 2. Hume. Lilly. Voltaire. 3. and 4. Marmoutel. I....
This day is published, B LACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE. No. CXLI V. for October. Contents:
The Spectator1. Ireland and the Catholic Question. 2. The Sphinx. An Extravaganza, etched in the manner of Callot. 3. Ireland as it is; in 1821 4. Bath. A Satire. 0. Tales of the O'Hara...
This Day,
The SpectatorTHE LONDON MAGAZINE For OCTOBER. Contents: 1. Reforms of the Law : The Magistracy. 2. Dramatic Literature. 3. Elementary Education. 4. On the present State of Opinion in...
This Day is Published, price 7s. ( h i. No. V. of the FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW.
The SpectatorContents : 1. Arabic Literature. 2. Language and Literature of the Magyars (Hungarian.) 3. Guizot's History of the English Revolution. 4. illazure's history of the Revolution...
This day, price Is.
The SpectatorT HE HARMONIC ON, a Popular JOURNAL OF MUSIC. In each Monthly Number of this elegant Publication are given Seven Pieces of Vocal and Instrumental Music, arranged for the...
The SpectatorANN UALS FOR 18 1 2t 9 : Strand. ADAPTED FOR CISRIS IrT TAI . S AND NEW YEAR'S G p C. WESTLEY respectfully solicits an - L • early application on the part of Subscribes's, in...