26 APRIL 1873

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We note a certain hesitation about the tone of the

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Board of Irish Education, if the Times telegram of Thursday be correct, to the effect that the Commissioners of National Education have consented to acknowledge the right of Mr....

The debate on Mr. Fawcett's Bill was as dull as

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an Indian Budget night used to be under Sir Charles Wood. The ques- tion which burned everyone's fingers last month had grown so chilly that not even The O'Donoghue's eloquence...


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T HE news from Spain is growing more and more ominous of anarchy. Early in the week we had been informed that General Velarde, like General Contreras, had been so thwarted in...

Paris, and almost France, has been full all the week

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of the Paris election of to-morrow. M. de Rerausat's candidature has gained in favour since M. Grevy, the Ex-Speaker of the Assembly, General Chanzy, M. Eugene Pelletan, and...

The House met again on Monday night, and it was

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at once apparent that it was, then at least, in no humour for serious debate or conflict, but rather in that frame of mind in which there is a great desire to scuttle over...

* * * The Editors cannot undertake to return Manusaipt in any

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Mr. Ward Hunt took the occasion of going into Committee

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on Ways and Means to criticise the Budget and the Finance of Mr. Gladstone's Government in general. Mr. Childers had already, in a remarkable speech at Pontefract during the...

The Claimant's trial—he is now no longer the Claimant but

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the Defendant, by the way, and let us hope, with all the piety that is possible under such circumstances, that the jury may true and final deliverance make—at Bar, before the...

The discussion on the Budget came on duly on Thursday,

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and showed that there was practically no opposition to the proposal of the Government. Sir H. Selwin Ibbet-son made a bitter onslaught on the Brewers' licences duty, and moved a...

Elsewhere we have discussed the broader features of what is

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called the Sandhurst Scandal. Here we need only notice Mr. Cardwell's reply to Mr. Trevelyan on Thursday night. The Secretary of State said that no changes will be made in the...

Mr. Gladstone is not as firm as we should like

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to see him on the subject of the income-tax. A deputation, headed by Mr. S. Morley, waited upon him on Thursday to represent that the present mode of assessing the income-tax is...

The O'Donoghue pressed with energy, and not without a certain

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reproachful eloquence, the point that education was one of those questions on which the Irish Catholics had been led to hope that Parliament would legislate as an Irish...

The Dutch have made war against the Sultan of Atchin,

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at the north-west corner of the island of Sumatra, and have been defeated. in their attack on Atchin, apparently every strongly fortified place, armed with heavy guns and...

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The Shah of Persia started this day week from Teheran

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on his visit to Europe, in the presence of 80,000 people, who showered blessings upon him, and evidently regarded his departure as a great era in the history - of Persia. And so...

Central Asia had almost a whole night to itself in

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the Commons on Tuesday, but the debate was not productive of much that is new. Mr. East-wick spoke a historical essay, instead of making a practical speech. Mr. Grant Duff,...

Of course, the shipowners are beginning to scent victory, and

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at a meeting of shipowners held at Sunderland on Monday, Mr. Plimsoll was spoken of in very bitter and contemptuous - terms. But at Manchester and other great places the feeling...

The melancholy rumour about Sir Samuel and Lady Baker has

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been sufficiently disposed of by two telegrams which the Daily Telegraph of last Thursday received from Alexandria and from Khartoum. Before these telegrams were received, it...

Mr. Auberon Herbert made a gallant attempt on Tuesday to

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reform the Universities by what we may call anticipation. See- ing prophetically that the Fellowships would one day be appro- priated to those who do real educational work, he...

A rule nisi has been granted for a criminal information

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against Mr. Plimsoll for the libel on Mr. Norwood (a shipowner, and M.P. for Hull) in Mr. Plimsoll's book on the causes of shipping disasters. According to the ex pane statement...

Mr. Gladstone and Sir Massey Lopes exchanged on Tuesday a

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sort of picket-fire of question and answer in relation to the Local Taxation Bill, and the celebrated resolution for the relief of local at the expense of imperial taxation...

The riots at Stuttgardt, which were due, apparently at least,

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to the hereditary quarrel with the Jews, were paralleled at Frankfort on Monday by a great beer riot, said to be due to the high price of beer, in which sixteen breweries were...

Consols were on Friday 9a9 - 16the to 93 1l-16ths.

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THE PROGRESS OF THE SPANISH REVOLUTION. S PAIN is evidently in for much more than a series of changes of government. She is undergoing, nearly a century later, something very...

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OUR able contemporary, the Pall Mall, has now for a

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long such . States to insist firmly on proper obedience being paid to Germany and Prussia, and which Switzerland, following in his their laws whenever they happen to come into...

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M GAMBETTA is doing his best to keep the Radical s s party moderate in their opposition to the Government. His journal maintains that the election of M. Barodet must not be...

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S OMETHING more than Military discipline is involved in what is called the Sandhurst Scandal. The question at issue is not only whether a number of young men who have entered...

