4 JUNE 1831, Page 11


PRE FEIZSIENT9.--The Rev. Dr. French, Master of Jesus College, Cambridge, has been collated to the Prebendal Stall in Ely Cathedral, vacant by the death of the Ber. H. T. Dampier. The Rev. W. Selwyn, B.A. Fellow of St. John's College, Catabri leo, has been In- stituted by the Bishop of Lincoln to the Rectory of Brannston, in the county of Lei- cester. vacant by the death of the Rev. W. Woodall. Petrol', i.is Grace Cie Duke of Rutland. The Rev. P. Fosbrook, B.A. of Clare Hall, has beeit insiltntea to the Vicarage of Lockington, in the county of Leicester, vacant by the mesi:: nation of the P ev. It. Jarratt. Patron, the surviving trustee under the will s'''tile late Rev. P. Story. dec.

The Rev. G. Sandby jun. M.A. has been instituted to the Rectory of Saint Nicholas, with All Saints annexed, in South Elshant, Suffolk, on the 1.resentation of A. Adair, Esq. On Friday last, the Rev. J. C. Lenke, S.C.L. of Trinity Hall, teas instituted to the Rectory of Burlingham Parva, Norfolk, on the presentation of G. D. Graver, Esq_ of Wymondham, and others. The Rev. G. Dugard, B.A. of St. John's College, late Curate of St. Ann's Church, Mancheater,has been appointed, by the Wardell:1nd Fell-toant the Colleeittte Church in that town, to the District Church of St. Andrew-at•Ancolas. Lancaohire.

The Rev. It. Litter, M.A. of Brasennose College, Inettoilient of alarple and Charrikirk, has been appointed Domestic Chaplain to the Earl of IV ;Merton. The Rev. R. Basnett, M.A. to the Perpetual Curacy of Gorton,Laneasitire. Patron*, Manchester Collegiate Church. The Rev. E. Boteler, M.A. Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, to the Vicaruge of St. Clement, Sandwich. Patron, Archdeacon of Canterbury The Rev. Mr. Lawson to the Perpetual Curacy of Moseley,Wercestet shire. Patron. Vicar of Bromsgrove.