30 JUNE 1860, Page 11


The skilM inventor of this instrument has solved a problem often essayed in vain, and one which baffled even the genius of the late Sir

Isambard Brunel—the problem how to construct a portable copying press' capable of yielding a perfect and uniform impression. The latter deside- ratum can only be secured by an equal distribution of the pressing force over the whole extent of the paper surfaces, and this is just the point in which all previous attempts have failed : the pressure has been trans- mitted unequally, and the copy has been blotchy and in parts illegible. In Lund's press, the pressure is distributed over at least six separate places on the surface of a corrugated wrought-iron plate, by two cams acted upon simultaneoualk by a lever attached to each, and the result is a clear and perfect copy. The dimensions of the instrument are about seven inches by four, with a depth of two- inches, and its weight, inclu- sive of the copying book and dampers, is about lour pounds.