Mr. Samuel Gray of Ballybey, once a very prominent political
cha- racter, has been eemmitted on a Coroner's warrant for the murder of a man named Owen Murphy. It appears that on Thursday week the Sub-Sheriff proceeded to give up the possession of some houses and lands to parties who derived under the will of the late Moses Bradford, which will was unsuccessfully litigated by (ray. On returning from the performance of this dot, the Sheritf, accompanied by the Messrs. Cunningham, (one of them a 31,1ginrate of the county,) leal to pa-s by the shambles. Gray was stamilug at this place, and it is alleged aimed at Mr. Cunningham. 1k diseharged two pistols at tile party ; and the ball of one took el feet upon Owen Murphy, who was killed on the spot. Murphy was one of the perms to whom possession was given by the Sheriff. Gray was pllnAled IC 1 aiire,ted the same eve Ii! Some of
the Irish Liberal papers 1L this ....rime to the account of the political
party with which Gray WIU3 connected: their accounts of it are headed " An Orange Murder.'
A murder has been committed lately, at Cootehill, in Ireland. Thomas Gogins, agent to a 31,-. Saunaerson, had seized some potatoes, the property of a man Dallied Kearnan. While the property was being removed, Kearnan struck Cogins on the head with a stisk: he fell, and ever since has been daneerously ill. Kearnan then drew a dagger, and desired all to keep off from him. A man named Richard Guthrie, a
Protestant who had formerly been in the ConstabuIrry, and who was employed Os 0 speeial constable to execute the decrec, pursued and at- tempted to to]: him, In the seuffie. k yarn an stabbed Guthrie to the heart, and kills.d him on the spot ; he then tel to his own house, and armed himself. Ile was, lnovever, captured by another eonstalde. An inquest held on the body ot 4:1 athrie resulted in the prisoner's being committed for trial. He is salt to be respectably connected.