23 NOVEMBER 1872

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Russia is getting on fast in Central Asia. She has

The Spectator

signed treaties with the Khan of Kokan, the Ameer of Bokhara, and Yakoob Bey, the ruler of Kashgar, allowing all Russians to travel at will in those Manatee, and announces...

It would seem that the King of Spain is seriously

The Spectator

ill. Reuter announces that a Council was held on Thursday in consequence of the King's state of health, a statement which, had it been inaccurate, would not have been allowed to...

On a review of all the facts connected with the

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emeute, the public will, we think, come to this conclusion. The men were hopelessly in the wrong, their duty to the community being clear, and their obligation under their...

If we may trust the telegram from Berlin, the new

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Bill regulat- ing ecclesiastical punishments and discipline in Prussia is to be extraordinarily strong, and to amount almost to the expulsion of the Roman Catholic Church from...


The Spectator

T "preoccupation of the week has been the crisis at Versailles. On Monday General Changarnier proposed that the Assembly should formally censure M. Gambetta's speech at...

London on Monday began to dread a strike of its

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Police. The Chief Commissioner has for some time past been negotiating with the Force about an increase of pay. The negotiation was con- ducted through a Committee of Delegates,...

• The rumours about these negotiations are endless, but the

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following account is probably near the truth. The Right at first seemed determined, and offered the Presidency first to the Duc d'Aumale and afterwards to Marshal Macmahon ; but...

fly.* The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

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A telegram from Bombay announces that the new Begum of

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Bhopal, Secundra II., has been invested with the Star of India, and appeared at the ceremony veiled. That is, if we are not mis- taken, a departure from the older Indian...

Mr. Goschen's reference in his speech at Bristol to the.

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vast agglomerations of land held by corporations created some surprise, not unmixed perhaps with a little alarm among many of the corporate bodies holding land. The Times now...

The case of " tunding " at Winchester, which has

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excited so- much interest, has been referred to the Governing Body by Dr. Ridding, the Head Master. He, with all his assistant masters, though disapproving the severity of the...

Whether the cry of Disestablishment would be really a popular

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one even in the great towns we very much doubt. Mr. Samuel Morley, M.P. for Bristol, himself a Nonconformist, does not hesi- tate, in addressing his constituents, to repudiate...

The Police have made a grand raid upon the professional

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betting men. Three hundred of them were arrested at three " clubs " in the City, and after a careful weeding the police decided to prosecute about sixty. They were all admitted...

Sir Stafford Northcote has been speaking at South Molten, in

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Devonshire, on Church defence; but he has not succeeded in saying much beyond that it is becoming the duty even of clergymen to think a little of what they can contribute to the...

The Nonconformist is taking pains to prove by very elaborate

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statistics, furnished by its own commissioner, that the increase of Nonconformist Church sittings since 1851 has been much larger than that of National Church sittings since the...

The "fascination of money" for some minds, of which we

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speak elsewhere, is scarcely more strange than the indifference of others- to its preservation. The other day a lady died, Mrs. Mangin. Brown, in London, with a fortune of...

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A great festivity was held yesterday week at the Cannon

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Street Hotel, to celebrate the completion of the Telegraph to Australia, and certainly the meeting was remarkable for one thing,—the vast enthusiasm with which "the integrity of...

Mr. Stansfeld on Thursday received a deputation from the British

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Medical Association, and explained to them his policy with regard to the appointment of officers of health. He felt compelled to work through Boards of Guardians, because they...

The Court of Common Pleas has finally decided that a

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Peer cannot vote at an election to the House of Commons. The point was raised by Lord Beauchamp and Lord Salisbury, and Mr. Wills, counsel for the former Peer, admitted from the...

The very gruesome murder discovered last week in Cropton Lane,

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aear Pickering, Yorkshire, has been pretty well cleared up. Ever since May last, Joseph Wood, and a little boy Joseph Thompson, eight years old, the son of his late housekeeper,...

Admiral Craigie writes from Dawlish (November 16th) a strik- ing

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account of the bold seamanship of a boy of fourteen, carried out from Exmouth to the open sea by the tide. It was blowing hard from the north-east, so the little chap got his...

A carious speech by a Conservative working-man has been reported

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at full length this week by the Liverpool Daily Mail, now one of the best conducted of our great provincial journals, which threatens to rival even the Manchester Guardian, or...

Console were on Friday 921 to 92f.

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M. TRIERS AND " THEIRIGHT." T HE result of the course adopted by M. Thiers is becoming clear, but we confess ourselves puzzled as to its original design. The President's...

