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IN our second edition last week, we mentioned, on the authority of a gentleman who had left Brussels on the previous Thursday, that great fears were entertained by the better...

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Prince TALLEYRAND left Paris on his mission to England on

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the 2 1st, and arrived at Calais on the 23rd. If the weather per- mitted he would cross yesterday, and may therefore be expected in town to-day. Count LonAu arrived at Paris on...

An expiatory sacrifice, as it is termed, was made on

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Tuesday, at the Place de Grilve, to the manes of four young subaltern officers, named BORRIES, RAOUX, GOUBIN, POMMIER, who were guillo- tined in 1822, on a conviction of...

The principal acts of the French Legislative Assemblies; since our

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last report, have been the introduction of projects of law by M. GUIZOT for the purpose of affording relief to the distresses of the counti7, by reducing the duty on imported...

It has been suggested that the present would be a

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proper period for a commercial treaty between this country and France. We fear the manufacturers of Rouen would stand in- the way of any such arrangements, even if our precious...

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A report reached London a few days ago of an

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insurrection in the Russian capital. It requires confirmation. It is admitted that the army has been Icng in a discontented state. Revolution in Russia is at present, however,...

The intelligence of the revolution in Dresden, to which we

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al- luded in our last number, rested on private letters ; subsequent arrivals confirm it in all its essentials. The King has really, though not formally, resigned in favour of...

Prince . WILLIAM of Brunswick Oels arrived in his native city,

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which his respectable brother had so hastily abandoned, on the 10th. The disorders which had taken place after the retreat of the former ruler, seem to have been great, though...

THE KING.—His Majesty, it is said, is much pleased with

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Brighton; and though he will open Parliament in person—for our William the Fourth does not admire the very common practice of subordinate officers, of doing duty by deputy—he...

A private letter from Algiers, dated the 5th of September,

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con- tains the latest intelligence of the new settlenient, and a some- what affecting - account of the departure of BOURMONT. " The Marshal departed on the 3rd. in the evening,...

Letters from Frankfort on the Maine, dated lath September, speak

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of a movement in no fewer than forty of the states of Ger- many, with a view to put down the odious system of' laws, by which almost all the internal commerce of that portion of...

It has been stated by the Globe, on what oui

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prudent contem- porary declares to be authority, that MINA is actually on the Spanish frontiers. We may therefore look for news from Spain soon ; and the anticipations of the...

Reports have been circulated of a powerful Prussian force having

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taken up a position between Sarr-lonis and Sarrbruck ; but they seem to be premature at the least. The feelings of the Prussian Monarch towards his Rhenish provinces are pretty...

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BIRMINGHAM Drs . /ctn.—The Duke of Wellington and Sir Rober. Peel were

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entertained on Thursday at Birmingham, by the High Bait liff of that great town. About two hundred gentlemen sat down to dinner ; the Duke on the right, and Sir Robert Peel on...

COMMON Coulrerr..—At the meeting of the Common Council on Thursday,

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Mr. Stephens took occasion to introduce his motion for an approval of the late revolutionary movements in France. To the objec- tion that the motion was now too late, he...

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PURSERS OF THE NAVY.—The Portsmouth Herald gives the follow- ing

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as the new regulations expected to be adopted respecting this class of officers. "All those pursers who decline employment, or who have done so since the peace, to be...

FLASH HOUSES.—Mr. Thomas brought to the bar of Bow Street,

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on Tuesday, nine women and a number of men, whom he had captured in a house called the White Lion, in Wych Street. The women at least seven of them, were known as street-walkers...

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THE OLD BAILEY SESSIO Ns closed yesterday, with a long

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list ofjudg- ments. The Court is adjourned to the 28th of October. e •-■ CUTTING AND MAIMING.—Hectrup, a Shoemaker, was tried on Thursday, for an attempt to murder his wife....

PIRACY.—We stated a few of the particulars of the seizure

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of the Cyprus by the convicts on board, when we noticed last week the case of the four pirates who were lately sent home in the Kellie Castle and Charles Grant. On Wednesday,...

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MARRIAGE SETTLE3IENT.—On MOliday forenoon, a man about forty years of

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age, and many years in the employment of a carver and gilder in the neighbourhood o f Blackfriars, was married to a young woman of his own rank in life. After the ceremony, the...

