17 DECEMBER 1864

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The Spectator

T HE Privy Council has commenced the hearing of the Bishop of Natal's petition for relief against the proceedings of the Bishop of Cape Town. His counsel contend that the Bishop...

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The Spectator

THE BRADFORD LIBERALS AND THE DEMOCRATS. M R. FORSTER, the member for Bradford, in his speech at the Reform meeting there on Thursday week, set an admirable example to the...

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MR. GLADSTONE'S NEW SCHEME. T HE Railway scheme attributed to Mr.

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Gladstone ought to be discussed in essentials at least before the meeting of Parliament, if only to avert that surprised annoyance with which the nation always receives a...

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CIALDINI ON THE ITALIAN FUTURE. T HE somewhat unreal debate on

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the transfer of the Italian capital, unreal because the men who discussed had scarcely the option of refusal, has been illustrated by a great incident. The argument in the...

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The Spectator

F OR some time past, in spite of the silence of journals which hasten to dilate on every act of lawless folly of which any Northern officer is guilty, accounts have reached this...

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PARISIAN POLITICS. T HERE is a quietude in French politics just

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now which Europe, if it understood them, would perhaps scarcely like. Quietude in France implies ennui, and ennui in France produces change, and change in France involves the...

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The Spectator

it STORY told by a convict this week to Baron Bramwell illustrates strangely two of the greatest evils of English society,—its restless social ambition, and its pitilessness....

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Company, anxious not to quarrel with the free colonies. These

The Spectator

IT is said that when Pope had undertaken to translate the Iliad tude as a relapsed convict. Pope, suffer any of the pangs of imaginative travail. Nor are the As when the west...

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THE CAMPBELLS.—(CONTINUED.) TIRE Great Marquis had married Lady Margaret Douglas,

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daughter of William, second Earl of Morton, and his eldest Son by her, Archibald, became on his father's execution the head of the House of Campbell. He had been carefully...

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The Spectator

MR. MAURICE'S NEW SERMONS.* THERE are two charges whiCh have been habitually made and recently repeated in high quarters against the author of this book, which must have no...

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The Spectator

THE history of Ikee is at least as important as the history of gems, which has employed some of the wisest pens, and Mrs. Bury Palliser has executed her task with a kind of...

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The Spectator

IF it is worth while to write a book, it is worth while to write it as well as you easily can. That seems a simple rule, and one which does not bear very hardly upon the...

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WHEN a few months back half the literary men in London and all the actors and actresses were quarrelling in honour of Shake- speare, the brightest idea which suggested itself to...

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Golden - Hair. I Tale of the Pilgrim Fathers. By Sir L.

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Wraxall, Bart. (Sampson Low, Son, and Marston.)—A thoroughly good boys' book. The story is full of incident, and always moves on, and it has the groat ad- vantage of having...

Belforest. By the Author of Mary Powell. (Bentley.)—A readable but

The Spectator

very unequal novel, in which the author seems to have been pene- trated with a wish to imitate Miss Mitford. The story opens admir- ably, introducing us to quite an original...

What Men Have Said about Women. Compiled by H. Southgate,

The Spectator

with Illustrations by J. D. Watson. (Routledge, Warne, and Routledge.)— The ladies ought to support Mr. Southgate, for ho has collected to- gether a very pretty volume, full...

The Lake Country. By E. Lynn Linton, with one hundred

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illustra- tions by W. J. Linton. (Smith, Elder, and Co.)—Apparently a companion volume to Mr. Wise's New Forest, also illustrated by Mr. W. J. Linton, which the same...


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wealth on a plain yeoman's family of old blood, but so little acquainted with conventions that the father shakes hands with his butler, and when introduced to finger-glasses...

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The Young Yachtsman. By Anne Bowman. (Routledge, Warne, and Routledge.)—This

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is a tale of adventure and no mistake. Major Moore and his wife, sons, and daughter, go yachting with Captain Moore, the Major's brother. They visit Iceland, are chased by...

Shakespeare's Dramatic Works. (William Collins.)—A handsome volume after the manner

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of Campbell's well-known edition, with a nicely written biography by Mr. Henry Glassford Bell. The book is a little ponderous, but clearly printed and on fairly good paper.

The Child's Commentator on the Holy Scriptures. By Ingram Cobbin,

The Spectator

M.A. (Jackson, Walford, and Hodder.)—This book is well suited for young children, to whom Mr. Cobbin rather elaborately writes down. Of course Mr. Cobbin, after the manner of...

Lion - Hearted. By the Author of The Gambler's Wife. 2 vols.

The Spectator

(Samp- son Low, Son, and Marston.)—The two first chapters of this novel are so very superior to the rest that they cause a sense of disappointment in the reader, which is likely...

Tossed on the Waves. By Edwin Hodder. (Jackson, Walford, and

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Hodder.)—This is a fair boys' book, not calling for any especial criticism so far as it is a story. With the religious theory which it forces on the attention, namely, that it...

Pictures of English Life. After original studies. By R. Barnes

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and E. M. Wimporis. Engraved by J. D. Cooper, with descriptive poems by J. G. Watts. (Sampson Low, Son, and Marston.)—This handsome volume is entirely in the English taste. It...

Mick Tracy, the Irish Scripture - Reader. By "W. A. C.," of

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Canada West New and revised edition. (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.)—The author assures us in his preface that this is a true story, so we suppose we must believe that a Romish...

The North British Review. December, 1864.—The number opens with a

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notice rather historical than critical, of the efforts which have been made by some of the great manufacturing firms to civilize their workpeople, and to remedy the "great want...

Crusoe's Island, with Sketches of Adventure in California and Was/we.

The Spectator

By J. Rosa Browne. (Sampson Low, Son, and Marston.)—Mr. Browne has spoilt his book by mixing up a quantity of fiction intended to be humorous, with his account of Juan...

The Temple Anecdotes. By Ralph and Chanties Temple. (Groom. bridge

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and Sons.)—The first volume of this series, relating to "Inven- tion and Discovery," is now completed, and with its illustrations, neat binding, and gilt edges, forms an elegant...

Thornycroft Hall. By Emma Jane Worboise. (Jackson, Walford, and Hodder.)—The

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author has in this novelette, which is by no means a child's book, but suited to young ladies who are quite grown up and even coming out, produced out of somewhat faded...

Every - Day Papers. By Andrew Halliday. 2 vols. (Tinsley Brothers.) —These

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papers have already appeared in All the Year Round and other serials, and deserve to be republished. Such papers as the "Tragic Case of a Comic Writer," "My Pantomime," "...


The Spectator

Smith, Elder, and Co.—Lost Among the Affghans, by H. 0. Fry. Maude Neville, 2 vole.; the Law of Life, by H. E. Wil- kinson. Bell and Daldy—Stricklind's Lives of the Queens of...