Szocx EXCHASIOE. FRIDAY A1112140011.
Scarcely any business of importance has occurred in the English Funds; which bad been at an advance of ith per Cent upon the prices of last Saturday, and close at the price of that day, the last quotation of Consols being 92) Money is not quite so much in demand as last week; and the trifling improvement vim: VMS observable in the prices of the Government Securities may be attributed to the market having been partially cleared by investments of the large amount of stock recently thrown upon it. The rate of discouet continues the same.
The books for the October Dividend will close and reopen on the days gated below: they will all be open for private transfer on the 11th October. Shut. Open.
Bank Stock 1.ednesday 17th Oct.
h pe Wednesay d 12111 ScSept. Three per Cent Reduced
Three-and-a-quarter per Cents Thursday 13th Sept. Friday 19th Oct.
Long Annuities Annuities 1859 Wednesday 12th Sept. Old South Sea Annuities 3 Wednesday 17th Oct.
The business of the Foreign Market has been as limited as that in the English Funds; and scarcely a fluctuation or bargain of importance has occurred in any of the current varieties. Dutch and Russian Bonds continue scarce, and in de- mand. Spanish Stock, which had been rather firmer, bas receded again.
The Railway Share Market has been much depressed. In almost all the prin- cipal lines the dividends declared for the half-year just ended have been much lower than those of the previous half-year. The Eastern Counties line can scarcely be tonsidered an exception; though no declaration of dividend occurred upon these shares for the half-year ending in December 1848, the prospects of the share- holders, with one of only 2s. per share for the six months just ended, can hardly be regarded as an improvement. A statement of accounts has been published by the Directors of the Midland Railway, in anticipation of the half-yearly meeting to be held today: it appears that the dividend payable to the shareholders out of the profits of the last six months will be only 1 per cent, or at the rate of 3 per cent per annum; being a reduction of 2 per cent upon the last dividend. This continued and universal decline of dividends appears to have created a sort of panic among the holders of shares, and on Tuesday, the prices of most of the larger Shares were from Si. to 71. below the prices of Saturday. The market rallied again in the course of yesterday and today. Great Western, which had fallen to 64, are today 67i; North-western, from 116i, had risen to 119, and are last quoted at 118t. Midland are without any material improvement; the lowest quotation having been 56, and the price of today being 56i 57. This rise appears to be merely consequent upon the reaction of the market, and is not the result of any large purchases induced by the low prices. The firmness of the market in Paris has given an impulse to French Shares here. Northern of France have advanced from 10s. to 15s.; and though some of the other varieties have been in demand, we cannot quote any material improvement in price. The market for French Shares, however, has been in a more active state during one or two days this week than for some time.
It is reported that the French Funds fell slightly in Paris yesterday, though we have not been able to learn the closing prices; and this circumstance, in con- junction with the near approach of the day fixed for the settlement of the Con- sol Account, has added to the previous heaviness of the market. Consols opened at 92i, but have since declined, and are now 92* i, with but very little business doing. The Foreign Funds are without change. The Railway Share Market is not quite so heavy. The following are the principal bargains recorded: Cale- donian Preference, loi; Chester and Holyhead, 13; Eastern Union Scrip, Gua- ranteed 6 per cent, 184; Great Northern, 74,1; Ditto, Half-shares, B, 44; Croydon Guaranteed 9fr ; North-western,119i; North Staffordshire, 10i ; York and North Midland, 24 2 214.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account
921 e 921 f
Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents 72 4
53/ 44
3 per Cent Reduced 921 1 Ditto 4 per Cents 84 6 31 per Cents
93i. I, DierJean 5 per Cents 1846...
271 Long Annuities 81 15-16 Peruvian 6 per Cents 53 5 Bank Stock 198 200
Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 281 94
Exchequer Bills 39 42 p.m. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 81 3 India Stock
Russian 5 per Cents 106 1011ex.div.
Brazilian 5 per Cents 85 6 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 171 18 Belgian 41 per Cents 87 9 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 341 f Chilton 6 per Cents 91 96 Venezuela 24 6 5 per Cents 99 101