The news from Spain is unimportant ; and we cannot
do better than take from the Morning (Arend& the following brief description of the state of affairs in that country.
" We have of late bestowed little space or attention on the number of small and insignificant titets which mark the progress of Spanish affairs, even al- though civil war is raging, the Cortes sitting, and a new Ministry but just in- stalled. The country seems to slumber on, and take its winter repose, as if its present state had 'become its regular and normal one. We have, indeed, the same events to record as under previous Administrations. The military powers are exclaiming against the financial ones for not providing funds; mid a quarrel had emc.mied on that Recount, it is said, between Pin Pita and A laix. The Mi- nister of Finance, however, had mustered thirty-six millions of real, and was about to despatch the same to stop the mouth of Espartero. Cordova had de- termined on standing his trial."