19 JANUARY 1839

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The Spectator

TnE " middle class agitation " against the Corn-laws, and the social state of Ireland, have been the subjects of engrossing interest this week. The Corn-law movement proceeds...

Although upwards of 3000/. and an annuity of 100/. has

The Spectator

been proclaimed to it population of paupers, as a reward for the dis- covery of Lord NORBURY ' S murderer, as yet no information has been given which can lead to it, and no...

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The affair at Harrisburg had not been entirely settled ;

The Spectator

but it was supposed that a compromise would be effected by the with- drawal of both Speakers; and the report of a committee on the validity of' the Philadelphia elections.

ebe Court.

The Spectator

Viscount Mellsnirne visited the Queen on Monday morning ; and in the evening, Viscount Melbourne, Lord Glenelg, Mr. Spring Rice, Mr. George Byug, and Viscount Melbourne's nephew...

Etc ftirtropolio.

The Spectator

The Court of Common Council assembled on Thursday ; when the attendance of members was unusually numerous, the business before the Court being very important. Mr. II. L. Jones,...

Disturbances have broken out among the slaves at Guadaloupe ;

The Spectator

where the planters also are annoyed by the pfeference of beet-root to Colonial sugar in France.

A vessel from New York has brought newspapers dated the

The Spectator

26th of last month, which supply a few items of Canadian intelligence. Thirteen prisoners had been tried by court-martial at 'Montreal; three of whom were acquitted, and ten...

The French Ministers have been supported by small majorities of

The Spectator

the Chamber of Deputies in amendments to the Opposition ad- dress. On a motion to amend the address, by attributing the peace and prosperity of the country to the King's...

The news from Spain is unimportant ; and we cannot

The Spectator

do better than take from the Morning (Arend& the following brief description of the state of affairs in that country. " We have of late bestowed little space or attention on...

The Lord Mayor, on Timrsday, received a requisition signed by

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110 members of the Common Council, including. three Aldermen, to summon a special meeting of the Common Council to petition Parliament for a "repeal or modification of the...

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The Court of Queen's Bench was occupied ailing the first

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three days et the week with arguments of counsel in the case of the twelve Cana- dian prisoners, brought from Liverpool, where they were in custody of the gaoler, to London, on...

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A tradesman residing in High Street, Borough, complained to the

The Spectator

Magistrates at the Town-hall on Monday, that on Friday evening a large square of plate-glass had been broken in his window by a bullet, evidently fired from a pistol or air-gun....

The Court of Exchequer, on Monday, refused to grant a

The Spectator

rule for a new trial to set aside a verdict for arrears of salary gained by Mr. Fraser, the singer, against Mr. Bunn. The Judges met on Thursday morning, mid chose their Spring...

Viz ro b in re4. .

The Spectator

At Leeds, on Tuesday, many thousand persons assembled to consider the question of Corn-law repeal. Mr. Feargus O'Connor had publicly anummeed that he should attend the meeting "...

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Mr. Collett, a Tory, has offered hiteee:f as a candidate

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to represent Lineola 'the next election. By the letters from Liverpool it appears, that a meeting has beett called together of the proprietors of the :tleneliester and...

A poor indnstrinue man of Charleoemb, near Bath, earned, owing

The Spectator

to the had yield and short days, by thrashing wheat by the bushel, during the whole of last weeh, troto daylight till dark, -2.s. him!. At the close of the some week, wheat was...


The Spectator

A meeting of the Magistrates of King's County was held in the Court-house of Ttillamore, on the 10th instant, to take into consideration the disturbed state of the country,...

The country papers are filled with details of ravages committed

The Spectator

by the hurricane; but nothing very remerl - able is mentioned in addi- tion to the accounts given last 11 - (1 , 1c. A pent kejan froie Clieehire sta;es, that such was the...

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Mr. O'Connell, on Tuesday, delivered a long speech to the

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Precursors in reference to the proceedings at the Tullarnore meeting. He in- veighed in bitter terms against Lord Oxmantown's attack upon the Catholic peasantry and priests, and...

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The Spectator

The bankers, merchants, manufacturers, and mill-spinners of Dun- dee, assembled last week and passed resolutions for the repeal of the Corn-laws, and all protective duties on...

On Sunday morning, Thomas M‘Kinnis, a shoemaker, residing in King

The Spectator

Street, Glasgow, murdered his sister, a deaf and dumb young woman of twenty, by stabbing her several times in the abdomen. The man proclaimed his crime himself, and said that he...


The Spectator

Colonel Cavendish was till lately in almost constant attendance on the Queen. Except Lord Melbourne's, no name appeared so regularly in the Court Circular, as the gallant...

The Special Commission was opened at Clonmel on Tuesday. A

The Spectator

report was circulated in Dublin, that Judge Burton had been murdered on his journey into Tipperary ; but he appeared on the bench at Clonmel. The trial of Cornelius Hickey and...

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The renewed opposition of the Times to the Corn-laws, after

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a long silence on the subject in leading articles, has naturally caused a news- paper "sensation." The Standard, with gloomy foreboding of evil consequences to its party, from...


