12 OCTOBER 1850

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The Revenue-tables just published are like certain puzzles of folded

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paper, which will convert into a variety of objects. Re- garded in an annual point of view, it appears that they exhibit in increase of 645,0001. ; but in a quarterly point of...

The importance of this last subject is illustrated by the

The Spectator

agricul- tural ferment which is still going on in Ireland. It will be re- membered that at the recent adjustment of the rules for assessing poor-rates and rates in aid, much of...

It is also interesting to note the same constructive prosperity

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in the posture of affairs abroad. In Paris, for example, a grand re- view has passed off without disaster, and the day was remarkably fine; indeed, the Paris correspondent of a...


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Acncrwunal. meetings are assuming a new, an important, and a cheering character, as sources of stirring and hopeful counsel to the farming world. While Castle Hedingham, whence...

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trli j f Alttrovaliz.

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The Common Council, on Thursday, voted by acclamation a grant of one hundred guineas in aid of the Jews Free School, where 1100 chil- dren are well and morally taught. A similar...

14_t /houturts.

The Spectator

Asiicultaralaneetingsihave been haldin - the Past week at Castle Heding- hanksand at Saffron Walden in North Essex at Bury in Lancashire, and at Worcester. The spirit of'the...

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The Queen and Prince Albert enjoyed the rural pleasures of Balmoral with continued diligence till their departure on Thursday morning. The Perth Courier of Thursday informs us,...


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The organs of the movement have published the address of the Central Tenant-Right Committee to Lord Clarendon, and his Lordship's answer. The address is characterized by very...

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ffirrfg - s truir Cgintat.

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FBANCII:—The rivalry of the various ermdidatwee for- the turn of ruling - the French people has become less preminent; and the pother whicir we mentioned - last week,...

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The Spectator

The amiable consort of ring Leopold:of Belgium, is dying of consump- thin,• in the Palace at Ostend Ifer mother,, the Countess de Neuilly, hardly recovered aim the griefs of her...

Page 9

The Builder congratulates the public and the Trustees of the

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British Mu- seum on the termination of the "wall" question. The proposed wall at each end of the enclosure in Great Russell Street is "given up," and the "original plan" of a...

Mr. Herbert Watkin Williams Wynn was today chosen Member of

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Parliament to represent Montgomeryshire, in the room of his uncle the late Mr. Charles Watkin Williams Wynn. Mr. Wynn is a friend to the interests of British industry and the...

The Tenant League held a monster meeting at Navan, the

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capital of Meath county, on Thursday. Some fifteen thousand are said to have been present, chiefly "tenant-farmers." Mr. Columbus Drake, J.P., presided ; Mr. Sharman Crawford,...


The Spectator

SAT17B.Dia. The Queen and Prince Albert left Holyrood Palace yesterday morning, in an open carriage, at five minutes before eight, and drove to the Meadow- bank station of the...

The illness of the Queen of the Belgians came to

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a fatal termination at eight o'clock yesterday morning. The following is an extract from the bulletin which prepared the public for her death— "On the night of the 9th instant...

At a soiree of the Derby Mechanics Institution, last Tuesday,

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Mr. Pax- ton explained, that since his statement of the quantity of glass to be used in his building for the Exposition of 1851, the Commission has decided to substitute wood...

The Paris correspondent of the Daily News states, as an

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eye-witness, that President Bonaparte was greeted with cries of "Vivo l'Empereur!" from the Carabineers and Lancers at the great cavalry review on the Plain of Satory, last...

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An explosion took place in the coal-mine of Bottom-o'-th'-lient at

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Old- ham, on Wednesday, by which the lives of fifteen miners were lost. As the Davy-lamp was the only light used in the mine, it is thought that the in- flammable gas took fire...


The Spectator

Beyond the appearance, for one night only, of a gentleman named Butler Wentworth, in the character of Othello, this week lies been barren of theatrical incidents. The New Strand...

Mr. Lumley has been appointed Director of the Italian Opera

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of Paris, and is to open That theatre et the - beginning -of November. Signor.Ron- coni held an appointment - to that office for - a period Which still 'has 'fire years to run,...


The Spectator

- STOCK 'EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The English Stock Market remained without fluctuation at the prices of last week, till yesterday, when some slight activity was apparent,...


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These institutions concluded their first session in June last ; and various details connected with their opening, the number of students, the course of study laid down, the...

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Tut Frimley murder has awakened people to a sudden sense Of insecurity, and busy panic rakes up the many cases of outrage which have recently occurred. The Times presents a most...


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LORD STANLEY FREE AG Ailisi S M :4 10 YEANS have -passed since Lord Stanley has penformed a public act so useful and meritorious as the delivery of his speech at the meet- ing...


