26 AUGUST 1876

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There is to be a serious fight for the seat

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for Bucks, vacant by the elevation of Mr. Disraeli to the Peerage. It was believed that Mr. T. F. Fremantle, son of Lord Cottesloe, would be returned without opposition, and he...

The rumours of mediation have died away under the sound

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of the cannon, but it is evident that they will revive at once if Alexinatz falls. The Czar even now can hardly hold in the Russians, and if he wishes to avoid intervention must...

Mr. Disraeli has taken farewell of the electors of Bucks,

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in a letter which suggests that he is practising the new oratory he believes to be adapted to the House of Lords. "Next to the favour of our Sovereign," he is indebted to the...

The Pall Mall Gazette of Friday evening published a telegram

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from Berlin which, if correct, may be of serious importance. It announces that the Russian Government is endeavouring, with the aid of some Dutch bankers, to place a loan in...


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T HE crisis in Servia is still delayed, but the grounds for hope are very slight. Tchernaieff still holds Alexinatz, and is fortify- ing Deligrad behind him, and is said to...

The Daily News has published the letter of its Special

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Com- missioner in Bulgaria, detailing and amplifying his telegrams. It is useless to go over the catalogue of horrors again, but we must mention that the writer and Mr. Schuyler...

Lord Beaconsfield must have been studying the Book of Daniel.

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It is difficult to believe that any one but he wrote the pompous proclamation in which Lord Lytton announces that on January 1, 1877, he shall hold an "Imperial Assembly" at...

The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any case.

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Mr. T. Bond, assistant-surgeon to the Westminster Hospital and lecturer

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on forensic medicine, offers through the Times a remark on the Bravo case which is of some value. After pointing out, as we have done, that the theory of suicide is not...

" M.P.," noting that Lord Beaconsfield has taken the Privy

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Seal, which gives him an extra £2,000 a year, and precedence even of Dukes, asks through the Times why the English Premier should not always be Lord Privy Seal, and so receive...

Silver has gone up and down more than 2d. an

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ounce, or say, dper cent., within the fortnight, and the City Editors attack the Indian Council for its method of drawing bills, contending that it " demoralises " the market,...

A very large meeting of working-men was held in New

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York on the 9th inst., at which some very dangerous resolutions were pulled, declaring that it was the "duty of the State to create labour in periods of depression ;" that...

An elector of Greenwich has written to Mr. Gladstone to

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ask him whether he will speak at Greenwich during this Recess. Mr. Gladstone replies that if his constituents wish it, he will consult "those without whom he cannot take any...

One would hardly look to Sir Charles Adderley for opinions

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of the most extreme democratic type, such as prevail in Red Com- mittee-rooms, but are rarely heard of in public assemblies, even ha Republics. In the course of a speech at...

It seems but too probable that the British Government will

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be forced to declare war on Dahomey. The King absolutely refuses to pay the fine inflicted on him, and has become wild with rage at the blockade of Whydah, now strictly...

The Wagner Festival at Bayreuth appears to have been a

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great success. The composer had his own way throughout, his audi- ence included "a pit full of Kings," and all the resources of the carpenter and the scene-painter were...

A little war has broken out in Fiji which seems

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to have been exceedingly well managed. The cannibal tribes of the moun- tains, with some recently-relapsed Christians, were of opinion that the epidemic of measles was either...

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We wonder if anybody ever believed that there was a

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city in Greece so luxurious that all cocks were expelled lest they should crow? Boys all read the story, and most of them ridicule it, but we are coming to that in London. On...

The recent enormous rise in the price of silk, 200

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per cent, in a year, has again called attention to its production. Mr. F. T. Neile writes to the Times that poor ladies might find a source of income in rearing silkworms, which...

The Anglo-Indians are condemning Lord Lytton in no mea- sured

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terms for interfering with the course of justice. A. Mr. Fuller, a lawyer of Agra, boxed the ears of a groom for keeping him waiting, and the man, who was diseased, died. The...

The Councils-General of France have been electing their Pre- sidents,

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and out of seventy returns received, 39 Presidents are Republicans, 21. Monarchists, and 10 Bonapartist& This shows an increase in the number of Republicans, and is important,...

Lord Dufferin has been unable to pacify the quarrel between

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the Dominion of Canada and British Columbia. The Canadians, it will be remembered, refused to carry out their agreement to finish the Canadian Pacific Railway, alleging...

The Bishop of Lincoln, who, it will be remembered, refused

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the title of "Reverend" to a Wesleyan minister, has published a pamphlet, in which, according to the Guardian, he formulates his plan for the readmission of the Wesleyan body...

Dr. Coplestone, the new Bishop of Colombo, a man of

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thirty, selected for special ability by the Colonial Secretary, has become involved in an unfortunate quarrel with the Missionaries of the Church Miseionary Society working in...

Consols were on Friday 96 5-16ths to 96 7-16ths.

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MR. DISRAELI'S CAREER. M R. DISRAELI'S farewell address to his constituents, an address in which he is not so much Miltonic—as he threatens the unlucky Peers he will...

