7 JULY 1855, Page 2

Faults nut Vrortrtungz in Vartionant.


HOUSE Or Loans. Monday, July 2. Death of Lord Raglan ; the Queen's Mes- sage-Ticket-of-leave System ; Lord St. Leonards's Complaint-Accidents on Rail- ways Bill committed-Spirits Inland Act Amendment Bill read a third time and passed.

Tuesday. July 3. Lord Raglan; the Queen's Message considered ; Address agreed to-Friendly Societies Bill read a third time and passed. 27teraday, July 5. Recruiting for the Army; Lord Panmure's Statement-Acci- dents on Railways Bill reported.

Friday, July 6. Religious Worship (No. 2); Lord Derby's Bill withdrawn-As- sires and Sessions; the Lord Chancellor's Bill read a third time and passed--Friendly Societies Bill reed a third time and passed-Stock in Trade Bill read a second time.

noose or, COMMONS. Monday, July 2. Riots in Hyde Park; Mr. Otway's Ques- tion-Sunday Trading ; Lord R. Grosvenor's Bill withdrawn-Death of Lord Rag lan ; the Queen's Message-Education (Scotland); the Lord Advocate's Bill corn- mittedr-Eff *cation ; Lord John Russell's, Sir John Pakington's, and Mr. Gibson's Bills, withdrawn -Stock in Trade Bill committed.

74iesday, July 3. Metropolis Local Management ; Sir B. Hall's Bill reported- Lord Raglan; the Queen's Message considered ; Resolutions agreed to-The Army; Mr. Rich's Motion and "count out." Wednesday, July 4. Dwellinghouses (Scotland) ; Mr. Dunlop's Bill read a third time-Stock in Trade Bill read a third time and passed -Coal-Mines Inspections Bill reported-Dissenters' Marriages Rill reported.

Thursday, July 5. Nuisance* Removal; Sir B. Hall's Bill in Committee-Con- duct of the Police; Petitions presented by Mr. Roebuck and Mr. Dancombe- Tenants' Improvements Compensation (Ireland) Bill in Committee-Merchant Ship- ping Act Amendment Bill committed -Union of Contiguous Benefices Bill read a second time-Stage-Carriage Duties considered in Committee-Public Libraries and Museums Bill committed-Lady Raglan and Lord Raglan's Annuities Bill read a first time.

Friday. July 6. Dwelling-houses (Scotland) ; Mr. Dunlop's Bill passed-New Writs ordered for Cheltenham and Evesham-Conduct of the Police; Sir John Shel- ley's Question-Treatment of the Wounded ; Mr. Stafford's Question-The Vienna Conferences; Mr. Gibson's Question and herd John Russell's Statement-Endowed Schools (Ireland) Bill read a third time and passed-Stage-Carriage Duties, Re. Bill read a first time.


The Lords. The Commons.

Hour of Hour of Hour of Hour of Meeting. Adjournment. Meeting. Adlournment,

Monday Gh .. 6h 50m Monday th .(m) 111 43[11

Tueaday ..... Gb .... 6h 40m Tuesday Noon .... 4h Orn

611 .... 7h 45m

Wednesday Nanning. Wednesday Noon Oh 43m Thursday 5h . 85 45m Thursday Noon 4h sin

Ith .(m) 3h Om

6h . 8h 1Sm Friday th (m) lh 30m Sittinsrs this Meek, 7; Time, 43h 45as — this Session. 113; - 7481130m Loan RAGLAN.

In consequence of the death of Lord Raglan the following message from the Crown was presented to both Houses of Parliament on Monday.

Friday Sittings this Week, — this Session.

4; Time, 555 Mm 57; - 17555 SUm In the House of Lords it was read by the Lord CHANCELLOR, in the House of Commons by the SEP-AKER. " Vidoria R.-Her Majesty taking into consideration the great and brilliant services performed by the late Fitzroy James Henry Lord Raglan, Field Marshal in her Majesty's army, and Commander-in-chief of her Ma- jesty's forces at the seat of war in the East, in the (verse of the hostilities which have taken place in the Crimea, and being -desirous, in recognition of these and his other distuigutthed merits, to confer some signal marks of her favour upon his widow, Emily Harriet Lady Raglan, upon his son and suc- cessor to the title, Richard Henry Lord Raglan' and the next surviving heir male of the body of the said Richard Henry Lord Raglan, recommends to her faithful Commons to adopt [the House of Lords to concur in] such mea- sures as may be necessary for the accomplishment of this purpose. V. R." Both Houses agreed to take the message into consideration on the fol- lowing day.

