BB. IT ISE per Cent Consols Ditto for Account per Cents Reduced New 3 per Cents Annuities 1880 Annuities 1885 Bank Stock, 9 per Cent India Stock, IN per Cent Exchequer Bilis, 11./. per diem Exchequer Bonds, 3006.
India Bonds 4 per Cent FUNDS. Seamed. (Closing liaaday. Price.) Tuesday. Irminss. Nines. Priddy shut shut shut shut shut shut shut shut shut shut shut
0# • 93
93 4 pm.
5 8 die 92 31 93 161 229 par 961 93 921 229 par 931 931 93 229 931 93 93
2304 par
7 201 921 42 109 491 392 18 77 211
68 511 161 351 221
33 801 39 431 18
411 24 1221 681 71/ 981 291 31 108 .44 41 72 51 331 3.459,000 E11,015,100 13,770,485 (Last Official Quotation Matelots 5 p. Ct.
Belgian 41 - Ditto 21 - Brazilian 6 - Buenos Ayres 8 - (Milian it - Danish 4 - Ditto 3 - Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) 24 - Ditto 4 - French 3 -- FOREIGN daring the - 921 - 99 87 - - --- 66 1011 - FUNDS.
Week ending Friday Evening.) French lip-Ct.
Mexican 3 - Peruvian 41 -
Portuguese 180 s -
Russian s - Sardinian 5 - Spanish 3 - Ditto New Deferred 3 - Ditto Passive Turkish.... 5 - Venezuela 3 (Last °facial Quotation
Bristol and Exeter Caledonian Cheaterand Holyhead Eastern Counties Edinburgh and Glasgow Glasgow and South-Western Great Northern Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Lancashire and Yorkshire Lancaster and Carlisle London,Brighton,& South Coast London and Blackwell London and North-Western London and South Western Manchester, ShelBeld,& Lincoln Midland Midland GreatWestern (Ireland) North British North-Eastern-Berwick North-Eastern-York Oxford, Wor. & Wolverhampton Scottish Central Scottish Midland South Eastern and Dover Eastern of France East Indian Geelong and Melbourne Grand Trunk of Canada Great Indian Peninsular Ore.t Western of Canada Paris and Lyons Australian Brazilian Imperial Ditto St. John del Rey Cobre Copper Rbymney Iron during the 1014
611 651 -- - 1111 114 891 103/ 208 1131 70 1014 94 404 1171 - 621 981 01 441 331 854 - 991
371 971 111 - 281 SHARES.
Week ending Friday Evening.) Bangs-
Anistralazian British North American City Colonial Commercial of London Engl. Scotch. & Australian Chtd.
London London and County London Chrtd link. of Australia London Joint Stock London and Westminster National Bank National Provincial New South 'Wales Oriental Ottoman Provincial of Ireland
South Australia
Union of Australia Union of London Unity Doc/ea-- East and West India London St. Katherine Victoria Mismi..srouscs- Australian AuricultUral British American Land Canada Crystal Palace Electric Telegraph General Steam London Discount Nationa 1 DIseou nt Peninsular and Oriental Steam.
Royal Mail Steam South Australian BANK OF An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th on Wednesday the 27th
Notes issued 00,215,40 ENGLAND.
Victoria, rap. 32, far the week day of June 1860.
Government Debt Other Securities Gold Coin and Bullion Silver Bullion ending 436,245385 00&45.483 Proprietors 'Capital X14,533.000 Rest 3,252,639
Public Deposits. 9 321.313
Other Deposits 11,313,700 Seven Hayseed other Bills 858,339 Government Securities(in chi- ding Dead Weight Annuity) Other Securities Notes Gold and Sliver Coin National Debt, and Dlr.
£9,814,104 20,263.533 9,285,70/ 781,
£40,144.891 • Including Exchequer, SavIng-Rousks,Commisalonersof 140,144, de Acct.
40 3 0 7 0 0 94 10 0 . 0 0 • 36 to 115 73 - 211 241- 97
... 91-26 27-0 28-20 U - 33 Wales-
871. 34, 45 2 40 74a. - 7110.
80 - 90 70 - 711 74 99 to 7s. 04.
AT Tan
Thursday. 1,344 9,530 608 220 to 214s - 111
1 - 20
- 13
to 1146 - 100 - 0 .- 10 - 49
to 6e. 4d.