Ma. Husxissow.—The widow of this distinguished statesman tuft yielded to

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the wishes of his constituents, that he should be buried within the precincts of Liverpool. The spot chosen for his intermentis the new Cemetery of that town ; in which,...

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PRINCE Tats.vrnsorn.—When M. de Chauvelin was sent to England in

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1792, B. de Talleyrand, the ex-Bishop of Autun who was anxious. for the post, could not obtain it because the members of the Consti.. tuent Assembly (of which he was one) had...

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DEATH op Mr. HAztarr.—Mr. William Hazlitt, the ingenious author of

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numerous works, and an extensive contributor to the perio- dical literature of the day, died on the evening of Saturday the 18th, at his lodgings in Frith Street, Soho, after a...


The Spectator

SPECTATOR OFFICE, SATURDAY, Two o'CLocit We have received German papers to the 19th. It appears that quiet has been restored in Saxony and Brunswick. The report that a book had...

At a late hour this morning, an express from Paris

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arrived, bringing a copy of the report made to the Chamber of Deputies by the Commission charged with examining the accusation against the Ex-Ministers. It is very long, and...

A second express has arrived with Paris papers dated the

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24th. The Messager des Chambres contains the following fragment" of a letter from Brussels, dated the 21st September, at four o'clock p. m. . . 'For the last hourifie l dhimili...

DONCASTER RACES. — It is whimsical to observe with what pertina- city

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of purpose or of folly the people who report on such matters con- tinue to impose on the public, if not on themselves, in their estimate of the qualities of the horses for a St....

Up to this hour there are no arrivals from Brussels.

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The com- munication between Brussels and Ostend and Calais appears to be suspended; a fact which is not easily reconciled with the re- ported uninterrupted entry of the regular...

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BIRTHS. On the 18th inst. in Great George Street, Westminster, the Lady of Dr. Lusn. INC:TON, Of a son. On the 19th inst. the Lady of the Rev. W. S. II. BRAEIAM, of the...


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STATE OF THE MINISTRY. Monxixo HERALD—The present uncertain state of the Ministry cannot but be considered a very serious evil to the country, and calculated to increase that...

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DEAR SPECTATOR, Brussels, Friday, September 17. IT is curious enough, that while in my last letter I was proving to you the fact of the Belgians being in a false position, that...


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STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING.-A very few words will suffice for our report of the Consol Market this week. The price has been well maintained since our last, and has even...


The Spectator

The Alfred, Jackson, from London to the Mauritius, was driven on shore at the Cape of Good Hope, on tIme 4th July, and has been condemned. The Patience, Matthews, front the...


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WHAT HAS THE DUKE GAINED BY THE ELECTIONS ? TEE Treasury say, twenty-one votes-fifteen in England, four in Scotland, and two in Ireland. The smart and rather malicious...

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THE Times observes—" It is a curious circumstance, that though there were perhaps as many as thirty or forty eye-witnesses of the dreadful accident by which Mr. Hussissoar lost...


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WE observe that the fellow who without any provocation maimed Mr. BROWN, by cutting his mouth open to the ear, has been ac- quitted on the ground of insanity, and, as it...


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IN estimating the cost of the New Police, it does not seem to have struck any of the objectors, that the police are on duty both night and day, and that the watch which they...

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IT is edifying to observe the distinctions which in practice judges and juries make in crimes of violence. One man seizes a knife, and mercifully stabs his victim ; the hairs of...


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IN our observations on the reception of Miss PATON since her separation from her husband, we have always contended that the public have no right to take cognizance of the...

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WE remember being struck, last year, with the very different ma- nagement of the Chester and Birmingham Festivals—with the total absence of a business-like arrangement of the...


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" Cease rude Boreas, blustering railer." A "London Mariner" has written us a letter of angry expostu- lation on the subject of some observations we lately made on the...

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. SIR THOMAS MUNRO.* , J , IN noticing the first two volumes of this work, we dwelt -particu- larly on what struck us most forcibly—the very amiable picture which they exhibited...

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THE author, in a new preface, informs us that some additions and an occasional erasure will be found in this impression ; and more- over, that all his works are made on the...