In the Upper House, on Tuesday, Lord PENUCHE moved an address to the Queen, to the effect that the House would cheerfully concur in the adoption of the measures necessary for the accomplishment of her Ma-

jesty's purpose. His preface to the motion was a sketch of the career and a eulogy on the character of Lord Raglan ; pointing out how early in life he was selected by Wellington, whose confidence he retained to the last, and whose comrade it was his high privilege to be ; referring to his presence at all the great battles in the Peninsula, and to the loss of his arm at Waterloo; to his devotion in tire public service throughout the

long peace-his high sense of honour, his anxiety for the welfare of all ranks in the army ; his invaluable latest services, especially in conduct- ing with such signal success the most intimate and friendly intercourse

between the Allied armies. By his death " all England has to lament the loss of an intrepid warrior, a great commander, and an accomplished gentleman, as well as a distinguished citizen." And while paying a tri-

bute to their late commander, Lord Panmure could not pass by those who have fallen by his side,-Cathcart, Strangways, Campbell, Adams, Est- court, Yea, Shad:forth, Egerton ; names that will live in the memory of the nation and the history of the country. The Earl of DERBY and the Earl of CARDIGAN rose together, but the latter gave way. Lord Derby begged pardon of his gallant friend for in-

terposing, but he would not be doing justice to his own sense of duty if he did not take the earliest opportunity of expressing his concurrence in the graceful tribute paid by Lord Panmure to the too long list of those whose loss the country deplores, and to the late commander, "who at no early period of his life, although too early for his country's good, has been removed from an arduous and protracted struggle."

He has not fallen in a moment of victory, but his has been the far bitterer fate of death by pestilenoe at a moment of disappointment and loss. With more extensive and more important military services than moat men of his time, he had fewer opportunities of exhibiting those qualities for supreme command, which, though appreciated, were yet overshadowed by the stu- pendous talents of his mighty chief, whose unhesitating and unceasing friendship and entire confidence he ever retained. Disregarding selfish con- siderations, he volunteered to lead our armies in the campaign now going on. "The hasty manner in which that campaign was conceived, the inade- quate means which he had at his command, the deficiency in the supplies and in the means of moving the army, to a considerable extent paralyzed those exertions which he might otherwise have made, and prevented the full display of his military talents." He overcame the unknown difficulties and embarrassments of a divided command, which few other men could have overcome-difficulties which will not be known until this generation has passed away. But perhaps it was not in the field that his abilities were the most eminently displayed. During the long period of peace, no man who came in contact with Lord Raglan but will bear testimony to that invariable courtesy and good temper, those perfect habits of justice and impartiality, with which he administered the functions of that high office which devolved for the most part on him during the last years of the Duke of Wellington's life. Nor is it the least of Lord Raglan's claims to public respect and gra- titude, that he was one of those illustrious examples of men who have been engaged in arduous public duties, who yet at the close of their lives have left their families in circumstances by no means easy and opulent. It is not a little to his credit, that when, for the first time in his life, he had a prospect of laying by something for his family, he should, at the first com- mand of military duty, have sacrificed his prospects and risked his life in the service of his country. In addition to all his other services, the manner in which he has performed his arduous duties in the East entitle him, hardly less than his great master and chief, to the respect and veneration of the country.

