16 MARCH 1985

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Portrait of the week

The Spectator

president Chernenko died at last, and was succeeded by Mikhail Gorbachev with Andrei Gromyko as second in com- mand. It was announced that President Chernenko had suffered from...


The Spectator

TODAY! Please enter a subscription to The Spectator. I enclose my cheque for £ 12 Months 6 Months UK/Eire 0 £34.50 O £17.25 II Students 0 £15.95 • f7.95 (Please mate college...

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The Spectator

Red Ken's epiphany p icture this morning, as 'Crossbencher' 1 of the - Sunday Express may well have said last Sunday, Mr Ken Livingstone, the leader of the GLC. What thoughts,...

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A common fate

The Spectator

rr he March/April issue of the magazine 'Antiques Across The World contains an article by Sir lain Moncrieffe of that Ilk. The contents page advertises it thus: WARNING OF...


The Spectator

S o he has come at last. The golden boy of Western Kremlinology, 'young', 'humorous', 'charismatic' Mikhail Gor- bachev is finally at the helm, and the World's media sing, like...

In this, our Scottish issue, we are delighted to be

The Spectator

able to congratulate Mr James Kay on an extraordinary victory. Mr Kay who, under the pseudonym of Seumas Ban, was one of the winners of our Scottish poetry competition last...

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Another voice

The Spectator

Lessons of Jamaica Auberon Waugh efore leaving for an important fact- .1.1 finding mission to Jamaica on 27 February — it really is a most agreeable time to be there — I read...

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The Spectator

I hear, as Mt . Nigel Dempster might say, of an important marriage heading for the rocks. After their fashionable and well- attended wedding in the snows of January, at which...

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Mitterrand penned in

The Spectator

Sam White Paris I t will be only after the second round of voting in the Cantonal elections this Sunday that President Mitterrand will de- cide whether to introduce an element...

One hundred years ago

The Spectator

We cannot see the special `hardship' to Lord Durham upon which some of our contemporaries are so eloquent. It is a terrible misfortune for any man to see his wife become...

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Special Scottish Issue

The Spectator

On leaving Edinburgh Ludovic Kennedy T he last of the children had left for points south and beyond, and if we were to continue to see anything of them, we had to move too. In...

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The Governor-General

The Spectator

Allan Massie A t first glance, the Secretary of State for Scotland looks a little out of place in the present Cabinet. Its other leading figures are, as the sociologists say,...

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The Ossian forgeries

The Spectator

Wrong but romantic Hugh Trevor-Roper B efore 1745 the Scottish Highlanders were despised barbarians. In 1745 they were feared barbarians. After 1746 they could no longer...

Page 16

Bad climate

The Spectator

Jo Gnmond O ne of the most curious features of the last war was the number of lectures to which the troops were subjected; they bore them with good-natured tolerance. A brother...

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Twenty years of Perth

The Spectator

Roy Kerridge B y coincidence I have visited the beauti- ful city of Perth, former capital of Scotland, once in every ten years. On my first visit, in 1965, I stayed at the...

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Banking on nationalism

The Spectator

Michael Fry Edinburgh A dead hand has lain on Scotland since 1979. A generation reared on heady dreams of devolution has sunk into morose listlessness, or joined the diaspora....

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The press

The Spectator

A true Scot Paul Johnson rr he Scottish presence in British journal- .1. ism, not least in Fleet Street, is power- ful and pervasive. It dates from at least the days of the...

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City and Suburban

The Spectator

The signal to sell I intend nothing personal when I wonder how David Sainsbury plans to spend next Tuesday afternoon. Mr Sainsbury is the finance director of the grocery...

Fairer Exchange

The Spectator

G ood news from the Royal Exchange, that handsome City nest where Guar- dian Royal Exchange Assurance has cast itself as the cuckoo. GRE, for the sake of giving itself more...

