4 MARCH 2006

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Policies, please

The Spectator

F or a politician to invite the television cameras into his home is a risky business. An inexperienced Mrs Thatcher in 1975 merely had to open her larder to the nation to find...

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PORTRAIT OF THE WEEK M rs Tessa Jowell, the Secretary of

The Spectator

State for Culture, said that she had signed without asking any questions a form that her husband, Mr David Mills, used to gain a mortgage for a house, which he repaid a month...

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I was revolting from a very early age and more than

The Spectator

once thought of taking over a radio station and starting a revolution. In those days the wireless exerted far more influence than the newspapers, at least in our house. I can...

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It’s not just Tessa Jowell who is being investigated — it’s the entire government

The Spectator

S ir Gus O’Donnell, the Cabinet secretary, has been obliged to deal with a considerable volume of intricate business in the course of his brilliant Whitehall career. When he...

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L ast week our local hunt met at a subscriber’s farm.

The Spectator

Because it was a weekday, the mounted field was small — half a dozen or so. As soon as they moved off, they were pursued by 31 masked men, many of them carrying fence posts....

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Down with the new morality

The Spectator

The public is not as enlightened as New Labour would like to believe, says Ross Clark , in this analysis of an exclusive Spectator/YouGov poll on sexual attitudes I t was John...

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Ruth and consequences

The Spectator

One of America’s most celebrated ‘sexologists’ tells Harry Mount that there are some problems she will not advise on New York ‘I tell them about pressure, foreplay ......

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Mind your language

The Spectator

‘It is,’ Tony Blair said, ‘a word, I think, that members of the public readily know and understand and juries will understand.’ He was talking about glorification . I...

Anyone for chastity?

The Spectator

Maybe not, but Piers Paul Read says that the refusal to tame our instincts is coarsening society and harming children O f the precepts that have been abandoned in my lifetime,...

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A sad scene

The Spectator

Miles Douglas on the jealousy, ageism and sexual intrigue of gay men’s lives A few months ago I persuaded one of my oldest and best gay friends to invite his lively,...

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Get a life, girls

The Spectator

Why do middle-class mums go to the gym for pole-dancing classes? Because, says Ariel Levy , they have been conned by kitschy, slutty ‘raunch culture’ S ome version of a...

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A short visit to hell

The Spectator

Several years ago, in another lifetime it seems, I played a porn star. In fact I played the Pornstar, in a fairly successful little twohand play called The Dyke and the...

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Where have all the babies gone?

The Spectator

Fraser Nelson on the long-term implications of Europe’s falling birth rate T he last European will die on 6 August 2960. This, if you extend demographic trends far enough, is...

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Ancient & modern

The Spectator

Last time we saw how closely the preparations to make Gordon Brown prime minister paralleled those to make Tiberius emperor ( princeps , ‘first man’) in AD 14, after the...

Why foreigners love us

The Spectator

Rod Liddle doesn’t mean to give offence, but suggests that one of Britain’s strongest appeals as a tourist destination is that our women put it about A n opinion poll of...

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Design fault

The Spectator

Bryan Appleyard says that the attempt to transcend human nature by tinkering with embryonic genes is doomed to failure ‘D esigner babies’ is headline shorthand for a weird...

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Will Jordan be the new Palestine?

The Spectator

Douglas Davis says that George W. Bush’s drive for global democracy may hand the Hashemite kingdom over to Hamas I f unintended consequences are the progeny of political...

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Genghis was a leftie

The Spectator

From Daniel Hannan, MEP Sir: Paul Johnson demolishes the ludicrous expression ‘to the right of Genghis Khan’ and wonders what the Mongol leader’s true politics might have...

Make ‘localism’ a reality

The Spectator

From Henry Smith Sir: Alasdair Palmer’s piece (‘Local villains’, 25 February) regarding the unresponsiveness and intransigence of local authorities is, I am sure, wearily...

Trial by tabloid

The Spectator

From Prudence Bell Sir: Ross Clark’s article about Sion Jenkins (‘Trial by tabloid’, 18 February) was a victory for common sense and reasoned journalism. The lack of...

Schools mayhem

The Spectator

From Beverly Ellis Sir: I cannot help but think that Boris Johnson is being disingenuous when he asks why selection is ‘banned’ in the state-maintained sector (Diary, 11...

