27 APRIL 1867

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f- The Germans are tolerably confident too. The entire Press,

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almost without exception, urges the King to stand firm, the mer- chants declare openly that suspense is unendurable, and the people are ready to be summoned in the Landwehr....

Leeds, which, like Birmingham, abounds in compound house- • holders,

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is, also like Birmingham, not much in love wjth Mr. Disraeli's Bill. At a meeting held there on Tuesday evemng, Mr. W. E. Forster explained to his audience that the Act known as...

The French Chambers reassembled on Thursday, but no message was

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received from Government, which has given no sign beyond calling out the Reserves of 1865 and 1866 for "drill," and the Reserves of '61, '62, '63, and '64 for "inspection,"...

On Monday appeared a letter from Mr. Gladstone to Mr.

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Craw- ford, the Member for the City, explaining, or intending to explain, the course he thought it his duty to take for the future on Reform. As an explanation the letter was...


The Spectator

rilliROUGHOUT the week the one topic has been the 1 probability of war, and the most important fact, the alleged intervention of Great Britain. We are not in Lord Stanley's...

Mr. Bright made a speech at the Reform demonstration held

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at Birmingham on Monday, which was unusually moderate. He - attributed the immense advance in the Tory offer mainly to the Reform meetings, including the one which destroyed...

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The Times has sent a special correspondent to Luxemburg, who

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reports that the people of the Duchy like their present Government very well, but prefer, if they must be swallowed up, to be eaten by France. They dread the Prussian rigidity,...

The Irish Government has grievously affronted Mr. Isaac Butt. He

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was named by the Fenian prisoners to conduct their defence, and accepted the office, but the Government only offer him 25/. as a retaining fee, and 31. 3s. as a refresher for...

Mr. Bass has been very anxious to justify his desertion

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of Mr. Gladstone, and has caught at broken reeds in the attempt. He sent to Saturday's Times an extract from the Law Times, main- taining that the compound householder is under...

The West-End Tailors are out on strike, some 7,000 of

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them, in the employ of eighty-five firms. They have a very good case indeed, which they are spoiling by attempts to intimidate. The men Leceally wanted-shorter hours, and- after...

The North-Eastern Railway Company seem to have beaten their men.

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By recalling heaps of dismissed drivers, and engaging anybody who knew anything about an engine, they have kept their traffic going, and have now signified that after April they...

They are clever men, the French economists. Eight of them

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were recently appointed a Monetary Commission, and one of the first questions pressed to a vote was the propriety of adopting either gold or silver as the standard. The...

- The Comte de Flandre, — Cobol*, deaf, and very

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rich,—was on Thursday married to a Princess of Hohenzollern. The marriage is considered favourable to the interests of Belgium; but the King of Prussia has eaten a good - many...

The annual Volunteer Review came off on Easter Monday at

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Dover. The men were brigaded for the first time with soldiers of the Line, and did very well indeed, especially the artillerymen. An old volunteer points out in another column...

It was announced on Monday that the Spanish Government had

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agreed to restore the value of the Queen Victoria, to compensate Francisco, Homedes, the owner of the vessel, and to punish the officers who seized her. Everything demanded is...

Mr. Stansfeld, while in general supporting Mr. Forstees view% commented

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on the recent indignant denial of the Times that Ler& Grosvenor was in collusion with the Tory Government, or the Tory Government with Lord Grosvenor, and that there could be...

The notion that ignorant impatience of taxation is a democratic

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quality is likely to become obsolete. The taxation of the United States is about 80,000,000/. a year, that of the State of New Y-ork, 2,000,0001., and that of New York City,...

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We have shown elsewhere how utterly rash, and contrary to

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the truth, is the assertion in the Times of Wednesday, made avowedly on the strength of evidence said to be given before the Trades' Unions' Commission, that the Unions...

Mr. Hodsman has made a curious voyage in a balloon

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from Dublin to a place near Appleby, crossing the Channel at night in a pouring rain which made the balloon so heavy that it nearly sank into the sea. Mr. Hodsman only kept it...

Mr. Tidd Pratt writes to the Times to say that

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the Farriers spent 63/. 10s. 3d. out of their Benefit Society's funds in attend- ing the Reform Demonstration. Ile consequently informed the officers that he should proceed...

In the early part of the week, although the purchases

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of money (Stock) were somewhat numerous, the Consul Market was in a feverish state, arising out of the Luxemburg question. Since then, however, more confidence has been shown,...

Mr. James Caird has proposed this week a new remedy

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for the social evils of Ireland. He says the real difficulty of that country is, that while the landlord ought to find the fixed capital, barns, buildings, &c., and the tenant...

There is again hope that Dr. Livingstone is not dead,

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and that the rumour to that effect was an invention of the Johanna men who had deserted him. By a letter received from Dr. Kirk, dated 2anzibar, February 8, Sir Roderick...

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Thursday, April 18. Frldsy, April 20. Great Eastern .. • • 281 Great Northern 1131 1121 Great Western.. 41 x. d. 411 Lancashire and Yorkshire .. 1221 1221...

Greyfriars Bobby,—the dog that gained so much fame the other

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day in Edinburgh by his proved fidelity to a master eight years dead, on whose grave he has slept every night for that period,— has shown himself superior to our human world,...

Thursday, April 18. F.riday, April MI.

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Mexlean 15 Spanish Passives 101 .. 101 Do. Certificates 12) .. 121 Turkish 6 per Cents., 185i 51. 481 „ 1852 .. 521 511 United States 5.20's 701 621

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MR. GLADSTONE'S LETTER. M R. GLADSTONE'S letter to Mr. Crawford has had as many editors and commentators as the most defective chorus in a Greek play. Indeed, it is perhaps a...

