"The Spectator" Crossword No. 215
[A prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked " Crossicord Puzzle, and should be received not later than post on Tuesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner will be published in our next issue. Envelopes containing solutions must bear a three-halfpenny stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery.]
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1„ Wind-instruments played by ear • 10. This militiaman is all reticence.
13. " Tell me where is fancy . . . 1" 14. My first is unchecked in 13 down, my second in 1 across. - 15. Adorn with mosaics.
16. Vestment of celebrant.
19. Is not vulgar with it.
20. Suitable kind of author for a haunted house.
21. You can always find a meal in this vessel.
22. Wool extract as a basis of ointments.
23. Novice qualifying for initia- tion in Buddhism.
25. "Loveliness Needs not the foreign . . . of ornament."
26. 5 is a particular kind of this.
27. Go with this for the charge for changing paper- money into cash.
28. rev. " Eye of newt, and . . . of frog."
29. German warship that es- caped from battle off Falkland Islands.
30. " With mirth in funeral, and with . . . in marriage."
31. " Shall I not take mine ... in mine inn f " 32. Panic-monger.
DOWN 1. This marshy land is nearly always joyful.
2. This, I suppose, would be the favourite seat of Europe's military dic- tators ! 3. The Armistice of 1918 was signed here.
4. My first is unchecked in 32, my second in 9.
5. Pertaining to a religious order founded by' St. Angela Merici.
6. " Of all that is most beau- teous imaged there
In happier beauty, more . . • streams-" 7. Ecstasy.
8. rev. He's at the inside.
9. A toothless animal that commenced in paradise ?
11. No asses (anag.).
12. When it gets in a tempo- rary mood.
13. The French and Bavarians were defeated here in 1704.
17. rev. These have obtained legal majority.
18. This fruit is the source of many a slip !
24. It takes a bulky mass of wood to make , this ship's apparatus.
28. rev. Oddly enough, this commences a proposal tending to make peace !