30 DECEMBER 1932, Page 28


So much for the enumeration of some of the un- favourable developments and conditions revealed during the past year. Have there been any redeeming features ? Unquestionably there have. In the first place, there has been no abatement of the courage and confidence of the people of this country in facing their difficulties and the many problems which have to be solved. There has been confidence •in the integrity and ability of the National Government, and, despite the deplorable figures of the unemployed, there has, on the whole, been a feeling that the situation has been one beyond the immediate control of remedial agencies and in the weary time of waiting, taxpayers and unemployed alike have revealed wonderful powers of endurance; the taxpayer has recognized the responsibility towards the unemployed andthe unemployed have recognized the hard inevitable facts of the situation. Moreover, it is not only in this country that there has been a courageous and successful fight with the forces of adversity, for among the good features of the year must be mentioned the remarkable recovery which has taken place in Australia, where, although adversity continues, much has been accomplished by the courage of the Govern- ment and people, so that the finances of the Common= wealth of Australia have improved and there has been a remarkable appreciation in the credit of Australia.