Safely grazing

The Spectator

R ival bidders jostle on the steps of Harrods, while, within, the chairman stands at bay. Then the rough bidder jostles his softly-spoken rival aside, mar- ches in to the...

Grapefruit Hall

The Spectator

J am grateful for the anxious inquiries .which followed the announcement (in last week's Spectator) that I was recovering from injuries sustained at a health farm. It has been...

Edgy in gilts

The Spectator

T he gilt-edged market's hopes and fears are of a different order. Government stocks (and, now, companies' loan stocks too) are outside the scope of capital gains tax, provided...

Colin Welch will resume his column next week.

The Spectator

Page 22

Heavy breathers

The Spectator

Sir: Although I see that the purpose of last week's Home Life piece was to send 1.IP believers in spirits, I wish Alice Thomas Ellis had told us what was producing the odd...

Gone, all gone

The Spectator

Sir: Your readers of today might be in- terested in a piece of history that almost got away — the signatures of some of your famous readers who subscribed to the Spectator...

Bible study

The Spectator

Sir: Auberon Waugh also has New Testa- ment authority for detecting the hand . of God in the nasty diseases from which practising homosexuals suffer (Another voice, 23...


The Spectator

Rotten Apples Sir: Richard Body's breathtaking advocacy of British withdrawal from the Atlantic Alliance (3 March) needs a follow-up in your columns. Soviet Russia, we are...

Wizard prangs

The Spectator

Sir: It must surely be churlish to complain about a review which at least in passing describes one's work as 'excellent'. But A.N. Wilson's account (Books, 2 March) of my The...

Alastair Forbes

The Spectator

Sir: I am very sorry that my tribute to Alastair Forbes in your issue of 23 Febru- ary should have contained an untrue state- ment capable of causing him considerable...

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The Spectator

Dickie: Lust for Glory Max Hastings Mountbatten: The Official Biography Philip Ziegler (Collins £15) p rofessional conservatism and an ex- aggerated sense of social propriety...

Page 27

Next Week John Grigg on Hugh Dalton Shiva Naipaul on

The Spectator

Emma Goldman David Profumo on Graham Greene

After the war was over

The Spectator

Peter Quennell Siegfried Sassoon: Diaries 1923-1925 Edited and introduced by Rupert Hart-Davis (Faber and Faber £12.95) I remember listening, some 20 or 30 years ago, to a...

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Scottish Books

The Spectator

Rogues, misers and madmen Allan Massie A Wild Flight of Gordons Archie Gordon, 5th Marquess of Aber- deen and Temair (Weidenfeld & Nicolson £10.95) Scotch Verdict Lillian...

Page 29

Dark centre

The Spectator

The dust silvers and a wind from the corner Brings a dream of clarinets Into the thick orchestra. There's a place sending Messages across the river of people; And the sullen...

A stage-manager

The Spectator

P. J. Kavanagh The Poetical Works of Andrew Young Edited by Edward Lowbury and Alison Young (Secker £12.95) T he case of Andrew Young is an in- teresting one. Born in 1885, he...

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Quite contrary

The Spectator

Jimmy Reid The Letters of Hugh McDiarmid Edited by Alan Bold (Hamish Hamilton £20) C hristopher Murray Grieve, alias Hugh ,-McDiarmid, will remain, for me at anY rate, an...

Books Wanted

The Spectator

There is now a small charge of fl per insertion (max. 2 books). Cheques made payable to The Spectator. Please send details to Books Wanted, The Spectator, 56 Doughty St, London...

Page 31

Off Sick

The Spectator

Regime of the house: the sun's morning Tour, his unsuspected finger on a dim corner. The house is not primed for my presence. I intrude On its private life. Forgive me, house,...

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Between mountain and sea

The Spectator

In the air, honey and salt, - as in the long ago, as on forever. The days pick me up and carry me off, half child, half prisoner, on their journey that I'll share for a while....

