Sia,—The recent endorsement at Hull by the Labour Party of a Socialist policy has done much to emphasise the new danger with which the country is threatened. The advocates of confiscation and spoliation have taken an important step in advance, and an effort is being made to utilise the Trade-Union organisations in furtherance of Socialist aims.
Individual enterprise, with all that it means for the continued industrial supremacy of an Empire whose prosperity rests upon its manufacturing and mercantile ability to find foreign markets for its products, is confronted with a danger which only the most strenuous efforts can avert. Success depends upon the education of public opinion as to the real aims of Socialism. It therefore behoves all who value our national institutions, who believe in individual enterprise, and who have anything to lose, to support the action which is now being taken to oppose a Socialist policy which involves public plunder and the loss of individual liberty.
The Industrial Freedom League has for several years been actively engaged by means of addresses, by the circulation of literature, and by the dissemination of facts and figures in draw- ing public attention to the economic evils of municipal Socialism. The scope of its work has been greatly enlarged by the progress of Collectivism. As a non-party organisation it affords a rallying- ground for individualists of every shade of political thought.
We accordingly appeal to all those who are in sympathy with the objects of the League to give it their support, either by becoming members, or by contributing to its funds, in order that its campaign against Socialism may be continued with the vigour which the seriousness of the situation demands. The secretary at the address given below will be glad to give every information to those desirous of co-operating in the work of the League.
AVE-HUEY, Vice-President.
CHAELBS CanaLrrox, for the Council.
Industrial Freedom League (P. S. Bridgeford, Secretary), 124 Palace Chambers, Westminster.