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TIMBRE are three particular charges brought against the 1 friends of the Christians in Turkey by the Mahommedan newspapers of London, which, as they influence some Liberals and...

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filHE Home-rule Convention which has been deliberating JL this week in Dublin was nominally composed of English and Scotch delegates, and was intended to impress the people of...


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lifirE rather regret M. Gambetta's visit, and still more regret Y the object with which it is understood that it will be paid. The ex-Dictator of the French is almost sure to...

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W ITH all its faults, the Elementary Education Act of 1876 is the most important measure of the Session. We may go further, and say that it is the most important measure passed...

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T HERE is, then, to be an interesting county election— almost a forgotten occurrence in English politics. It was supposed that Mr. Disraeli's seat was safe for Mr. Fre-...

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THE thought most strongly suggested by a study of the .1 half-yearly Railway Reports is that Directors and Managers are strangely blind to the income-yielding capabilities of...

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O NE of the most extraordinary and at the same time best- ascertained facts in the history of Christianity is the sudden completeness of its victory over some savage tribes. The...

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A PARAGRAPH has been going the round of the papers this week showing that the population of France does not increase, while the populations of Germany and England do, and...

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Yet it has long been manifest that the interests of the game require some changes, though it may not yet be clearly seen what those changes should be. The most manifest defect...


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I N a recent romance of Tourgenieff, the strange tale of "Pounine and Babourine," there is an incident which may serve to in- troduce this notice of a subject at once most...

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SIR CHARLES DILKE ON THE ATROCITIES IN BULGARIA. [TO TER EDITOR OF TER "SPECTATOR."] S111,—You describe a recent speech of mine as " heartless," and you believe, no doubt,...

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(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Will you permit a country layman to make a few remarks upon the interesting letter of " A London Clergyman" in your paper of August...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.] Sin,—In one of the paragraphs of your last week's issue you express the following opinion,—" The whole body of the Army distrust...


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cro THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] SIR,—The Eastern Question, and what England has to do with it, would be easier to understand, if we would take Dr. Johnson's advice, and...

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[TO TEl EDITOR OF TEl "SHISCITATOR.1 SIR,—There are statements in Sir George Yule's letter, published in your last week's issue, which deserve consideration in respect to...

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[TO Tan Elms OF THE " spsoTAToa..] Sin,—When the public has hardly escaped from the dreary dis- cussion of School Boards, upon which even your pages have cast neither the...


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(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.') SI11,—Allow me to call your attention to a mistake in modern history which occurs in the Spectator of Aug. 19. On the occasion- of a...


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[To MI EDITOR OT THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Although the Spectator does not appear to be an organ for the discussion of special subjects, but rather for noticing at more or less...

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"NATIVE LAND" Oun arms obey no despot's nod, Nor gleam with carnage-glory ; We tread the steps our sires have trod, We guard Britannia's sacred sod, We keep her grand old...


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MR. BROWNING'S LAST POEM.* THERE is, we fear, no . more fatal sign of intellectual deterioration than the substitution of scorn for reason, and it is a mortifica- tion to those...


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[To ma EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIE,—It seems to be taken for granted that by the repeal of the 25th Clause of the Education Act of 1870, in addition to the 'enactment of...


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[Our duty at this critical moment is to maintain the Empire of England.—Speech of Mr. DISRAELI, August 11, 1876.] ENGLAND speaks and Europe listens,—what doth England say?...

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WE have before us two books of French etchings, the smaller of which is of purely artistic interest. The larger is a portfolio, containing letter-press and etchings, the history...

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BEFORE the inrush of the Romans had stirred the fiery patriotism of Coritanian, Icenian, and Trinobant, and welded them into one, before the Druidic religion had arisen, even...

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"A MAD WORLD."* Tins book, which has its origin in

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an idea similar to that of "the Amateur Casual," carried out to a greater extent and in =eh more startling fashion, gives an account of the visit of Mr. Julius Chambers,...

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Arg extremely sensible undertaking, which may yet prove a mine of wealth to its proprietor, has been jeopardised by a display of vulgarity which is, we confess, to us...

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Outlines of the Religion and Philosophy of Swedenborg. By Theophilus Parsons. (James Speirs.)-Swedenborgianism, or, at any rats, ideas and notions allied to it, seems to have a...

The Comedy of the "Nodes Ambrosiance." By Christopher North. Selected

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and arranged by John Skelton. (Blatiltwood.)-" My design," says Mr. Skelton in his Introduction, "has been to compress into a single manageable volume whatever is permanent and...

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Smoot BOOKEL — A Universal Geography. By the Rev. Thomas Milner. Revised

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and brought down to the present time, by Keith Johnston. (Religions Tract Society.) There is a convenience about the plan of this book which recommends it. It includes divisions...

The London Series of French Classics. (Longmans.) — We are

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greatly indebted to Messrs. Charles Cassell, Th. Karcher, and L. Stievenard, for the series of French plays they are now editing, with explanatory notes for the use of English...