The friends of liberty

The Spectator

Robert Stewart The Scottish Enlightenment and the Militia Issue John Robertson (John Donald £18) W hat, you may say, has the Enlighten- ment, that affair of speculative philo-...

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The Spectator

Scottish heritage Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd 4I t is never difficult', as P.G.Wodehouse observed, 'to distinguish between a S cotsman with a grievance and a ray of s...

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Sale rooms

The Spectator

To blame Colin Bell L ast week in a Glasgow sale room, an extremely rare gold snuffbox was sold for £10,800. It was a presentation box inscribed 'as a token of gratitude from...

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The Spectator

Irish genius Christopher Edwards The Plough and the Stars (Citizens' Theatre, Glasgow) A riot at the Abbey Theatre Dublin greeted the opening of O'Casey's play in 1926, the...

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The Spectator

Birthday boy Rodney Milnes Xerxes (Coliseum) Norma (WNO, Cardiff) Ulicking through the newspaper notices of Handel's birthday week in London over coffee in Florian's and...

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The Spectator

Powerplay Ursula Buchan G ardening can be tedious. However, gardeners display a reticence about this fact that amounts almost to a conspira- cy of silence. Many wish to...

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The Spectator

Modern times Peter Ackroyd Wetherby ('15', Curzon West End) W etherby is certainly a very serious film; its worthiness shines through but, like a weak sun, it is apt to give...


The Spectator

Ticklish Julie Kavanagh Number 3 (Royal Opera House) E leventh hour drama: choreographer decides to scrap newly designed cos- tumes. Designer withholds consent. Com- promise...

Page 40

High life

The Spectator

Day after day Taki T hroughout the past three months I have kept a diary, which in view of the time I had on my hands, makes Proust a remembrances postively laconic. This was...


The Spectator

Bottoms up Alexander Chancellor I n those happy, far-off days when News at Ten was regularly presented by Reginald Bosanquet and Anna Ford, it was the contrast between them...

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Home life

The Spectator

Bailiffs• Alice Thomas Ellis A very cheeky letter from the bailiffs proposing to imprison someone or maybe me. It begins with a fine impartial- ity — Dear Sir/Madam, Re: Rate...

Jeffrey Bernard is ill.

The Spectator

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The Spectator

True story P. J. Kavanagh T .F. Powys, author of the remarkable novel Mr Weston's Good Wine, whenever he felt himself particularly gloomy and rebarbitive, which he often did,...

No. 1360: The winners

The Spectator

Jaspistos reports: Competitors were asked for an extract from a farce involving customers and staff of a restaurant whose advertisement features the words: 'Clan- destine...


The Spectator

No. 1363: Early warning Set by Jaspistos: A story for young children please (maximum 150 words) which cheer: fully inculcates a cheerless lesson appropri - ate to the modern...

Page 43

Solution to Crossword 696: Be damned om i niallal g ent] Erimi lDI 113

The Spectator

U L atiti 'ALL den A till3R R tii.1021 110 IlLtND i a0WL A El IUMBNPAIIEARIDBE `114 Z 1 E ,latilliaE l lODLEYHEAD O S R a 3 17 UOHE MEI I E A'Srain iia L E ma R...


The Spectator

Aliquid novi Raymond Keene I n recent articles the World and Com- monwealth championships have tended to push out other events, but plenty has been going on, and I plan to...

Page 45

Crossword 699

The Spectator

A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of 00 (or a copy of Chambers Dictionary, value £11.95 — ring the words 'Chambers Dictionary' above) will be awarded for the first...

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Special Offer

The Spectator

Wine Club Auberon Waugh T he white burgundy which I trailed last time — Bonhomme's 1983 Macon Vire —is still not available, having been held up by the cold weather which...


The Spectator

c/o House of Hallgarten, Carkers Lane, Highgate Road, London NW5 1RR Telephone: 01-267 2041 PRODUCT PRICE NO. OF VALUE CASES 1. Mainzer Domherr Kabinett 1983 12 bots. £32.00 2....