Trendy Ulster folk

The Spectator

From Neil Wilson Sir: Jane Kelly’s fascinating article (‘Out of tune’, 25 February) highlighted the cultural alienation of immigrant communities. So she might be...

Plucky journalism

The Spectator

From Derek Bingham Sir: I couldn’t agree more with the lady who says that the Telegraph is the perfect size to pluck pheasants on (Any other business, 18 February). It’s...

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The prince of start-ups is entitled to speak louder than any big-ego business knight

The Spectator

E very time Sir Alan Sugar fires a contestant on The Apprentice , the nation quivers in admiration; likewise whenever Sir Richard Branson launches another airborne publicity...

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In this age of uncertainty, the PR man is king — or, at least, king-in-waiting

The Spectator

S o Mark Bolland has definitively fallen out with his public-relations ‘guru’, the Prince of Wales. Many assume that it is the other way about, with Charles the prince, Mr...

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Kindly write on only one side of the paper

The Spectator

A scare article in the Guardian says that handwriting will soon disappear. Not so. In fact, in the last two years I have reverted to doing all my writing by hand as they no...

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Doing nothing in particular very well

The Spectator

Sam Leith T OO C LOSE TO THE S UN : T HE L IFE AND T IMES OF D ENYS F INCH H ATTON by Sara Wheeler Jonathan Cape, £18.99, pp. 284, ISBN 9780224063804 ✆ £15.19 (plus £2.45...

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Faith, hope and charity

The Spectator

Frank Field C HRISTIANITY AND S OCIAL S ERVICE IN M ODERN B RITAIN : T HE D ISINHERITED S PIRIT by Frank Prochaska OUP, £35, pp. 216, ISBN 0199287929 ✆ £28 (plus £2.45...

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Putting bezazz into

The Spectator

Bazaar Vicki Woods A D ASH OF D ARING by Penelope Rowlands Simon & Schuster, £20, pp. 548, ISBN 0743480457 ✆ £16 (plus £2.45 p&p) 0870 429 6655 C armel Snow, routinely...

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Benedictions and clichés

The Spectator

P. J. Kavanagh D EAR R OOM by Hugo Williams Faber, £8.99, pp. 55, ISBN 0571230377 T he poems of Hugo Williams used to puzzle me; they were so simple I couldn’t make them...

Much possessed by death

The Spectator

Harriet Sergeant M ISHIMA ’ S S WORD : T RAVELS IN S EARCH OF A S AMURAI L EGEND by Christopher Ross 4th Estate, £14.99, pp. 262, ISBN 9780007135080 ✆ £11.99 (plus £2.45...

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Watching the human comedy unfold

The Spectator

Sandy Balfour N OMAD ’ S H OTEL by Cees Nooteboom, translated by Ann Kelland Harvill/ Secker, £16.99, pp. 195, ISBN 1843431505 ✆ £13.59 (plus £2.45 p&p) 0870 429 6655 I...

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The country of Sir Walter

The Spectator

Hugh Massingberd T HE B UILDINGS OF S COTLAND : T HE B ORDERS by Kitty Cruft, John Dunbar and Richard Fawcett Yale, £29.95, pp. 841, ISBN 0300107021 ✆ £23.95 (plus £2.45...

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The resurgence of the puritan element

The Spectator

David Gilmour G OD ’ S T ERRORISTS by Charles Allen Little, Brown, £20, pp. 349, ISBN 0316729973 ✆ £16 (plus £2.45 p&p) 0870 429 6655 T he words ‘fanatic’ and...

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The outlaw they couldn’t keep out

The Spectator

Francis Wheen J OHN W ILKES by Arthur H. Cash Yale, £20, pp. 482, ISBN 0300108710 ✆ £16 (plus £2.45 p&p) 0870 429 6655 J ohn Wilkes was an unlikely icon cross-eyed from...

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The fine art of appreciation

The Spectator

Sebastian Smee S TILL L OOKING by John Updike Hamish Hamilton, £25, pp. 222, ISBN 0241143357 ✆ £20 (plus £2.45 p&p) 0870 429 6655 J ohn Updike is, among one or two other...

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Lust for life

The Spectator

Judith Flanders M AGGI H AMBLING : T HE W ORKS AND C ONVERSATIONS WITH A NDREW L AMBIRTH Unicorn Press, £40, pp. 240, ISBN 0906290848 I must declare an interest. At my...

