A Great Festivity Was Held Yesterday Week At The Cannon
Street Hotel, to celebrate the completion of the Telegraph to Australia, and certainly the meeting was remarkable for one thing,—the vast enthusiasm with which "the integrity of......
Mr. Stansfeld On Thursday Received A Deputation From The...
Medical Association, and explained to them his policy with regard to the appointment of officers of health. He felt compelled to work through Boards of Guardians, because they......
The Court Of Common Pleas Has Finally Decided That A
Peer cannot vote at an election to the House of Commons. The point was raised by Lord Beauchamp and Lord Salisbury, and Mr. Wills, counsel for the former Peer, admitted from the......
The Very Gruesome Murder Discovered Last Week In Cropton...
aear Pickering, Yorkshire, has been pretty well cleared up. Ever since May last, Joseph Wood, and a little boy Joseph Thompson, eight years old, the son of his late housekeeper,......
Admiral Craigie Writes From Dawlish (november 16th) A...
account of the bold seamanship of a boy of fourteen, carried out from Exmouth to the open sea by the tide. It was blowing hard from the north-east, so the little chap got his......
The Case Of " Tunding " At Winchester, Which Has
excited so- much interest, has been referred to the Governing Body by Dr. Ridding, the Head Master. He, with all his assistant masters, though disapproving the severity of the......
A Carious Speech By A Conservative Working-man Has Been...
at full length this week by the Liverpool Daily Mail, now one of the best conducted of our great provincial journals, which threatens to rival even the Manchester Guardian, or......