The Commerce publishes a letter from the frontiers of Italy,
dated the 23d November, stating that notwithstanding the change of the Minis- try in France, the different Governments of Italy continued their arma- ments and preparations for war. They wish to be ready to repel both the insurrections of their subjects and the attacks of the French Pro- paganda; for they are generally convinced that the Ministry of M. Guizot cannot withstand the shock of public opinion, which is favour- able to war, and cannot be subdued.
The Tines, on the authority of a private letter, says that Queen Christina " purposed leaving Paris about the Sth of December for Naples; having received an autograph letter from her brother, the King of the Two Sicilies, who since the fall of Don Carlos considers himself the head of' the Spanish branch of the house of Bourbon, and was de- sirous of consulting her Majesty upon the best means, throuell the aid of King Louis Philippe, of terminating the military dictatorship of Espartero."
The Debuts contradicts the assertions that several courts of Italy, and particularly that of Florence, have refused to receive Queen Christine of ',Spain. On the contrary, it is said the Court of Florence, in the hope of being honoured with the visit of the Queen, immediately after her sojourn at Marseilles, gave orders for her being received in Tus- cany with all the distinctions due to her rank."
A coirespondent of the Fronlifigt Journal, writing front Carlsrhue, 24th November, declares, that notwithstanding the pacific appearance of foreign affairs, the preparations for war continued with the greatest activity. Thu army would be raised to a greater amount titan the number of men stipulated by the federal contingent. The bad weather, adds the writer, was causing much sickness. It had been proposed to make subscriptions for the unfortunate sufferers by the inundations of the rivers Rhone mid Saone; but a of opinion having arisen on the subject, the idea of a subscription was abandoned, According to a private letter from Rome, dated the 1401 Novell-0,er. " The Emir Bechir Schiab, Prince of Mount I.•+atton, had wriiim to the Pope to request permission to establish himself at Rome with his attendants, to the number of 120 persons; to which his Holinese con- sented on condition that the Emir should not expect any allowance front the Papal state."
The inaugur tion of the King of Holland took place on Saturday, at Amsterdam, with great pomp and splendour. In the evening, the city was brilliantly illuminated. The crowd to witness the illuminations was so great, that six persons were trampled to death.