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T HE Dutch have not lost much time in availing themselves of the earliest opportunity for picking a quarrel with the independent States of Sumatra, and have got something worse...

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T HE advocates of Women's Suffrage have lost a bit out of one of their most effective practical arguments for the political revolution they demand, by the success of a Bill...

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W HEN Sir Edward Lytton Bulwer rebuked his critics by explaining the intentions with which he had written one of the weakest of his earlier novels,—but his own especial...

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O NE of the great weapons of Conservative controversy has always been mystification ;—we are not so bigoted as to speak of intentional or wilful mystification ; on the contrary,...

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T HE manner in which the Free-Kirk Presbytery of Dundee has been dealing, maw for some months past, with one of its members who is charged with heresy is the reverse of...

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I T would be a curious inquiry to determine, could it only be done with any approach to accuracy, how much the mismanagement of the Erie Railway has cost the people of the...

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THE CHURCH AND THE CLERGY.—Ill. go THE EDITOR OF TH3 EPROTAT011."] SIR,—There is a hitch somewhere, I said in my last letter. The testimonies which have been given in our age...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—" A Layman" complains of the helplessness of parishioners,. others dread the consequences of putting the Church patronage into the hands...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—An article on the Masonic Order of Templars in the Spectator of the 12th inst. contains the following passage, the italics being my own...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sir,—There is, I fear, one fatal objection to Mr. Bartlett's other- wise excellent proposition. It is most improbable that any Bishop would...


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EXHIBITIONS OF FOREIGN PICTURES. Exousu students of Art are so often told to seek abroad the models for their imitation, that it is rather startling to meet with two pictures...


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Sin,—I have read with great interest your article on the Bishop of Manchester's educational speech ; but it seems to me that Denominationalists have one most important reason on...

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] you permit me to

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suggest, in reference to your able article last week on education, that the conscientious difficulties of all parties would be removed by the adoption of the educational system...

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OLD-FASHIONED ETHICS AND COMMON-SENSE METAPHYSICS.* TEE fault of this thoughtful book is that it covers much too , wide a space to give anything like an adequate discussion to...

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AN AMERICAN HUMORIST.* MR. WARNER belongs to a school of

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American humorists which differs from such writers as Artenaus Ward, Bret Harts, and the 4 ' Sauntering& By Charles 1). Warner. 1872. Beek - log Studies. By Charles D. 1873....

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WAGES.* WE have simply no patience whatever with a book

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so utterly false to truth as this would-be supporter on philosophical grounds of the inherent and irreconcilable distinctions between class and class. We pity the anonymous...

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EARL RUSSELL'S ESSAYS.* EARL RUSSELL does not take that sombre

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and disquieting view of the spiritual prospects and speculations of Europe which, to judge from his allusions to Strauss's last work at Liverpool, forces itself on Mr....

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MRS. OLIPIIANT has stepped back on her old ground again, and treads it with as sure a foot as ever. None of the imperfections of her two last novels are to be traced in May,...

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Chapters of the History of Yorkshire. By J. J. Cartwright.

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(Wake- field: Allen.)—Mr. Cartwright has worked up some of the abundant materials which are to be found in the Public Record Office into a very readable volume, which will be of...

The Edinburgh Review, April. (London, Long-man; Edinburgh, Black.) — The Edinburgh Review

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is an average example of that quar- terly, but the current number contains but one article possessing unusual attractions. Information on subjects popular and recondite abounds,...

Down in Dingyshire. A Sketch of Life in the Black

The Spectator

Country_ (Seeloys.)—The writer has seen the country, or rather the people whom he describes in a way that no one but a hard-working parson can 803 them, and he tells his...

Turning-Points in Lift. By the Rev. F. Arnold. 2 vols.

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(Bentley.) —Mr. Arnold tells us that he has taken the suggestion of a friend, and expanded a magazine article into a volume. It would have been more accurate to say into two...


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The Quarterly Review. No. 268. (Murray.)—This is a very interesting number of the Quarterly. It has a clear, able, and excellent article on Central Asia ; a very thoughtful and,...

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famous girls' school. Worldly, selfish, and shrewd, with an admirable

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gift Brenchley (J. L.), Jottings during the Cruise of H.M.S. Curacoa ...(Longtu an) 42(1 of reading the minds of other people and appreciating them at their true It i ra l n o...

Life of Henry Digester. First President of Harvard College. By

The Spectator

Jeremiah Chaplin, D.D. (Boston, U.S.: Osgood.)—Henry Dunster, a native of Lancashire and a graduate of Cambridge, emigrated to Now England in 1640, to which place not a few of...

The Ocean World. By Louis Fig,uior. New edition, revised by

The Spectator

E. Percival Wright, M.D. (Cassell and Co.)—Dr. Wright speaks of his author as among "men eloquent after the fashion of their countrymen, but much more wanting in that exact...