Some of the newspapers from the South and West of
Ireland contain particulars of furtive removals of growing crops by the tenants. On the border of the counties of Westmeath and Roscommon, so busy is the scramble, and so wide-spread the new system of fraud, that the Police are kept constantly employed in endeavouring to prevent affrays between bailiffs and defaulting tenants. The following is from the Altlilone San-- duel- " The system of removing crops at night and on Sunday which were previously distrained for rent, has become very general and wide-spread in this neighbour- hood. On Sunday last, a large party of men assembled on the lands of Crosby, near Aloate, the property of Mr. Arthur Browne, J.P., and commenced cutting down and carrying away corn which was distrained for rent. When Mr. Browne heard of the circumstance he immediately sent for the Police, in order to prevent them effecting the c.goveyance of the crops. Apprehending a riot between the bailiffs and the parties asembled, Mr. Browne, as a magistrate, read the Riot Act; and, after a good deal of altercation and some exhibition of an inclination to vio- lence, the parties dispersed. But they were determined not to be frustrated in the accomplishment of their design, and only to have retired in order to organize their plans more effectively; for they returned in the night-time and succeeded in carry- ing away the corn. On Tuesday, an application was made to the Magistrates at the Brawney Petty-Sessions, to request the General commanding the district to send out a military force to protect Mr. Browne, and the Police who were in charge of some more of the corn which was distrained by Mr. Browne, and which, it was apprehended, would be taken away by force. The Ma- gistrates communicated with General Wemyss; who at once attended them at the Sessions-house and remained some time with them in private con- sultation. We did not the result of the conference, but we believe the Ge- neral refused to act as required until he first communicated with the Government. On Sunday, some crops distrained by Mr. Malone, on the lands of Ardkeenan' in the parish of Dram, were forced away ; and the Police are every day since on the watch to prevent other crops being similarly taken. Mr. Wallace, who is receiver under the Courts for a considerable deal of property in this neighbourhood, has in- formed us, that he is every day engaged in trying to secure crops seized for rent; and notwithstanding every exertion, the parties generally become possessed of them."