The Spectator

Abstract of the Net Produce :of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Tears and Quarters ended 10th October 1849 and 1850, showin g the Increase or Decrease thereof. , YEARS...

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The Spectator

WEE our ears are stunned by the clamorous demands of the Irish Tenant-Right Leaguers for legislative protection against their own imprudence in bargain-making, it may be useful...

IRISH PATRIOTS AND THEIR REWARDS. O'ColorELL's half-sepulchred coffin, the desertion

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of the new Tenant League movement by John Gray, Smith O'Brien's plaints about tickets-of-leave and his irksome life in a penal settlement, the cold ingratitude shown to the...

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FIFTEEN years ago the site of the present colony of South Austra- lia was an uninhabited wilderness. The founders of the settle- ment, wishing to try an experiment in...


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A CORRESPONDENT, calling our attention to the case of the Superb, challenges our opinion on the degree of responsibility that should attach to masters of passenger-ships and the...

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The Spectator

-GALLERY AT BERLIN. lemptown, 7th October185O. Bic—As the Director -of the ItoyarTioture 'Gallery at Berlinlias been.pdh- lielyintrodueed-to our countrymen, by - the...

J.Alff - AETINE IN ENGLAND ALPHONSE DE 1AM.SeETINE,gives 'England a certificate of

The Spectator

character under his own hand. For he is not always absorbed in his Narcis- sus contemplation, but occasionally varies 'his delights with the survey of something else which can...

retrTO to t it (EMIL

The Spectator

PREVENTION OF RAILWAY ;ACCIDENTS. 91 Hercules Buildings, iambeth, 4th Octohetr 1850. Bra—The - cycle of railway accidents has come again—and come with fear- fdl warning this...

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Glasgow, 7th October 1860. .Sea—Now that, owing to ree..ent occurrences, the question has unfortu- _nately been 'maned up anew, your readers would doubtless be gratified by...

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-trinuoa cub oiI -

The Spectator

lulirran b3 - lirtuit saiisui. Io arum arit 1 0 9 uvrtisalenleublied4 .1111, .11:A j• 11 at aid toi8/ 11in Ulf bib ToZ u atak i l f g laq u i • A4T•PMIPIAM14 1 a1511014E33AVII...

Page 17


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Has. thrown is known to the reading public for her Night-side of Nature; a series of ghost and other supernatural stories, illustrated by an attempt st philosophieal exposition....

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exhibits very considerable ability in the qualities which Fete make- up a:poem, but the writer' does-net succeed in ueing the poem itself Iias Verse• is easy, sweet, and flowing...


The Spectator

Boors. 2The Denil in Turkey ; or Scenes in Constantinople. By Stefanorienos. Translated from the Author's unpublished Greek manuscript, by Menry Corpe. First Series. In three...

Page 20

-mo3 busibrumlws% Irroff , sitrippitt,orniltpriR.7ina-nsmshill bsinuoll. sq.,' .-(eq-liedrisapit45u1sa1ASr4etab5 .0 .W 9317

The Spectator

.31112 ad 01 * (1.14 'bt° 11.14 1 3 t140Tater24, 6 NOtstrilf5 00 4VV.T.1 1 "9°,17' 1 17` . ::.: ir.. / At. Asoittilicatirab„. c ie;bdAg . eikiik g .w - 'ie.:A -a1 1 44 6 Al 87,...


The Spectator

On the 15th September. at the Seigneurial House, St. Hilaire, Canada,40i, Lady of Major Campbell, late of the Seventh Ilussers t of,a,dau,ghter. On the-27th, at Florence, the...


The Spectator

wmt-orneE, Oct. 8.-nth tIL Regt. oAf TE Light Drags. orevet Lient.-Ccil. J. H. Grant, C.B. to be Lieut.-Col. withbut purchase, vice Fullerton, dec.; Capt. 'A. Spoftiswoode to be...

Page 21

bus minnoo abit ni burro) ylib=rThu Nuoiivss brioam Las 1. - Iit

The Spectator

:nit lot Luis ; listrminuay 1 14;740 1 3W rir ■1 r 1 Alil JOl i ffi l igiir i l l e M ARII0C0 7,41.Pi e, wilt> - aimo auorsov iiiin ,•‘,. - tctiii,I Vv;.) - 3 3 per Cent Consols...


The Spectator

Tuesday; October 8. PARTNERSHIPS DissoLvEri;= , -43ttelburiand'Xiiig, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, lice-mann- . facturers--.T. 8. and , C; Warry, - Liverpook chemists -ilulme and...