Lord HAunnrcis followed, with the glowing testimony of an old com° panion in arms- " It is now nearly fifty years, my Lords, since I first had the honour of becoming acquainted with Lord Raglan. It was at the battle of Vimiera, when he was a young man ' • but we of the same age were astonished at the admirable manner in which he then performed the duties of aide-de-camp, and at the great respect with which he was treated by Sir Arthur Wellesley. It was remarked on all occasions, that if there was a word of advice to which that great man would listen with unusual patience, it was that which pro- ceeded from Lord Fitzroy Somerset. During the whole period that the Duke of Wellington was in the Peninsula-with the exception, I believe of a short time when he was in England for the benefit of his health-Lard Fitzroy Somerset was at his right hand. He was present at every one of those ac- tions which illustrate the career of our great commander ; on every occa- sion he was foremost in the field, and he displayed the same valour and cou- rage which have so conspicuously marked his conduct in the Crimea. In this last campaign he gained the admiration and respect of his soldiers, not only by his intrepidity, but by his quick perception of the nature of the ground, and by the rapid manner in which he seized every advantage which offered itself, showing that time had not destroyed the effects of his former practice in the field." Lord Hardinge commented on the excellence of his civil administra- tion of the army during peace, and of the affairs of the Allied forces in the Crimea. He wanted that great advantage, unity of command, other- wise he might have made other dispositions under certain circumstances. "I am satisfied that Lord Raglan's powers and abilities were much greater than they were generally supposed to be ; for, as my noble friend has justly said, it Was but recently that he had an opportunity of displaying his talents. All those military men whom I have had an opportunity of corresponding with expressed with the utmost confidence their opinion that on any great emergency the army could not have been better conducted." The Duke of CAMBRIDGE, speaking from his personal experience in the Crimea as well as at home, said that every officer who had occasion to address Lord Raglan "felt that he was dealing with an intimate and per- sonal friend." His difficulties in the East were beyond anything that can be imagined- "I do not mean to say that Lord Raglan was not met on all occasions with cordiality by the leaders of our Allies. On the •contrary, they met him on every occasion with all frankness and sincerity. But yet such was the diffi- culty of the Allied position, and such was the intricate character of the war which Lord Raglan had to conduct, that I am persuaded, unless he had pos- sessed a peculiar capacity for surmounting obstacles, we never should have cemented that cordiality with our Allies which I for one so greatly rejoice at seeing established."

The Earl of CARDIGAN pronounced a similar eulogy on the truth, ho- nesty, justice, and impartiality of Lord Raglan's views and actions. All the officers in the army concur in thinking that "the death of that great general has occasioned an irreparable loss to the army, and constitutes a national misfortune." That is also the opinion of the men-

" I will not believe that the men who composed those regiments, those brigades, and those divisions, whom I myself saw receiving that great gene- ral on the heights of Alma with such enthusiasm, will soon forget the dis- tinguished services which he has performed."

The Earl of GALLOWAY expressed his regret that some member of her Majesty's Government had not before this given expression to the feelings now uttered with so much unanimity in the House.

If those sentiments had been uttered while Lord Raglan was alive they would have done more to sustain his spirit and cheer his heart, and strength- en his frame, than the skill of all the physicians that could have been con- sulted. In confirmation of his opinion, he pointed to the fact that Lord Raglan's good constitution did greatly rally under medical treatment, and that he only required perfect rest. "But what rest could be found for one whose mind was wrung with a sense of detraction and wrong, of calumny and injustice ; and who felt that, while he lay on a bed of sickness, having exhausted all the energies of his mind and body in the service of his country on a foreign soil, there were none on the soil of his native land to defend him ? es to not to4ky, though I desire at the same time to say it re- t Weraiivietion of:my own.raigsl that Lord Raglan fell a victim to the ingratitude of his countrymen, and, I fe-grerfo add, thFald- nos and neglect of that Government of whom he was so able and so zealous a servant. That noble Lord, after having devoted the greater part of his existence to the public service, was, at an advanced period of life, commis- sioned to perform a Herculean task, with means inadequate to its accom- plishment; and because he could not assuage the rigour of a Crimean winter, nor find in that climate the means of giving shelter to his troops— for these, and such like imputations—for faults that were not his own—your Lordships know how he was subjected to the virulent and unfair attacks of a portion of the press, which laboured to bring him into disrepute and under the displeasure both of Parliament and the people. It is well known also how the noble and gallant Lord conducted himself in these circumstances— how he bore those heavy trials with patience and dignified silence, exhibit- ing throughout them all a great Christian example." . . . When remarks were made on the retention of the office of Master-General of the Ordnance by Lord Raglan while in the East, Ministers did nothing to mitigate the prevalent feelings ; and when the office was abolished, they thrust him from it as if his services were little appreciated.

