25 SEPTEMBER 1830, Page 21


WAR OFFICE, Sept. 21, 1830.-2nd Regt. of Dragoon Guards : Sur. Jeffreys Hateley, from the 64th Foot, to be Sur. vice Brown, promoted-3rd Dragoon Guards:

Staff.Sur. G. R. Melin, to be Sur. vice Peacocks, promoted-4th Dragoon Guards: Sur. H. Franklin, from the 37th Foot, to be Sur. vice Webster, promoted-1st Dra- goons : Capt. B. Everard, to be Major by purettage, vice Blois, who retires ; Lieut. J. B. Petre, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Eferarth Cor. W. R. Sands, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Petre; J. Dalton, Gent. to be Co;. by purchase, vice Sands-7th Light Dragoons : Sur. J. G. Hibbert, M.D. from the 99th Foot, to be Sur. vice Thomas, promoted-13th Light Dragoons: Capt. H. Vyner, from the half-pay, to be Capt. vice Sir A. T. C. Campbell, Bart. who exchanges-16th Light Dragoons : Sur. W. It. White, from the 31st Foot, to be Sur. vice Robinson, promoted—tat or Grenadier Regt. of Foot Guards : to be Lieut. and Capt..; Ens. and Lieut. G. S. Dighy, by purchase, vice Rowley, who retires—To be Ens. and Lieut. : Ens. Hon. W. T. Law, from the 51st Foot, by purchase, vice Digby—Coldstream Regt. of Foot Guards : Lieut. and Capt. C. Short, to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Girardot, who retires; MIS. and Lieut. Lord F. Paulet, to be Lieut and Capt. by purchase, vice Short ; R. S. Hulse, Gent. to be Ens. and Lieut. by purchase, vice Paulet-1st Foot : Capt. B. Daveney, from the 57th Foot to be Capt. vice Lane, who exchanges-19th Foot : Capt. S. J. Hodgson, from the 39th Foot, to be Capt. vice W. E. Sweny, who retires upon half-pay 9th Foot-23rd Foot : Lieut. M.A. Stewart, from the half-pay, to be First Lieut. vice E. T. Ellis, who exchanges-31st Foot : Staff-Assist.-Sur. H. Hart, M.D. to be Sur. vice White, appointed to the 16th Light Dragoons-37th Foot : Staff-Assist.-Sur. T. Wahab. M.D. to be Sur. vice Franklin, appointed to the 4th Dragoon Guard--301.1z Foot : Capt. C. Waldron, from half-pay 9th Foot, to be Capt. vice Hodgson, appointed to the 19th Foot-5Ist Foot : H. Hop- wood, Gent, to be Ens, by purchase, vice Law, appointed to the 1st or Grenadier Foot Gnards-57th Foot: Capt. E. Lane, from the 1st Foot, to be Capt.vice Daveney, who exchankes ; Assist.-Sur. J. Macdonnell, from the 55th Foot, to be Sur. vice Evans, promoted-62nd Foot : Assist.-Sur. H. W. Radford, from the 46th Foot, to be Sur. vicelIPPherson, appointed to the G4th Foot-64th Foot ; Sur. 1). M'Pherson, from the 62nd Foot, to be Sur. vice Hateley, appointed to the 2nd DragoodGuards —73rd Foot: Copt T. B. Bower, from the half.pay, to be Capt. vice E. L. Godfrey, who exchanges-84th Foot : Ens. S. J. Goslin, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Adair, promoted-91st Foot : Assist.-Sur. J. H. H. Diver, from ti .e 79th Foot, to be Sun vice Lamert, promoted-99th Foot : Assist.-Sur. W. Williams, to be Sur. vice Hib. bert, appointed to the 7th Light Dragoons.

Hospital Staff.—To be Inspectors-General of Hospitals : Brevet Inspectors,

S. Woolriche, C. Farrell, M.D. J. Robb, T. Thompson, S. Higgins. To be Deputy Inspectors-General of Hospitals—Brevet Deputy Inspector J. 111`Mullin, M.D.; Brevet Deputy Inspector J. Arthur, M.D.; Physician to the Forces .1. Arthur, M.D. Brevet Deputy Inspector J. Q. Short, Sun to the Forces ; Brevet Deputy Inspector C. Collier, Sur. to the Forces; Brevet Deputy Inspector J. Mating, Sur. to the Forces ; Staff-Sur. J. V. Thompson; Staff-Sur. J. Murray ; Staff-Sur. H. Marshall; Staff-Sur. J. Howell; Brevet Deputy Inspector R. Bartle, Sur. to the Forces ; Staff- Sur. Sir A. Halliday, M.D. - Sur. A. Brown, from the 2nd Dragoon Guards; Sun M. Lamert, from the 91st Foot ; Sur. I. Robinson, from the 16th Light Dragoons ; Sur. R. Webster, from the 4th Drazoon Guards ; Sur. W. D. Thomas, M.D. from the 7th Light Dragoons; Sur. S. Peacocke, M.D. from the 3rd Dragoon Guards; Sur. J. Evans, from the 57th Foot. To be Sur. to the Forces : Assist.-Sur. U. J

Jemmett, from the 12th Light Dragoons.

"By a great establishment, I mean one that will employ the living I The King has been pleased to appoint Colonel J. Guille to be his Majesty's Aide- Clerks A. 0. Saunders, C. Seymour, F. T. Illylrea, J. Macpherson, W. Montresor,

Militia in Guernsey.