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I T would seem to be almost impossible for England to adhere to the policy of non-intervention. If ever there was a Foreign Secretary who might be trusted not to intervene un-...

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r NGLISHMEN all seem to believe, when they think on the .1. 1 4 subject at all, which is not often, that a "Native State" is a kind of political mollusc, an imperfect...

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T HE Times of Wednesday was very powerful on the disin- genuousness of the evidence given by Mr. Applegarth -and others before the Trades' Unions' Commission with respect to the...

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THE ANGLO-SAXON CANKER-WORM. E VERY race has its own special political

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vice, and ours is a particularly dirty one. Envy, the vice of French- men, is, perhaps, morally worse than covetousness, as malig- nity is morally worse than drunkenness, but it...

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T HERE is no doubt, when you rush out of town even for a day or two's quiet at Easter, that you do feel a peculiar rest in the sight of the fields and the woods which you could...

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T HERE are certain periodical occurrences amongst us, and the Volunteer Review on Easter Monday is one of these, which are specially calculated to drive Englishmen into the...

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O N TUESDAY, a Hansom cab, exactly like every other Han- som cab, and probably taken off the stand outside, was driven across the stage of Drury Lane Theatre. As it entered, and...

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THE "SPECTATOR."] Sut,—I will not attempt to discuss what an interesting article on "The Fourth Gospel" truly says cannot be adequately dimmed in a newspaper article, namely,...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—As the Spectator has now fairly become the organ and re- presentative of most Liberal Churchmen, in a sense much more actual and real...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—There is much in your article of the 6th inst. on the Liberals and the Army which must be gratifying to the latter. It is something in...

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[To THE EDITOR OE THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Allow a frequent reader of your paper to remark briefly upon a paragraph in your last number. You appear to think that a Liquidator...

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DEAN ALEXANDER'S POEMS AND ESSAYS.o. THESE poems and essays, like other poems we have reviewed in these columns, are collected and published evidently as pieces justificatives...

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QUESTIONS FOR A REFORMED PARLIAMENT.* Tins volume is certainly in

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no degree inferior,—it strikes us as perhaps on the whole superior,—in ability to the volume of Essays- on Reform which we recently reviewed, proceeding from another...

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extraordinary facts in the whole history of the Sciences and Arts, is the strong presentiment which existed for a eentury or more at the revival of learning that magnetism would...

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Mn. Hanwooc appears to be a novelist of one character an one idea, neither of them very good. The idea is the extreme dissonance which may exist between the outward or apparent,...

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Ella. By Charles Lamb. A new edition. (Bell and Daldy.) The Last Essays of Ella. By Charles Lamb. A new edition. (Bell and Daldy.)—These two pretty and cheap volumes of...

how to get a passage thither. We do not know

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whether the presence of such a work in the house was the cause of the reviewer's little boy expressing a sudden desire to go to Australia, and putting various awk- ward...

The Unity of Truth. A Devotional Diary. Compiled from the

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Scriptures and other sources. By the Author of Visiting my Relations. (Triibner.)—We have not mach to say about this little work, the quota- tions in which are indeed...

The Twin Records of Creation, or Geology and Genesis ;

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their Perfect Harmony and Wonderful Concord. By George W. Victor le Vaux. — (Lockwood and Co.)—Mr. le Vanx professes to read the Mosaic narra- tive by the light of science,...

The Serious Poems of Thomas Hood Edited by Samuel Lucas,

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M.A. With Preface by Thomas Hood the younger. The Comic POEMS of Thomas Hood. Edited by Samuel Lucas, M.A. With Preface by Thomas Hood the younger. (E. Moxon and Co.)—These...

A Tale of Ludlow Castle. By the Rev. W. W.

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Skeet, M.A. (Boll and Daldy.)—A ballad poem in the style of Scott, and written with much of Scott's spirit. In one instance, too, a lino of Scott's has slipped into Mr....

Micah the Priestmaker. A Handbook on Ritualism. By T. Binney.

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(Jackson, Walford, and Hodder.)—With the exception of the discovery that Micah was the first Ritualist, we find little novelty in this volume. Mr. Binney has read The...

Legends of a State Prison, or Visions of the Tower.

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By Patrick Scott. (Bentley.)—Mr. Scott writes fluently and sometimes gracefully, his thoughts are often far above the average of modern verse, and he has gone thoroughly into...

The Panic of 1866, with its Lessons on the Currency

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Act. By Robert Baxter. (Longmans.)—The conclusion drawn by Mr. Baxter from the panics of 1847, 1857, and 1866, and from the palliative measures adopted on each of those...

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The Topographical Directory of Great Britain and Ireland. By Francis

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Stephens. (Routledge.)—This book mast have given its com- piler infinite trouble, and it can be but of limited service. It seems to contain the name of every village in the...

Histoire de la Republique dAthenes. Par Madame Hortense A. de

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Meritens. (Triibner)—Madame de Meritens is apparently a French Mrs. Markham. She does her work agreeably, and with accuracy so far BA we have examined it in detail, but she is...

The Adventures of Diletto, a Little Exiled Prince. A Fairy

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Tale. By S. L Emery. (Dean and Son.)—The story of a little spoiled prince who once tried to kill a white rabbit, and was in consequence carried off into Fairyland ; was...

NOTICE to CORRESPONDENTS and CONTR1BUTORS.—The Editor cannot under- take the

The Spectator

responsibility of returning MS. of which he cannot avail himself: It is suggested that Cor- respondents and Contributors should keep Copies of such Docuntents as they value.