A very large meeting of working-men was held in New
on the 9th inst., at which some very dangerous resolutions were pulled, declaring that it was the "duty of the State to create labour in periods of depression ;" that "employment should be given, and not charity ;" that all works autho- rised by law should be immediately commenced ; that Mr. Comptroller Green—who insists on contracts, and is generally opposed to waste.-should be dismissed ; and that the Mayor and Aldermen should be waited on by a Committee, charged to ob- tain the removal of all who obstruct the prosecution of public works. Of course, if the workmen were only asking for work in lieu of charity—work, say, at half-wages—they would only be sug- gesting a very excellent form of Poor Law, but we gather from the speeches in support of the resolutions that they demand full wages. One of the speakers especially quoted the example of Paris, where he said 25,000,000 had been voted to beautify the city. It must be added that the meeting may have had a secret political object, as all the jobbers in New York are anxious to get rid of Mr. Comptroller Green, on whom the Reepectahles rely to prevent fresh swindles of the Tweed sort.