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Oua contemporary the Examiner spends nearly three columns of his last number in showing that our allusion (on the 3rd of July), to the "polished diction" of Sir JAMES...

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The Princess Victoria. Drawn from the Life by JOHN HATTER, and on Stone by WILLIAM SHARP. This is a splendid and captivating picture, and as a sketch it is one of the most...

Roe;ers's Italy, a Poem. Embellished with Engravings from the Designs

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of THOMAS STOTHARD, R.A. and J. M. W. TuR- NER, R.A. This is indeed a dainty book, and one that we should as soon think of criticising as a garland of flowers or a cluster of...

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The Marine Drawing-Book of British and Foreign Shipping. Drawn from Nature and on Stone, by G. P. REINAGLE. Mr. RetstaoLE is the young artist who put forth some clever and...

FUSELI'S LECTURES.* WHATEVER be the opinion concerning FUSEL! as a

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painter, there can be no doubt of his learning and talents as a scholar and a critic of art. Possessed of strong powers of mind, an original genius and extensive literary...

Specimen of "The Remembrance." •.,;

The Spectator

AnotberInnual! and edited by ROSCOE, who wrote -the -.descriptive matter of the Landscape Annual. Is he a pluralist editor of annuals ? The specimen is rich in promise, and...

Tales of Other Days ; with Illustrations by GEORGE CRUICK-

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SHANK. If the text of this little volume had been worthy of the talent of the designer, or even of the beauty and spirit of the wood-cuts, we should have had a rich treat ; but...

Sir Andrew Snape Hammond, Bart. From a Painting by LAW-

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RENCE. A vigorous head, full of character ; very effectively rendered in mezzotint, by PHILLIPS.

Six Views of North Wales. Drawn on Stone by G.

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CHILDS, P. GAUCI, and G. PICKERING. Grand scenery has as much to complain of as great men ; for notoriety attracts the incapable among artists, as well as the ignorant among...

Byron at the age of Eighteen. Carefully stippled, by Tuomas

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WRIGHT, from a feeble miniature,. equally destitute of character, and (we should judge) of resemblance. Miss Bowdler.

One of Mr. SLATER'S accurate likenesses lithographed by his brather.

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The expression of the countenance is that of an intelligent and benevo- lent elderly gentlewoman, with a sly and quiet sense of humour. We do not know if the works of the truly...

The Portraits in " Fraser's Magazine."

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The wicked wag who directs the battery of wit and satire which this periodical levels against the notorious characters of the present day, has obtained the graphic aid of a very...

The 1Vross Rose. Drawn on Stone by M. GAUCI from

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an Original Painting. The portrait of a lady of the time of George the Third ; somewhat feebly, though carefully and perhaps faithfully lithographed : it might possess an...


The Spectator

WE have seen a splendid and unique specimen of ornamental typo- graphy, which for its novelty and beauty is deserving of notice. It is the Diploma presented by the Asiatic...

Napoleon Musing at St. Helena. Painted by B. R. HAYDON.

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Engraved by J. E. Commas. This is a very pleasingly effective mezzotint of the small painting that was exhibited by Mr. HAYDON, along with his "Endes" and " Punch." As a...

The Cruel Pilferers. Drawn on Stone by W. P. SHERLOCK,

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from a Sketch by L. ADAMS. If a young lady chooses to amuse herself by making sketches like this, and afterwards having them lithographed, we can only say that it is as...

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WAR OFFICE, Sept. 21, 1830.-2nd Regt. of Dragoon Guards : Sur. Jeffreys Hateley, from the 64th Foot, to be Sur. vice Brown, promoted-3rd Dragoon Guards: Staff.Sur. G. R. Melin,...

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FROM THE LONDON GAZETTES. Taesday, September 21.

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PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. WRERDHAM and Mims, Brighton, upholders—S. and G. H. BRAME, East Street, Manchester Square, builders—BEaLBY and MARKS, Redcross Square, riband-dres-...


The Spectator

PUBLIC FUNDS. Safer. Non. Tues. SUGARS. Muscova. Brown p.cwt.49s. M. to 50s. O(1, — Strong. 0 — 0 0 ▪ Middling 50 0 —53 0 • — Good ... 54 0 —59 0 — Fine .... 60- 0 —65 0...

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