In the Lirerp:o4 Mad of Saturday is a docum;_;:e. qeeed
by about
sixty of the hiss leers of the President, (at the hem.: ••.' hens we per-
ceive the mine? of Mr. J. S. Bucking-halm) praising Illy : nd captain,
but blenting tile insufficient provision of coals; in fin: tcrms-
" .21.f■er this lanai:narrative of facts, We de:4re to state ,t')ud qualities of the Pree :tut. 11,. 3 sea boat, were tcstcd and proved in 115cc t satisfactory manner ffiniag tile gale; wi.lch she weathered hi perliet cc dtr, without straining it halt or a timber, and with le:,s of moLion and •.vorld.c..: in her frame than is usmdly seea Oct Silnil:'.1*OeenSiOnt. Our confidence in r perfect safety
• I. supply mild .. •
oci beard as I. 1211i,..stio/t):76.
'File report of tic, ugiffie: the e tons 1...r day. 'Th.. ';',...stdditv on h.iard • . ni liver-
1)01 %(as about Ito cons, in ;.; • di this Port 624 chaldrons, ;ipdil to tiOt) tuns. Iffitisffig t ffis the average constimioimi, agro.ably to the er diem,
was sutlicient for tr.cnty-eiglit days' .:.• : re: traing for
additional supply Iveal. therefore, itrol.cs ti. at e:n the amount 01..11,d 1.• etlittecr, on v. liffin cv P f. inforniatittit
as to the q Ii city of coal the shiii may : I: in a postsetipt, that the aminti consumption avas mum: to I.; ,1:■.] The tati'L'Icts the g.tles oil, in rad, .• tadit usual
its ti cereilire. never ones shaken or disturb:I. as no v..srel cor.;,1 have sustained
iffiriog such a gale as eneuanterffil. " To Catitaffi ti.eane and his officers we diso hear the IN ii;i11V testimony of
our mires, rved praise, ffir -.heir vigilant and ited,datIgable thm to their du- ties throughout the whole periffil of ic sI; and ce dcc z...‘ conduct of the captsin, itt reterning to New York for ;:..• ,estly justifiable
• and t.vor:hy of all commendation, as ...t the lives and lerieerty committed to his care.
" At the i,lffie time, we feel it dine to tee pffiffic r.n0. otn• • to express ern. ineeeeeiol ,:eseprobation of the e tt;,h ti:i. respon- c, cvi ei the Onp to la., •- .1-me with an at coal. and 33 equa'd...- df hands in the
been formet1 at . :Is no interm...: • :try ; :.t.e to ci hid, the sidp (-all repair in •
The Nen. Y:,r:t. ca cc _2:ve the tollo.:vitt •• . of the fee' e
" lt s hio ppeers that tile s encoant continuous . . nuasual con- • ' he ctstuard r o ' -1
supelyid Imetis el
" Acauh, r e;..-emosffince in this nii.fort eat. of the crew-,
in cons,...., of iii' ,,f • c Illriess and ;ffie dccl. tlius rentleritcg. the ship cult time ,%liett all were in
roeleitie :. it should he otiserN ed. that :I..' cc is despat.•ldd liiffit this port %t it!, voareleituffit of Loch as she ....1 f:07!: which the • c,. ld sloeeent.
•• real's! ••■• r, tirlt ill t'r. • of coal, essarc efficit :drys %Yin hild atd.1 'art ad; :I.:ate