The Spectator

SATURDAY NIGIIT. • ' The French Chamber of Deputies,: late on Wednesdarevening, re- jected an amendment to the address which declared approbation 'of the foreign policy of the...

. The news from the provinces this morning is of

The Spectator

a cheering charac- ter. The Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures held their annual Meeting on Wednesday, and, by a majority of 23 to 4, adopted the report of a...


The Spectator

Arrived—At Gravesend, Jan. 16th, Janet, Chalmers, from Mauritius ; 190., Isa- bella, Monro, from Bengal. Off Southwold. 19th, William Lee, Sheppard. from nitt . At Liverpool....

. - Much surprise has been excited at Paris by Louis

The Spectator

Philippe going into mourning for his daughter, which is contrary to custom, and by his wearing black, violet being, according to etiquette, assumed on such oc- casions by the...

At the Middlesex Sessions, on Wednesday, the Overseers of St.

The Spectator

Paul's Covent Garden appealed against a decision of Magistrates in Special Session, reducing the sum at which Covent Garden had been rated, from 2,812/. to 1,202/: Henry...

Importations of foreign wheat, in moderate quantities, are announced ;

The Spectator

end the trade was rather dull at the beginning of the week ; but yes- terday the market assumed a firm appearance. The London average is 82s. 8d. a quarter ; and the six weeks...

Mr. POULETT THOMSON has, to propitiate his Manchester constitu- ency,

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republished the speech he delivered against the Corn-laws in March 1834, with an introductory letter to Alderman KERSHAW. Mr. THOMSON says, that - when he joined Lord GREY'S...

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Resolutions were passed yesterday by a public meeting at the

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Lon- don Tavern, in favour of establishing a company for the conveyance of letters, newspapers, and periodicals, and for providing such accommoda- tion to passengers, as shall...


The Spectator

Accounts received on Thursday from Adelaide, South Australia, are very satisfactory. The letters bear date only to the 31st of July, but the 13th and 14th numbers of the...


The Spectator

STOCK EttCUANOR, FRIDAY ArCERN0011. The exportation of gold continues, and a large amount has been &spa:el:LA in the early part of this week to Paris. The demand for bullion is...


The Spectator

THE anniversary festival of this Society was held on Thursday evening, at Freemason's Tavern: the attendance was very numerous, and a large proportion of the company took part...


The Spectator

CHRISTMAS has been propitious to all the Theatres, but Covent Garden is especially prosperous : the Tempest still rages three nights in the week, and MAens;anv prospers equally...

Sir Francis Burdett is about to attend a Tory dinner

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in Wolverhamp- ton; and a hundred workmen-probably not without having been prompted thereto-have sent him an invitation to enter into a discus- sion with them on the chief...

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The Spectator

DEBATES IN PARLIAMENT. IN considering the question of internal Parliamentary Reform, the most salient as well as the most generally interesting point for re- mark concerns the...

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The Spectator

CONSTITUTIONAL fallacies have been exposed by the merciless liaamsam, and others, covered in part by strips of the mantle he left behind. That must indeed be a tyro, who...


The Spectator

IT is now certain that numerous petitions will be presented to the House of Commons, :seal after the confmencement of next session, for leave to prove at the bar of the House...

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The Poor-law Commissioners are involved in a dispute with the

The Spectator

Guardians of the Braintree Union, respecting out-door relief. The Essex Herald gives the following account of a recent interview be- tween a deputation of the Guardians and the....


The Spectator

THE project for reuniting the Dissenters as a political body, appears unlikely to succeed. A trusted organ of a considerable and influ- ential portion of the Nonconformists, the...

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The Spectator

Marro1ff, Francis's Reign of Terror. Sequel to Letters on Paraguay. Tly .T. P. and W. P. Robertson. In 3 vols. Vol. III ihirray. GOT.ONIA I. GOV ERNM ENT, . The Bubbles of...


The Spectator

Tam two volumes to which this publication is a sequel, narrated the various travels and adventures of the elder Mr. ROBERTSON, closing with the arrival of a younger brother at...

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••• ,, ■•THI1-•111.1DBL148 , OF , VANKDA4, • TIM otherday, when looking over

The Spectator

the announcement s of an " tient," publiSher's ibrtheotning hooks, the sisperstitiouS reSpeef.'paid to names, without the Slightest respect to fitness, Was . foreibly im-...


The Spectator

It' we decide upon the nature of a particular class of works by the qualities they usually display,—and criticism, incapable of originating any thing, has no other means of...

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The Spectator

Tuts volume puz4ed us. At first we fancied it a joke, whose points were not very obvious to any save the author : but a recollec- tion of the expense of it thick octavo banished...


The Spectator

BotiND boons. The Life of George Lord Anson, Admiral of the Fleet, Vice-Admiral of Great Britain, and First Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty previous to and during. the Seven...

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The Spectator

FORTHCOMING SKETCHES. SOME half dozen folios of Original Sketches, executed in tint-litho- graphy by the artists themselves, (with only one exception,) are pre- paring for...