The Duke of BEAUFORT said, that although he had felt, in common

with several members of the family, that Lord Raglan was not supported either by the last or the present Government as he ought to have been, still he deplored that Lord Galloway had taken that opportunity of making complaints against the Government.

"I am quite sure that nothing would have caused so much grief to the gallant spirit that has departed as to have heard the speech of my noble re- lative. I know that he felt he had the support of the Ministers, although they did not come forward as I think they ought to have done; and he also knew that he had the support—I may almost be allowed to say the friend- ship—of our gracious Sovereign."

Earl GaatorILLE expressed how much the Government were gratified

at the unanimity of feeling on this most sad occasion. He could perfectly understand the feeling that led Lord Galloway, suffering under domestic affliction, to speak his mind on the matter ; but he felt it would be more consonant with their Lordships' feelings if he avoided the slightest de- fence of her Majesty's Government. The country—often a severe, impa- tient taskmaster—is not now ungrateful; and in this as in almost every instance its final judgment is a just and generous one.

"Several noble Lords have referred to the charges and accusations which have been made against Lord Raglan. His sense of public duty, his deli- cacy of feeling towards others, his feeling of pride—and I use the word in its bat and noblest sense—prevented him from uttering the slightest word in defence of his conduct when charges were made against him, which had not the slightest foundation in fact. I am informed—and I believe there are those here present who can confirm the statement—that in Lord Rag- lan's most intimate and confidential letters, up to the day of his death, there is not one angry word respecting the persons who brought those charges against him. I am also informed, that in one of his last letters he expressed his strong belief that, among all those persons who had thought it their duty to complain of his conduct, there was not one single individual who was actuated by any feeling of towards him." Referring to the allusion made by the Duke of Cambridge to Lord Rag-

lan's peculiar difficulties, he said—" I believe I may appeal to the Secretary for War' who I am satisfied will confirm my statement, that there does not exist in the War Office one single despatch of Lord Raglan containing the slightest accusation of any sort or kind against our brave and gallant Allies, or describing any single transaction in a manner which reflected greater credit upon our own army than upon the gallant army with which he was

acting All must feel the deepest sorrow, that he who enjoyed not only an English but an European reputation, as one of the bravest and gen- tlest—one of the most chivalrous and one of the best • men who ever sacri- ficed his life in his country's cause—should have been taken from us at the moment of a crisis of such great delicacy and importance."

The Earl of ELLFEMERE and Lord BROUGH.A.M joined heartily in the general eulogy; and the motion passed nemine contradicente.

In the House of Commons on the same night, Lord PALmeasrow rose,

be said, to perform one of the most painful duties that can fall to the lot of a Minister of the Crown, yet a duty not devoid of consolation. He described how it is the privilege of a free people to share with the Sove- reign in displaying gratitude to distinguished military and naval heroes ; how sometimes the House of Commons greeted them in their place or at the bar ; or how that House has been called upon to enable the Sovereign to bestow substantial acknowledgments required to support dignities con- ferred by the Crown. Unfortunately, in the case of Lord Raglan' the House could do neither of these things. That ear which might have listened to the nation's thanks conveyed by the House is now still in death ; that hand which might have received the generous acknowledgments of the country is cold and stiff in the grave : but Lord Raglan has bequeathed to his country those who were dearest to his affections. Had he not re- ceived the Peerage before he went to the East, no doubt the House would

have added to the Peerage that provision for maintaining it in dignity for which so many examples can be quoted in the course of the present cen-

tury. The provision he proposed was a pension of 1000/. a year to Lady Raglan, and a pension of 20001. a year to the present Lord Raglan, with remainder to his next heir succeeding to the title. Lord Palmerston entered into a warm appreciation of Lord Raglan's military services and character ; especially distinguishing his conduct in his relations with the French army.

" To Lord Raglan's honour, be it said, by his manner of conducting his intercourse with the generals, officers, and men of the French army, he in- spired not only among his own men that cordiality towards their French comrades so desirable to exist, but he inspired also in the minds of the troops and officers of France perfect conviction that there was most entire oblivion of any differences of the past, and that from that time forward the two armies and the two countries were animated by one identical feeling and were acting together as brothers of the same family and the same laud." (Cheers.) Mr. Frrzaor (the House being in Committee) read the following re- solutions placed in his hands by Lord Palmerston- " That the annual sum of 10001. be granted to her Majesty, to be charged upon the Consolidated Fund of Great Britain and Ireland, from and after the 2d of July 1855, and to be settled, as shall be most beneficial, upon, Emily Harriett, widow of the late Fitzroy James Henry Lord Raglan.

