7 JULY 1855, Page 20


WAR-OFFICE, July 3.-41st Foot-The _promotion of Berg. J. E. Stott, M.D. has been antedated to the 9th Feb. 68th Foot-The appointment of Assist.-Surg. G. Evans on the 29th of June has been cancelled. 71st Foot-Assist.-Surg. G. Evans, from the Staff, lobe Assist.-Surg.


Brigadier-Gen. R. J. Dacres, of the Royal Artillery, to be Major-Gen. in the Army, in conformity with the 10th clause of the Royal Warrant for the Ordnance Depart- ment, dated the 3d Nov. 1854, his commission to bear date the 29th of June 1855.

WAR-OFFICE, July 6.-let Regiment of Dragoon Guards-Lieut, F. J. Macfarlane, from the 9th Lancers, to be Capt. without purchase; Cornet D. Wale to be Adjt. vice Bradbury, promoted. 6th Dragoon Guards-Capt. E. G. Swinton. from half- pay of the 3d Light Drags to be Capt. without purchase; Cornet 0. Petre to be Lieut. without purchase. To be Comets, without purchase-Cornet S. Iloldforth, from the 3d Drag. Guards ; Ensign C. W. Bruce, from the 724 Foot. 1st Dragoons -Ensign J. G. Graham, from the 88th Foot, to be Cornet, without purchase, vice Glyn, promoted. 9th Light Dragoons-Cornet C J. 11. Ellis to be Lieut. without

purchase, vice Macfarlrum, pronloted in the 1st Drag. Guards. 13th Light Dragoons - R. A. Clement, Gent. to be COFIlet, WithOut plac11.9e, vice Goad, promoted. 15th Light Dragoems-Staff-Surg. of the Second Claes, H. Stapleton, M.D. to be Surg. vice Mare, promoted on the Staff: 17th Light Dragoons-W. Partridge, Gent, to be Vet. Sung. vice Gavin, deceased.

1st Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guards-Lieut. Sir H. Fletcher, Bart. from the 69th Foot, to be Ensign and Lieut. by purchase, vice Hon. J. B. J. Dormer, pro- moted. Coldstream Guards-Lieut. C. Greeribill, from the 92d Foot, to be Lieut. and CapL by purchase, vice Burton, promoted. *Mots Fusilier Gnarde-C. Shelley. Gentleman, to be Ensign and Lieutebant, by purchase, vice Lembton, promoted. let Regt. of Foot-To be Ensigns, without purchase-G. Gilmore, Gent. vice Thompson, promoted ; C. A. Logan, Gent.; J. Pyre, Gent. vieeStewart, promoted; W. H. A. Plasket. Gent. 19th Foot-'-C. H. Hatchet, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Cromartie, appointed to the Slat Foot. 13th Foot-Lieut. C. G. An- derson, from the let West India Regt. to be Lieut. without purchase ; Second Lieut. J. C. Conington, from the Ceylon Rifle Regt. to be Lieut. without purchase. To be Ensigns, without purchase-Ensign W. Cox, from the Royal Limerick County Militia; D. Stewart, Gent.; W. K. Leet, Gent. •, C. E. Palmer, Gent. vice Clayton, promoted ; E. L. England, Gent. 15th Foot-J. Low. Gent. to be Ensign, by pur- chase, vice Tyler, promoted. 18th Foot-H. Adams' Gent. to be Ensign, without par. vice Adamson, prom. 234 Foot-Lieut. J. Duff to be Capt. Without pun vice Bathurst, whose promotion Dec.29, 1854, has been cancelled ; neat- G. H. J. Heigh. am, from 76th Foot, to be Capt. by pur. vice Brevet-Lieut.-Col. Falkiner, who retire'. 28th Foot-Ensign J. W. M•Cormack to be Lieut. without purchase. vice Gandy, dee.; H. F. Wade, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 31st Foot-To be En- signs. without purchase - Lieut. K. Hill, from Antrim Queen's Royal Rifle Regt. of Militia; C. C. M'Intyre, Gent.; W. J. Tarts, Gent.; H. Leeson, Gent. 11th Foot - E. C. Lavery. Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Holroyd, promoted. 38th Foot-K. Ap Eyton P. Jones Gent. to be Ensign, without pnrchase. 39th Foot- H. Archdall, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Halahan, appointed to the Ceylon Rifle Regt. 46th Foot-Ensign C. S. Burgess to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Dumaresq, who retires; P. A. J. Ducrow, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Burgess. 48th Foot-E. flall, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 50th Foot- F. W. G. C. Sharbuid, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Ruck, appointed to the 13th Foot; the name of the gentleman appointed to an Ensigncy on 19th June is Busfeild, and not Euefleld, as previously stated. 526 Foot-Ensign T. A. Julian to be Lieut. by pur. vice Coote, who retires; G. C. Fraser, Gent. to be Ensign)' by pur. vice Julian. 55th Foot-A. J. Arnott to be Ensign, without purchase, Tice Hobbs, promoted. 62d Foot-To be Ensigns, without purchase-Ensign B. Colclough, frem the Carlow Rifle Regt. of Militia, vice Dundas, promoted ; G. B. Beere, Gent. ye Weyer, promoted; H. A. Crane, Gent. vice Hume, promoted. 68th Foot-Th be Ensigns, without purchase-Ensign A. F. Marshall, from 9th Foot ; Edsign P..7. Mackenzie, Gent. vice Duesbury, promoted. 69th Foot-Ensign J. W. H.-Ander- son to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Sir H. Fletcher, Bart. appointed to the Grenadier Guards' ; E. Boyle, Geol. to be Ensign, without purchase. 724 Foot-Lieut. R. Douglas, from the 78th Foot, to be Capt. without purchase. To be Ensigns, without purchase-Lieut. J. Stewart, from the lit Royal Surrey Militia; W. T. Boiler, Gent. vice Bruce, appointed to the 6th Drag. Guards; .1. H. Bamfield, Gent. 76th Foot- To be Ensigns, without purchase-A. 11. Keogh, Gent"; H. F. Hooper, Gent. vice Vincent, promoted. 77th Foot-Edward S. Baker, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Dauncey, promoted; H. S. Weigall, Gent. to be Ensign, without. purchase. 78th Foot-Ensign M. A. Walker to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Douglas, pro- moted in the 724 Foot. 81stFoot -Capt. A. F. F. Boughey to be Major, without purchase, vice Sorell, deceased ; Lieut. A. Wright to be Capt. without purchat, ;Tice Boughey. 87th Foot-Brevet-Lieut.-Col. J. Si. Kidd, to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Brevet-Colonel Campbell, who retires; Capt. the Hon. A. G. a Chichester to be Major, by purchase, vice Kidd; Lieut. W. Wiltshire to be Capt. by purchase, vice