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L ORD GRANVILLE'S happy set-down the other day to the City dignitaries who insist on talking so per- sistently during the Ministerial speeches at the Guildhall banquet as to...

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N OBODY comes very well out of this London Police ermeute except Mr. Ingham, the sitting Magistrate in Bow Street. He explained the law clearly and applied it firmly—but with...

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B Y far the most honest and sincere speech yet made during this Recess is that delivered by Mr. Talbot, Member for Glamorganshire, at Bridgend, on Tuesday. Mr. Talbot does not...

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A VERY significant meeting of somewhat audacious Uni- versity Reformers was held at the Freemasons' Tavern this day week, which shows pretty clearly the discontent with which...

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ATR. DARWIN seldom deals with a subject on which he has itl not collected sufficient evidence to make out, if not his whole case, at least so much of it as to give quite a new...

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P ERHAYS the most noteworthy fact about the list of mil- lionaires we published last week was the interest it excited. People who rarely read anything spelled over that long,...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE 'SPECTATOR."] SIR,—As I was reading over again the other day Father Newman's well-known "Development of Christian Doctrine," I stumbled upon the following...


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THE POSITIVIST DREAM. [To THE EDITOR. OF THE "SPECTATOR,") was unfortunately unable to see your article on Mr. F. Harrison's last statement in the " Fortnightly" until this...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] 'St; —You ask how I should like to be the tenant-at-will of my London house. My answer is that I shall be ready to consider the question as...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] SIR,—May I ask for space to correct a slight error in your .account of Alleyn's foundation ? You say . , speaking of the parishes of...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] SIR,—Herbert says, "Schoolmasters deliver us to laws " ; to a schoolboy justice is more important than kindness, he cares more for it, and...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE"SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I am sufficiently sensitive to the critical acumen of the Spectator to desire to be allowed to vindicate myself from the im- putation of...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOIL.1 SIR,—You have so often shown your sympathy for the brave and unfortunate nation of Denmark, that I have good hope you will allow me in a few...


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SPECTATOR:1 . S111,—With your permission I will bring my mite to the discus- sion of the Agricultural Labourers' question, so profitably conducted in your columns. What I have...

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MRS. OLIPHANrS LIFE OF MONTALEMBERT.* MRS. OLIPHANT has had a difficult task before her in this book, and yet not perhaps quite so difficult as it seems. To present the great...


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[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR, — What have I done to be excluded from the English language altogether in favour of my foreign relatives, Liberal and Generous ? —Your...


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(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.') Srn,—The Tinies' Indian correspondent and the Indian papers have very generally intimated that on the resignation of Lord Napier of Magdala,...

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THE least readable books of travel in the English language are those, Dr. Livingstone's included, which record the history of African explorations, as the most monotonously...

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"I ass going to take it for granted now and henceforth," says the voice which has spoken so many delightful things to us in the The Poet at the Breatfast-Tabla By Oliver Wendell...

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ASPECTS OF AUTHORSHIP.* THE first hasty peeps into a book

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which the reader takes in order to see if it be worth reading, and the reviewer to tell if it be worth reviewing, are not always trustworthy. In the present in- stance, looking...

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Tuts is one of the class of novels that are sufficiently good to make us think they ought to have been a great deal better. Lady Hardy is, of course, no novice in the work of...

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Shaving Them ; or, the Adventures of Three Yankees on

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the Continent of Europe. Edited by Titus A. Brick. (J. 0. Hotten.)—The three, who are really five, Yankees go through the Continent contending with robbers, robbers civil and...

Fashion : the Philosophy of Ancient and Modern Dress and

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Fashion. By George P. Fox. (Triibner.)—We own with shame that till we saw this book we had never heard of Mr. G. P. Fox. He is not a mere author. He is, it seems, permanent...

The Last Days of Pere Gratry. By Pere Adolphe Perraud.

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Trans- lated by the Author of "A Dominican Artist." (Rivingtons.)—This is a very interesting sketch of one who inherited the spirit of the beet days of the Gallic= Church, and...

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Loves and Lives : an Unfinished Stm7. By Ellis Ainsley.

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(Whittaker.) —The "unfinished story" only wants the formal ending. We can guess that the hero will be made happy, though he has not a sixpence of his own, and does not seem to...

Prolegomena to Ancient History. By John P. Mahaffy. (Longman.) —Professor

The Spectator

Mahaffy's volume consists of two parts, the first being "The Interpretation of Legends and Inscriptions," the second, "A Survey of Old Egyptian Literature." He is of the...