EAST INDIA SHIPPING. Arrived—At Gravesend, Dec. 1st, Elephanfit, Dooglas; and
3,1, Elizabeth, limn. lyn, from Bengal. At Deal, 411i, Victor, Ridley, from ditto; and City of Aherdym, Munro, from Ceylon. Ow Hastings, 3,1, Senator, I;riodley, from IC 'seat. ear Ports- mouth, ad, Shut neJon, Cheap'. frost Matirts. At Liverpool. Nov. 'Moot sia,
Cushing; and. Gen'uo, rt,n Hal, 1,1 C.y le, Dec. 1,1. Erit sh tiin2, Paton, from Boanbay. At Sr. 1Mena, Coisachen,--, frtan Cluna ; mitt Oct. 10111, El 'it Mapletoa, from London. At the Cape, Sept. 10th, Childe Darold, Willis, from Bom- bay ; lath, Pekoe, Kern, from Dublin ; 101h, Catharine, Brown, front London; la Belle Alliance, Dokftud, and Mary and Jane, Challis, Ittan Bengal; and Argyleshire, ---, from Liverpool. Sailed—Front Gravesend, Nov. 'jilt, Fleetwood, 1\1.1:ay, for B.mgal. Front Le c,.' pool, 28th, Bengal Sovereign, Adams; and Dee. 311, 0.prey, Kirk, tor Bombay.