Chichester; Second Lima. C. Lynch to be Li y purchase, vice Wiltshire. 88th Foot-To be Ensips, without purchase- 'Foot, from the North Cork Rifle Regt of Militia, VICO Waring. promoted ; tin, Gent. vice /Myth, promoted.

89th Foot-A. D. Grier, Gent, to be Entign, without purchase, viee Russell, ap- pointed to the Rifle Brigade. 91st Foot-Ensign W. P. Gurney to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Bibbed, promoted. VA Foot-Ensign H. R. Wallace to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Greenhill, promoted in the Coldstream Guards; 934 Foet-Ensigil E. S. Wood to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Ball, deceased ; Colour-Sergt.l. Joiner to be Quartermaster, vice Sinclair, who retires on half-pay. 90th Pootv-• Holwell Hely Hutchinson Walshe, Gentleman, to be Ensign. without purchatte. 97th Foot-G. Malcolm, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase. Nth Pout-E. Cay, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 99th Foot-To be Ensigns, without purchase-T. L. Grenville, Gent; E. W. Jacob, Gent.

Rifle Brigade-Lieut. the Hon. A. IL A. Anson to be Capt. by purchase, vice Monck, appointed to the Coldstream Guards. To be Lieutenants, without purchase - Ensign John B. Story, from the 524 Foot; Ensign E. Fortescue, Ensign W. Stott, Ensign C. G. Slade. To be Ensigns, without purchase-Ensign J. W. Rus- sell, from the 89th Foot, vice Fortescue ; L. V. William., Gent. ; vice Stott. 1st West India Regiment-Ensign P. Malone to be Lieut, without purchase, vice Anderson, appointed to the 13th Foot. Sd West India Regiment-R. A. Skues, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Dunlop, promoted. Ceylon Rifle Regiment-To be Ensigns, without purchase-Ensign S. Holahan, from the 39th Foot, vice Francis, promoted in the 20th Foot; B. S. Du Jardin, Gent. vice Gould, promoted in the 13th Foot ; C. Lynott, Gent. vice Ball, appointed to the 15th Foot. Royal Canadian Rifle Regiment-R. Perm, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Imes, promoted. Land Transport Corps- Colour-Sergt. J. Hamilton. from the Royal Artillery, to be Quartermaster of Brigade, vice Jones, appointed Regimental Quartermaster.

Hospital Staff-Surg. J. Mime, M.D. from the 15th Light Drags, to be Staff- Surg. of the First Class; • Assist.-Surg. G. W. P. Sparrow, from the Staff,- to he Staff-Surg, of the Second Claes, vice Mapleton, appointed; to the 15th Light 'Drags. To be Acting Assist-Surgeons- P. O'Connell, Gent.; W. F. de Faberk, Gent.; F. J. Eaton, Gent.; T. Wiley, Geut.•, A. C. Robertson, Gent.; N. Farley, Gent.; T. L. Hinton, Gent.•. J. V. de Boissiere, M.D.; S. Job, Gent.; H. J. Phillips, Gent. Staff-Capt. E. B. Wethered, Paymaster of the 95th Foot, to be Paymaster of a Provisional Depet Battalion; Quartermaster T. Cassidy, from the 21st Foot, to be Paymaster of a Depdt Battalion,

Unattached-Lieut. J. Mason, from the 75thFoot, to be Capt. by purchase, vice E. Sutherland, who retires. BREVET.

Brevet-Colonel .7. J. Hollis, who has been permitted to retire upon full-pay of the 25th Foot, to be Major-Gen. the rank being honorary only. A. W. Cockburn, M.D. being attached to the Irregular Cavalry under the com- mand of Major-Gen. Beatson, to have the loeal rank of Deputy-Inspector-Gen. of Hospitals while so employed. Quartermaster G. Allen, of the Royal Sappers and Miners, being attached to the Turkish Contingent Engineers, to have the local rank of Captain while so em- ployed. Memorandum-Staff-Assistant-Surgeon J. A. Eames, whose appointment was stated in the Gazette of 9th June 1854, has been permitted to resign his commission.