4 JUNE 1831, Page 4


For the King and Country. For the Doroughmongers.

No. of " No. of

Mernbcns. Population. Property. Members. Population. Property.

Counties... . 5 .. 301,104 .. 966 6811. ...... 7 . • 337,720 .. 1,100,2321.

Berouglis .. 44,389 ...... 3 .. 8,875 .. 25,823 13 561,937 1,011,0611. 10 316,585 1,120,0551.


For theKing and Country.

No. of

.Members, Populatron. Property. 'Counties .... 76 .. 9,011,785 .. 41,724,5171.

Cities....... 42 .. 676.535 .. 3,136,197 Boroughs.... 169 .. 881,633 .. 2,333,092 287 10,600,003 47,193,8661.


For the Boroughmongers.

No. of Members. Populntion. Properly. 6 299,873 .. 1,665.3641. 8 .. 55,526 .. 143,634 188 .. 306,035 .. 741,670 202 661,434 2,550,6681.


For the King and Country.

Number of MenMers. Popuia:ien. Counties ...... 13 665,850 Burghs 11 328,734 24 991,593 68 5,22.1,319 32 1.560,1S3 GENERAL SUMMARY.

For the King and Country. For the Berougl,mongers.

No. of No. of

Members. Population. Property. Members. neeettoi..o. Property. England.... 287 .. 10,600,01.3 .. :J42 .. 661,431 .. 2,550,0081. Wales* .... 13 .. 361937 .. 1,011,4ale to , . 1,126,05 Scotland ... 24 .. 994.593 . 21 .. 1 etati,g63 .. - Ireland .... 68 .. 5,224,319 32 .. 1,ui14,4ea

- - - 392 17,180,352 48,204,92 1. 363 3,11;6.377 3,676,7231.

• One Member Or VW., not rot:moat.

[The population in the above Tables is t. ken from the Population Returns of 1821. In a few instances it does not agree wit': the population us stated by Lord JOHN RUSSELL; our object being to show the virtual constituency under the present ar- rangements. For the valuations of property of the seeogd utnuities and towns in England, we are indebted to an unpublished work of Mr. Ma es ZIA r„ the emittent statist. The numbers of electors in the Scotch coon:ie.:are from the ParliamenturyReturns. The electors of the Scotch burghs are estimated at 25 for each, which is Dearly the average; Edinburgh has 33.

In estimating the Property of each county, the property of the boroughs sitazted in it has been deducted. The same rule has been observed in respect to the Popu- lation.

The valuation of property in Helston, Ohl Sarum. an:I Westbury, is not distinctly ascertainable from the returns. The valuation of the boroughs does not include that of the contributory borcuahs, which in several cases. is not ascer- tainable.] IRELAND.

For the Kin) and Cutintrg.

Number of Members. Forel:it ir n.

48 4,6sS,o23 20 336,:o1; Counties Boroughs For the 1?oroughmongers.

Number of Members. Population. 17 .... 91.0,222 . 4 192,641 21 1,1198,863 For the Euro:who:pagers.

Number of Mend:ets. Population.

16 .... 1,450,307

...... . It; .... 119,178