7 OCTOBER 1843, Page 21


WAR.OFFICE, Oct. 6. 1843.-4th Regt. Light Drags.-Coruet 2.11. W. Jones, front half pay '21st Light Drags, to be Cornet, without porch/tee; J. M. Hogg. Gent, to be Cornett. by purchase, vice Joe( s, who retires ; Assist•Surg. J. More M.D. from the 7th Foot, to be Assist..Surg. vice Pitcairn. promoted on the Staff. 8th Regt. Light Drags.Capt G. S. Jenkiuson. from half-pay Unattached, to be Capt. vice G. J. Huhaud. who exchanges. 7111 Regt. Foot-T. M. Sumter, M.11. to be Assist-Surg. vice Mere appointed no the 4th Light Drags. 15th Foot-G. J. Walmsley, Gent, ti be Ensign, by purchase, vice De Montenach. promoted. 16th Foot-Assist-Burg. B. U. Hamilton, M.D. from the Staff, to be Assist-Su.g. vice Dowse, who exchanges. 69th Foot-T. M. Philson. M.D. to be Assist...Surg. 65th Foot-Gent. Cadet .1. II. E. Elwes, from the Royal Mil. Coll, to be Ensign. by purchase, vice Calder. who retires. 67t1r Foot-Lieut. J. Porter, lobe Capt. by purchase, vice Davie. alio retires ; Ensign J. Sivewtight, to be Lieut. by purchase, 'ice Porter; W. B. Forde„ Gent. to be Eusigu, by purchase, vice Simewright. 76th Foot-Ensign W. 11. Bartou, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Saunders, who retires; J. C. Minuitt, Gent to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Barton. 79th Foot-J. Burthwick, Gent, to he Ensign, by purchase, vice Gordon,

ho retires.

Rifle Brigade-Lieut. W. Hale to he Capt. by purchase, vice Young. who retires; Second Lieut. P. C. B. Hamilton to be First-Lieut. vice Hale; C. E. B. Baldwin, Gent to be Second Lieut. by purchase. vice Hamilton.

Hospital Staff-Assist.-surg. G. K. Pitcairn, M.D. from the 4th Light Drags. to be Staff-Surg. of the Second Class, vice Baird. dec. ; Assist-Sung. R. R. Dowse, from the 16111 Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. to the Forces, vice Hamilton. who exchanges. Memorandum-The Christian names of Second Lieut. Parker, of the 60th Foot, are William Biddulph.

Erratum in the Gazette of 29th Sept.-For • Capt. L. Tallou. from the 91st Foot. to be Capt. icr the 82 Fout, vine fdaydwell, who exchauges,” read Capt. L. Tallau, from the 41st Foot, to be Capt. in the 824 Foot. vice Maydwell, who exchauges.

OFFICE or Oaorratacz, Oct. 5.-Royal Artillery-Second Lieut. J. D. Shakespear to

be First Lieut. lice I,. Wynne, dec. _