"Also, that the annual sum of 20001. be granted to her Majesty, to be charged upon the Consolidated Fund of Great Britain and Ireland, from and after the 2d of July 1855, and to be settled, as shall be most beneficial, upon Richard Henry Lord Raglan, and his next surviving heir male."

Mr. Diorama seconded the resolutions in the following terms- " Half a century of public service, always noble, sometimes illustrious, cannot be permitted to pass away without the record and recognition of a nation's gratitude. The career of Lord Raglan was remarkable. Forty years ago he sealed with his blood the close of a triumphant struggle against universal empire. After so long an interval, it has been his fate to give his

life to his country in order to avert from it the menace of a new and

overwhelming dominion. The qualities of Lord Raglan were remarkable, and it may be doubted whether they can be easily supplied. What meet distinguished him, perhaps, was an elevation and serenity of mind, which invested him, as it were, with an heroic and classical repose, whiclipermitted him to bring to the management of men and to the transaction of great af- fairs the magic influence of character, and which in his case often accom- plished results which are usually achieved by the inspiration of genius. Never was there an instance where valour of the highest temper was so hap- pily and so signally blended with so disciplined a discretion. Courage and caution were never so united, and each quality in so high a degree. Over the tomb of departed greatness criticism should be mute; yet we may be permitted to observe that the course of events has already sanctioned the judgment of this commander with respect to those difficulties with which it was his hard fate to cope, and which his country regrets, but which he nei- ther chose nor created. May those who follow him encounter happier fortune.! They cannot meet a more glorious end. There is nothing more admirable than self-sacrifice to public duty. This was the principle which guided the life of Somerset. This was the principle hallowed his end. I feel great pride in seconding the resolution."

Sir DE LACY EVANS tendered his most earnest assurances of concur- rence in the sentiments that had been expressed. At different intervals for nearly half a century he had witnessed Lord Raglan's noble devotion to duty on many occasions. His most important and transcendent aer

vice is that of having contributed to cement the great alliance of this country with Franco. He was called to the field at a late period of hie and suddenly ordered to undertake, by the desire of the Government, the conduct of a momentous enterprise, without all those preparations, those reserves and supplies, which undoubtedly were necessary for its proper

execution. He has fallen without achieving the end for which he was striving: but if those illustrious and victorious men, rewarded for their services in former times, had been similarly deprived of the crowning glory of success, the world would not, perhaps, have given them credit for the abilities and services now recognized.

"I do venture to think," General Evans added, "that if the noble Lord had been spared a little longer to his country and to Europe, he would not have failed to reap by success all the laurels which he had so dearly earned." (Cheers.)

Admiral WaLoorr and Lord JOHN Russiu.x.. having joined in the chorus of respectful admiration, the question. was put..

Mr. Grasote here rose to ask some explanation of the policy of the Go- vernment; and having stated that he thought Lord Raglan had been un- fairly treated, he proceeded to enter upon the general question of the war. He especially asked for an explanation from Lord John Russell with re- spect to his views of peace. In an extraordinary circular from Vienna, addressed to the diplomatic service Count Buol states that Lord John Russell entirely agreed with the lark Austrian proposal, and engaged to influence the British Government to adopt it. If that is true, how can

Lord John Russell explain his present retention of office in a Govern- ment entertaining the opinions of the present Government ? Has he changed his opinion, or is henow endeavouring to influence the Govern- ment to agree to the Austrian proposal He asked Lord John to give

an explanation of his present views. '

Lord PALMERSTON observed that there are "times. and seasons for all things; and although always ready to defend the Government,,:he would not be led by any taunts to mix up an acrimonious debate with the proper subject before the Howie.

Motion agreed to.

Mr. GIBSON then repeated his question. Lord Jouu RUSSELL said, he must postpone his answer, as there will be more than one opportunity of bringing the subject forward. " I will only say at present, that the right honourable gentleman has totally misrepresented the facts." Mr. GIBSON retorted, that if there was any misrepresentation, it originated with Lord John himself; who had stated in reply to a question that the contents of Count Buol's despatch were correct.


