5 DECEMBER 1840, Page 10


STOCK EXCHANGE, From, Arix artGosr. The intelligence of the capture of Acre, and consequent pacific disposi- tion of the Pasha of Egypt, gave an impulse to our Mommy-market; and notwithstanding the pressure ihr money, Consols for Account advanced to 9IA, while the quotation for Money was 90A. The hooks of the Consols closed on 'Wednesday ; and as the high value of money induced many bankers rind other capitalists rather to sell or borrow upon their Stock than hold it till the opening in January, there was a considerable demand for money upon the security of English Stock ; and some of the principal brokers gave an interest of 6 per cent, per minion upon very large amounts. The market was, however, released by the Bank Broker, who took 100,000/., and no material decline of price occurred. The closing price of Consols on 'Wednesday was 90i- if for Money, and 91 lin the January Account. We have had no quotation for Money since that day, and shall have none till the 6th January, when the books reopen fiir private transfer. By a new regulation of' the Committee, tine price of all Stocks the books of which are closed, are to be quoted without dividend from the period of the closing of such I•ooks. The pries of Consols for Account is therefore quoted in conformity with that re- gulation ; and the quotations of Thursday, although in reality dith•ring but slightly, appear to have suffered in depreciation of 114- per cent.; t he quotation of 691 on Thursday being equal to that of 91 on Weduesday—as under. When quot,,I with Dividend,

Dn. 2. entosols Com Ace,Attit De dant Dividend It 891

When quoted without Dividend, Dee. 3. Consols for Account Kit

The decline in the French Funds, occasioned by reports of an immediate loan,

and fears of disturbances in Paris on the arrival of the remains of Nstrorseos:. have produced a trifling effect here; and Consols have been heavy both yester- day and to-day ; and at one period this morning there were sellers at 89 for Account, thus marking a depreciation of :I; per cent. : the market acquired more firmness towards the end of the day, but afterwards fell to 881.

The recent purchase of the Bank of England, on which we last week ani-

madverted, has been explained as having been for the purpose of repurchasing the amount of Stock belonging to the Savings Banks sold ::mne Bine ago. By the 901 George IV. tine Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt possess• the power of convcrting or disposing of the Stock belonging to the Savings Banks, ennt it has always been held that the authority thus conferred Was of a very objectionable nature ; but its rower has hitherto escaped observa- tion, became it has been but slightly exerci,ed : it will certainly become a just cause of complaint it' an extvlisive system of buying and selling with a view to profit is to originate under the powers of this act, as it will always be in the power of the Commissioners, or of their agents, to regulate the prices from tine command which the possession of .20,000,090/. of Stock will necessarily give them over the market. It is understood that considerable profit has been made by the operation just alluded to, as the Stock was sold out clove 99, and has been repurchased at about 87.

Great complaints are made of the number of light sovereigns now in circu-

lation. Of' a parcel of about 18,1100 sent into the Bank this week, IMO were rejected as short weight ; tted the loss upon tine rejected portion was from Is to ii per cent. It may be stated in general, that all the sovereigns issued in the rein! of GEORGE III. are light : they are distinguished by having an effigy of St. George arid the Dragon on the reverse : those of' GEORGE IV., with the arms of Englend on the reverse, are generally of weight.

There has been but little business in the Foreign Market ; and most of the

European Divideud paying Stocks had advauccd slightly, in consequence of the improvement in Consols ; and have toAnny given way with the depression of the English Funds to quotations slightly below those cif last week. Mexi- can Stock is in demand at our last prices. Brazilian' is heavy, in consequence of the new loan, and may he quoted about 2 per cent. below our last prices. The other South American Stocks are firm at au advance of 1 per cent. upon our last price, with little doing. A deputation of the holders of the Bonds of the Portuguese Loan of 1836 waited upon Mr. MONTEZUMA, the Brazilian Minister, yesterday, thr the pur- poec of urging upon his Excellency the necessity under which his Government use at present of acknowledging this loan ea a Brazilian Stock. The loan it!ielf wins specially secured at the time of the contract upon the acknowledged claims

of the Portuguese Government upon that of Brazil ; and the hypothecation of such claim to the Bondholders recognized by the Brazilian Government. The financial difficulties of Portugal have, however, prevented her from paying the interest, and several of the dividends are in arrear. This stock is to all intents and purposes, therefore, a Brazilian Stock, and ought to be considered as such by the Brazilian Government. We are not aware of what passed at the meet- ing yesterday, but have little doubt that the Brazilian Ambassador will see the necessity of complying with the request of the Bondholders, particularly as by so doing he will remove a great obstacle to the completion of his mksion. By the regulations of the Stock Exchange, no new loan of any Government can lie quoted in the official list of prices, if the Dividends upon any preceding loan of such Government be in arrear ; and those acquainted with the Money-market are aware that stocks thus excluded arc never so current as those admitted to quotation. The several varieties of Greek Stock now current, and which come under this category of exclusion, are instances of its effect: for while the English Five per Cents. have fluctuated from 125 to 135, the Bonds of the Anglo- Greek loan, the dividends upon which are guaranteed by this country, have never been higher than 112 to 114, and are now about 106. The Franco- Greek has never exceeded in price 102 to 104; while the French Five per Cents. have been as high as 120; and the Russian Greek Bonds have also been at about the same value as the French, though the Russian Five per Cents. have been at 117.

The report of M. GAMBOA, the new Spanish llinister of Finance, to the Provisional Regency, has given universal satisfaction to the Bondholders ; who see in it an evidence of the present Governmebt of Spain administering the resources of the country with honesty : the price of the Bonds has conse- quently risen, and was yesterday as high as 24g : but as the price in Paris has declined during the last two days, the Bonds have gone down here to-day, and close at 23g :4; which is the lowest quotation at which they have stood.

sArminsv, Tics I.V E

Very little business is doing here this morning, hut the market is a slight degree firmer than at the close of yesterday. Consols for Account °pencil at 89, mid have since been 88, but are now 885 9. Exchequer Bills arc 2s, ,14, premium. In the Foreign Market, there have been a flu,/ transactions in Spanish Active Stock, which opened at 24, and is now 234 II. The other CUT- rent varieties are within a. little of yesterday's prices, and in some cases at a trifling improvement ; but the majority of our quotations are only nominal, as in many of the Foreign Funds not a single bargain has occurred.

3 per Cent. Consols shut Belgian 5 per Cents. 77 9 It per Cent. Ditto New Bank Simi: 257 9 Portuguese Regency toper Cts. 33t1

971i.utI Mitch 21 per Cents 01'4 ;