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Cultural divides on CD

The Spectator

Selina Mills T he Siege of Krishnapur by J. G. Farrell is one of those books that people keep rediscovering. You can’t believe you have never come across it before (it was...

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Meditation for Lent

The Spectator

Andrew Lambirth on Charlie Millar’s pavement of resin casts in Canterbury Cathedral F or Lent, the artist Charlie Millar (born 1965) has installed a pavement of 308 resin...

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Rootstock of radicalism

The Spectator

Alan Powers Starting at Zero: Black Mountain College 1933–57 Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge, until 2 April Now You See It Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, until 7 May L ondon...

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Celebrating Shostakovich

The Spectator

Michael Kennedy A lthough the 100th anniversary of Shostakovich’s birth is still six months away, Manchester staged a six-week celebration in January and February...

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Mad days

The Spectator

Peter Phillips M usic festivals, like any public undertaking to do with ‘art’, put their planners on their mettle. As much creative thought can go into the format and the...

Exploding myths

The Spectator

Ursula Buchan I have been talking tosh. Well, not entire tosh, but certainly substantial dollops of wishful thinking and airy, groundless supposition. I have come to this...

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Personal priorities

The Spectator

Olivia Glazebrook Syriana 15, selected cinemas ‘S yriana’ is ‘a term used by Washington think-tanks to describe a hypothetical reshaping of the Middle East’,...

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Heavy-handed symbolism

The Spectator

Toby Young The Cut Donmar The Exonerated Riverside Studios Steptoe and Son Comedy T here’s a scene in The Cut , a new play by Mark Ravenhill, that is so dull I came within a...

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Series of distractions

The Spectator

Michael Tanner Macbeth Royal Opera La Bohème Royal Albert Hall V erdi’s Macbeth is one of those operas which I always have hopes will be greater than it ever actually seems...

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Healthy appetites

The Spectator

Charles Spencer T here’s nothing like a medical — or, as it is now known, an ‘executive health check’ — to make you feel painfully aware of your own mortality. As...

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Post-Stalin fear

The Spectator

Michael Vestey T here was a gripping account of Nikita Khrushchev’s secret speech denouncing Stalin in 1956 in The Speech that Shook the Kremlin on Radio Four last week...

Rural rides

The Spectator

James Delingpole I mportant stuff first: can the chap with the farm address in Shropshire who very kindly said he’d let me have his hunt coats and boots for a modest sum...

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Doing time

The Spectator

Taki T he telephone rang rather early, and when I picked it up an English male voice said, ‘Hello, Taki, this is David Irving ... ’ He was ringing from the Vienna pokey,...

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Don’t look now

The Spectator

Jeremy Clarke M y boy didn’t want to go to Venice. His in-built cant detector, these days becoming more finely tuned with every passing day, had alerted him to the...

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I s it just me, or does everyone have a bit

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of a problem warming to Gary Rhodes? I know, I know, all celebrity chefs have their annoying shortcomings: Jamie’s wet lips; Nigella’s sloppy eating habits (sucking her...

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Hot property

The Spectator

Lucy Vickery Perhaps it’s the association with The Goodies and with Dennis Nilsen, serial killer, but people are reluctant to admit that they live in Cricklewood. ‘Well,...


The Spectator

P rivate Cellar is a new company specialising in delightful, unusual, outof-the-way wines of quality. We ran a mini-bar offer with them last year, and it went extremely well,...

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European Blues

The Spectator

FRANK KEATING T reats all round next week if the secondleg matches in football’s Champions League are as compelling as the first. Chelsea and Rangers, each playing in Spain,...

Q. I deeply fancy someone in my office who sits

The Spectator

near me. Our exchanges have always been businesslike and I doubt she has noticed my interest. The other women I work with appear to find me congenial and we socialise outside...

Q. I am a single woman, although I do not

The Spectator

wish to be. I am told that I have a lot going for me, but all the men at the office are married and I am too old, at 32, to meet men in nightclubs. None of my friends knows any...

Q. I am an 18-year-old male. I would love to

The Spectator

have a partner but I am not that interested in sex. What are my prospects? Name withheld, Eton A. Plenty of girls have body dysmorphia and would be only too pleased to proceed...