The Earl of ELLENBOROUGH, referring to Lord Ps.nmnre'e statement on Thursday week, observed that be was reported to have said that the additional pay of the soldier should date from the landing of the British troops in the Crimea. Lord PArnatrae said that was a mistake. He further explained, that the original plan had been changed ; and that, instead of investing an additional shilling per day in the savings-bank to the credit of every soldier serving in the Crimea, it was intended to pay an extra sixpence per day at once into the soldier's hand, as a "field allowance?' Ar- rangements would also be made which would enable the soldier to allot

the whole or part of his extra pay to his family in his absence. It is also intended that the non-commissioned officers shall share in the field- allowance.


Soon after the House of Commons assembled on Monday, Lord GODE- RICH inquired whether Lord Robert Grosvenor intended to proceed with the Sunday Trading Bill ? Lord ROBERT Gnosveson said, he was placed in an awkward predica- ment. Nobody likes to be bullied out of a measure introduced with inten- tions and feelings so dissimilar from those attributed to him. "This was a measure not for the better observance of the Sabbath ; it was a measure which interfered with no man's recreation, and with no man's re- ligious convictions. It was a measure for the purpose of procuring as large an amount of holiday as possible for the hard-worked and over-tasked thou- sands of this metropolis. But, considering that this is one of those measures which are peculiarly liable to misrepresentation and to ridicule, and that mis- representation has been most unsparingly exercised against this measure; considering the late period of the session at which we are arrived, and the formidable opposition which at this moment I am threatened with, I think it would not be right to keep up the irritation which at the present moment exists, for the bare chance of passing this measure during the present session of Parliament. Therefore, if the House, which has so kindly supported me up to the present moment, will permit me to do so, I will move that the or- der of the day in reference to this bill, which stands on the paper for Wed- nesday next, be now discharged." (Cheers.) Mr. OTWAY congratulated Lord Robert on now yielding what he had last week refused. He accused Sir George Grey of vacillation, and of causing the tumult in Hyde Park on Sunday, and the incarceration of 104 persons ; and asked whether Sir George intended to procure the liberation of the prisoners, and whether he would lay on the table a copy of the instructions given to the Police ?

Sir GEORGE GREY said, he did not think he could be justly charged with vacillation. The measure was not a Government measure. The people enjoy the privilege of assembling for recreation in Hyde Park; but no Home Secretary, without a great dereliction of duty, could allow a monster meeting, called by advertisement, to interfere with the right of enjoyment by all persons in the public parks. The Police therefore issued a warning against the proposed assembling of persons ; and it was not until, by hissing and hooting, they had caused several horses to run away, that the order was given to clear the carriage-road. Among the 104 persons in custody, only 71 were apprehended for riotous conduct; the rest were pickpockets. With regard to the other cases, it was not necessary to interfere with the ordinary administration of justice. Mr. THOMAS DUNCOMBE, Mr. WILKINSON, and Mr. W. J. Fox, com- plained of the conduct of the Police in attacking inoffensive persons—oven women and children ; so that some soldiers present were excited to in- terfere for their protection. The people were assembled to protest, as they were entitled to protest, against a most unjustifiable invasion of their freedom.

Sir GEORGE GREY, in reply to several questions, said that the soldiers in the crowd did not come into contact with the Police ; that they were taken to barracks by a picket of the Guards ; that if inquiry other than that before the Magistrates were necessary, it should be made, but he had no reason to believe the Police acted in the way described.

Mr. G. VERNON, who had been present in the Park for two hours, bore witness to the good conduct of the Police.

The motion for discharging the order was agreed to.


Petitions complaining of the conduct of the Police in the late disturb- ances were presented on Thursday by Mr. Roebuck and Mr. Thomas Duncombe. Mr. ROEBUCK stated, that Mr. Chaffyn (one of the petition- ers) was an upholsterer in Oxford Street ; that on Monday last, having just returned from the country, he entered a news-shop to read the news ; that the Police came and said to the shopman, "Damn you, why don't you shut your door ? " to which the shopman replied, "I'll see you damned first" ; that then the Police struck out with their truncheons, nearly breaking Mr. Chaffyn's arm ; and that he had since tried in vain to find out the man who assaulted him. After a good deal of controversy on points of order and form, Sir GEORGE GREY asked for a copy of the statement, and promised inquiry into this case.