- • - 42 0 - 0 0 - 0 42
- Zs - 47 - 46 - 0
0 BULLION. Per en.
Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard "43 17 11
Mexican Dollars 0 6 21
Shyer in Ban. Standard 0 +I 1/ METALS. Per ten.
Copped, Brit. Cakes £162 10 0 .. Iron, Welsh Bars-. 6 6 0 .. Lead, British Pig ... 28 10 0 .. Steel, Swedish Keg.. 19 0 • GRAIN, Mark Wheat,R. O. 62 to 56 I Pine 370601 Fine 57 -60 , Foreign,R. 33 - 38 Red, New 50-36 i White F. 63-66 Pine 93-57 Rye 30 -34 White Old 34-68 Barley 28 -33 Fine 58-60 I Malting .. 40 - 46 New 50-37 I Malt, Ord... 68-6d
Lane, June 29.
a a Pine ail to IS Peas, Hog 0- 3.4 Maple 86-38 White 14-40 Blue 0- 0 Beans, Ticks 34 - 40 Harrow 42-43 Indian Coen. 0060, Feed.. Pine .... Poland Fine Potato.... Finn....
For the Week ending June 23. Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wheat 67e. 0.6. I Beans Rye
27 5 Peas 38e. 9d. Wheat., . 64.. Od. Rye Barley 34 7 45 10 Batley.... S6 7 / Beans Oats 41 4 Oata 26 9 Peas FLOUR.
Town-made per sack 51/. to 57s.
Seconds 45 - 48 Essex and Suffolk.on board ship 41 -44 Norfolk and Stockton 40 - 43 American per barrel 30 33 Canadian 60 33 Bread. 71d. to 9d. the lib. loaf. PROVISIONS.
Butter-Best Fresh, 136. Od. dos. Carlow, 1.01. Oa. to 06. Oe. per cwt.
Bacon. Irish per cwt.
Cheese, Cheshire, One Derby, pale Hams, York
Eggs, French, per 120, 4.04.
0. A r. if s. d. s. d. r. d. s d.
Reef- 3 10 to 4 4 to 4 10 .... 4 8 to 3 4 to 3 Mutton 4 44- 4 8 - 5 4 4 10 - 5 6 - 3 10 Veal... 3 8 - 4 8-5 0 .... 4 8-6 0 - 6 6
Pork.. 4 4 - 5 0 - 5 4 .... 4 6 - 4 8 - 6 0 Lamb 4 8-6 4 -0 0 .. 3 8-6 8 - 0 0
• To sink the offal, per S lb.
Naas or CATTLE
Beasts 3,800 Sheep 24,500 Calved.. 291 Pip ... 440 HOPS. WOOL. 6 per lb. 204. Weald of Kent Pocket. 26 to 841. Down Tess Mid and East Kent ditto 80 140 Half-bred Wethers 18
Sussex ditto 18
Farnham ditto 82 - 74 Leicester Fleeces
0 - 0 Combing. Skins
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 38 Toilette.)
Hay, Good 70s. to 840 050. to 100e. 16116. Inferior 55 - 60 0 - 0 90
New 36 40 0 - 0 0
Clover 93 - 126 115 - 124 118
Wheat Straw 26 - 30 30 - 34 se
Tea,Sorichong,fine,per lb. 2s. 5d. to 3.. Od.
Condon, fine 2 0 - 2 4
Pekoe, flowery 3 0 - 6 0
In bond-Duty le 5d. per lb.
Coffee,line fin bond) cwt 80s. Od. to 980.04.
Good Ordinary 616. Od. to 024. Od. Cocoa,Trinidad (in bond) 73s. Od. to 960. 0.4
Rice, Ame. dr.Carolina 225.0d. to 280. 8d Sugar, biuscorado, average.. 0s. Od. West India Molasses 15.. 6d. to 18s. ed. POTATOES.
Kent and Essex Regent ton . Os. to 0..
Shows 0 0 York Regents 160 - 0 Scotch .. 130 0 MISCELLANEOUS. Jamaica Runs.... per gal. 4s. 64.
Brandy, Beat Brands 9 Cotton, N. Orleant.per lb 0 Saltpetre, Ref....per e wt 49 Guano, Peruvian.per ton 280 Tallow P. Y. C...per cwt. 04 Town 83 Rape 011, English relined 43 Brown 41 Linseed Oil 28 Cocoa-nut 46 Palm Oil 46 Linseed 011-cake, per ton 190 Coals Hatton 17
Tees ....... a