4 JANUARY 1908, Page 9


FRIDAY'S papers contain accounts of the capture of the Kasbah of Mediuna, near Casa Blanca, by the French forces at half-past eleven on New Year's Day with the loss of one killed and three wounded on the French side. This is no doubt the first step in the forward policy which has been decided on by the French Government, and which has led to the retirement of General Drude and the appointment of General d'Amade, who, however, has not yet reached Casa Blanca. There is no reason to believe that General Drude has done badly, or that be is superseded for any fault. He is, however, suffering from a severe form of fever of old standing, and this has rendered it impossible for him to. carry out any form of arduous military work. What is the exact plan of campaign resolved on by the French has not yet been dis- closed ; but in some quarters it is rumoured that after the large reinforcements which have been entrusted to General d'Amade arrive, there will be an advance inland to a very considerable distance.