Mr. DUNCOMBE came forward with several petitions, and attempted to speak upon them. Cries of "Order !" were raised, and the SPEAKER re- marking that the grievances complained of were not grievances of the kind that demand immediate inquiry, decided that Mr. Duncombe could not speak upon them. Whereupon Mr. DUNCOMBE moved the adjournment of the House ; and proceeded, not without some further interruptions, to detail the cases of alleged outrage and cruelty, and to suggest immediate inquiry as the only means of preventing further mischief. A man talking to his neighbours was struck under each ear by two Policemen ; another was knocked down in Mount Street; a woman following her bleeding husband was struck on the breast ; a youth was struck across the loins, without any provocation ; a soldier, wounded in the Crimea—a cripple, who could not move rapidly—was cruelly beaten. Colonel Aubrey, late of the Blues, had volunteered to give evidence of the "brutality displayed by a body of ruffians and cowards," whom he could not call men. Mr Duncombe said he was ready to substantiate all these cases by evidence ; and at a future time he should move for a Committee of inquiry. Sir GEORGE GREY said he heard the statements for the first time ; had they been laid before him earlier, he could have already instituted an in- quiry. With regard to a Committee, he could say nothing, not knowing the grounds on which it would be demanded. After a considerable discussion, the motion for the adjournment was withdrawn.


Some further progress was made on Monday with the Lord Advocate's Education Bill for Scotland. The House went into Committee, and dis- posed of all the chums, after eight divisions.

In clause 14, providing for the election and examination of school- masters, Mr. LOCKHART proposed to insert the words "in regard to his sufficiency for the office in respect of literature." There being 97 for and 97 against the amendment, the Chairman, in accordance with custom, voted with the "Ayes." Mr. Cuissirso BRUCE moved the omission of clause 15, abolishing tests ; but it was retainekby 109 to 86. In clause 19, the Lord ADVOCATE moved the omission of certain words, giving a majority of ratepayers assembled in public meeting power to establish ad- ditional schools. Carried by 73 to 40. On clause 25, the Lord ADVOCATE obtained the insertion of words fixing the salary of schoolmasters at "not less than 50/. per annum." An amendment., to reduce the sum to not less than 351., was negatived by 96 to 36. On clause 27, providing for the ap- pointment of stated periods for religious instruction at which children shall not be bound to attend should their parents object, Mr. &sow= proposed to insert words to the effect that the religious teaching should be in accordance with that heretofore in use in the parochial schools. Nega- tived by 93 to 38. An attempt to omit the clause was negatived by 87 to 79. The Lord ADVOCATE moved the addition of a proviso to clause 38, giving power to the Board of Education to aid industrial and reformatory schools, to the effect that it should not be necessary to provide lodging for the vagrant children of the reformatory, and that the school-rules should be satisfactory ; and enabling the Sheriff to commit vagrant children to these schools. Carried by 125 to 51. The bill was ordered to be re- ported with amendments. On the same day, the three Education Bills for England and Wales, brought in by Lord John Russell, Sir John Pakington, and Mr. Milner Gibson, were withdrawn. In moving that the order for the second reading of his bill should be discharged, Sir JOHN PAKINGTON said he hoped that next session there would be a settlement of the question on these principles— First, that there should be no unnecessary interference with the existing agencies, which have done much good, and are effecting much good at this moment; secondly, that the deficiencies of the existing agencies should be supplied by means of a public fund to be administered by local authority; thirdly, that the religious element should be retained in our-religious system of education, but that the religious teaching should be combined with the most perfect respect and toleration for the religious opinions of those de- nominations of Christians who dissent from the Established Church.

Lord JOHN RUSSELL said he concurred in these principles Since the Committee of Council for Education was established, circumstances have changed. It is now necessary that the President of the Council should be acknow- ledged as the Minister of Education ; while the department over which that functionary presides should be represented in the House of Commons by some official person holding the rank of a Privy Councillor, who sbould be prepared to defend any measures that the general committee might propose, and from time to time be ready to explain the views of the Executive Go- vernment on the subject of education.

