IRISH PATRIOTS AND THEIR REWARDS. O'ColorELL's half-sepulchred coffin, the desertion
of the new Tenant League movement by John Gray, Smith O'Brien's plaints about tickets-of-leave and his irksome life in a penal settlement, the cold ingratitude shown to the living relies of old Repeal agita- tions — all these are incidents of the day, not without their moral. Irishmen above all should learn from them what is the thing that is the cardinal want in their country—what the mortal sin which defeats so much energy, so much genius, and so much cordial patri- otism as Ireland lavishes on herself, in vain ; for with all her genius, patriotism, and energy, she is the opprobrium of Europe and the scoff of her own. sons—helpless. The remains of Daniel O'Connell, it seems, lie in a provisional resting-place, with a mock monument—a " painted sepulchre " over them. Gossip, impersonated by a guide to the Glasnevin cemetery, asserts that much money is due upon the coffin, and that it will not be "allowed away" till the money be paid. In a letter to the Times, Mr. Maurice O'Connell avers that there is " no foundation" for this story ; and the guide himself has been found to say that he neither made nor suggested such a statement. But Mr. Maurice does not say how it is that the remains of his father have not yet reached their final resting-place, nor does he explain away the painted sepulchre. How is it that any question should arise upon O'Connell's coffin P His son contradicts the tale, but does not tell all that is to be said on the other side; some-
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wants the credit of defiance and -of ?compliance : he would combine the dramatic attitude of the lied Indian singing the death-song at the stake, with the ease of a Giirgey accepting im- munity. This is the lowest pitch of self-debasement, confounding boast with complaint. Yet this was the leader of the revolution that was to be, if it had not been crushed like a caterpillar among the cabbages!
John Gray deserts the new Tenant League movement, because its mode of agitation, with affiliated branches, seems to him too venturesome. He could. support the wild unsubstantial dream of Repeal, and we do not remember that he drew back from O'Con- ne 's organizations ; but in this organization, which at all events deals with a practical question, and with whose main object he s, he cannot join on account of some newborn nicety of scra- p e. The spirit of audacity seems to languish among many of O'Connell's generals, but we do not see that they are taking an ad- vanced post in the new questions that await practical solution. The O'Connell men are evidently. out of date, obsolete.. The efforts of other Irish patriots to retain, a position, and the sacrifices made to that end, are painfully explicit. In the Nation, Govan Duffy is trying to reconcile the past and the future — making his submission to that priesthood whom " Young Ireland" defied, aiding the attack on the Colleges which originated with the retrograde portion of the priests, and yet preaching that kind of material improvement which the collegiate educational bodies would have promoted, and which the ignorance maintained by "conservative" priests forbids. There; of, course be reasons for conduct apparently so inconsistent with Ditiffy'a intellect and honesty of heart; and we are probably not wrong m.believing that the reasons are to be sought in the different demeanour off' friends" towards the editor of the Nation in its heyday, and the same man wiser, but made wiser by the subsidence of the Repeal intoxication, by imprisonment, and confiscation of property—for such was part of his penalty. Success had its adulating multitude ; adversity must be less proudly independent. Now why m it that the Irish people, so shrewd and, keen, sees not through so puerile a leader as Smith O'Brien, even when he sits like Impatience on his own inoutiment;Whfrning ,at grief, self- inflicted ? How is, it that the cold shoulder turned on. Govan Duffy P How is it that Ireland does not see the disgrace and im- policy of leaving. the last rites to her "Liberator " uncompleted ? We believe it is because Ireland is neier, in these matters, permitted to see the truth. Smith O'Brien is an ostentatious humbug—pretending to the stoicism ofSegulus while he effemi- nately deplores its hardships. The Nation quibbled about pikes and ambushes, and in spiritualities it has dodged between Paris and Rome. O'Connell's life was a magnificent quibble. Demoralized by her leaders, Ireland cannot feel even the truth that is in them ; and when her gratitude for equivocating services is tested—for services which their own untruthfulness rendered incapable of tic- complishment--she testifies her acknowledgments by dese
the patriot in his decline, or erecting over his remarks a pain sepulchre. Services adulterated with falsehood she repays with counterfeit. Public life in Ireland is a stage-play ; patriotism it only a role ; the most sacred monuments are but scene-painting ; and all Ireland is " behind the scenes." The thing wanting to give reality and vitality to Irish action is Truth.
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