At some future period Government will introduce a measure based on the rating principle.

Mr. GD3SON said a few words in vindication of the secular principle. The orders respecting the three bills were then discharged.


The House, in Committee on the Tenants' Improvements Compensation Bill, was occupied the greater part of Thursday evening in the considera- tion of Clause 14. This clause provided that tenants, if evicted, shall be entitled to compensation for improvements made before the passing of the act. Mr. HORSMAN proposed to limit the retrospective effect of the clause to twenty years ; and the insertion of words to that effect was carried by a majority of 141 to 37. Mr. Sergeant SHEE and others angrily complained that they bad been taken by surprise. But the consideration of the clause was continued. Some amendments were proposed and carded, and at length the clause was put, and negatived by 138 to 102, awiinst the wish of the Government. This led to a warm altercation and the exehange of sharp words between Mr. Shoe and Lord Palmerston ; Mr. SHEB ac- cusing the Premier of "presumption" in attacking him ; and Lord PAL- MERSTON announcing that he should be guilty of the presumption of at- tacking Mr. Shea whenever he thought proper. On the ground that without the retrospective clause the bill would be an utter farce, Mr. SHEE urged that it should be withdrawn. But Lord PALMERSTON said he should fix the bill for next Thursday, and then the House might say what should be done regarding it.


Lord Sr. LEONARDS called attention to the last return of convicts at large upon tickets-of-leave ; and complained that, after these criminals had been set at liberty, the Government did not ascertain whether or not they returned to habits of honest industry. Ifp„suggested that desperate characters should be transported, and liberated ticket-of-leave men em- ployed on public works. Earl GP.ANVILLE and the Lord CHANCELLOR said that an exaggerated ease had been made out against the system' which has succeeded better than could have been expected. At least 80 or 90 per cent, according to the statement of Colonel Jebb, are now getting an honest living. One half of the money to which they are entitled on liberation is withheld, and can only be obtained by a certificate of good behaviour signed by a clergyman or a magistrate. Out of 254 men, satisfactory replies had been received with regard to 189; unsatisfactory, 17; no replies, 50. The greater part of the persons sentenced to penal servitude would not under the old sys- tem have been transported, but would in due course have been let loose upon society. Out of 1500, not more than 100 men who would other- wise have been transported have been let loose.

Lord MELVILLE complained that a ticket-of-leave man had enlisted into a regiment of the Line ; and, supported by the Duke of CAstisamem, he urged that means should be taken to prevent the recurrence of such a case.


In Committee, on Thursday night, resolutions were agreed to, on the motion of Sir GEORGE LEWIS, for a bill to reduce the duties on carriages from lid, to ld. per mile, and the supplemental licence to is.


After one of the divisions in Committee on the Tenant-Right Bill, Mr. MALINS remarked that the Home Secretary, the Attorney-General, and the Solicitor-General, had voted, although at the time the question was put they were beyond the folding-doors at the back of the chair. Much discussion arose respecting the validity of the votes, and whether the three Members were "within the walls of the House" when the question was put ; and it was finally determined that Mr. Frrznoy should consult the Speaker. Accordingly, when the House resumed Mr. Priv:toy stated the case. The SPEAKER then laid down the rule— "Strictly speaking, when the question is put, every Member ought to be in his place—no Member should be standing upon the floor. (Cheers and laugh- ter.) It is the duty of the Sergeant to clear the lobby of Members; and those Members who do not wish to vote have the liberty of retiring to the room beyond the lobby. All Members who are in the lobby ought to come into the House and vote; but they ought not to be allowed to vote unless they are within the walls of the House—inside the folding-doors." MR. ROEBUCK'S Morrow OF CENSURE.

Mr. ROEBUCK, having obtained an unfortunate place in the ballot for priority, has postponed his motion of censure on the Government, which originally stood for the 3d instant, to the 17th. General Past has placed a notice on the paper, that he will move the " previous question" on Mr. Roebuck's motion.

" Couar Otrr."

Mr. Rica was making a speech on Tuesday in support of a motion hostile to "the authorized system of purchase and sale of commissions, promotions, and exchanges in the Army," and in favour of its gradual discontinuance, when it was discovered that only thirty-two Members were present, and the House adjourned.