2 AUGUST 1924, Page 8

The second personality who has again been in the limelight

is Mr. Eamon De Valera, who received an extraordinary welcome on his release from prison at the Mansion House in Dublin last week. The size of the assembled crowd certainly came as a surprise to most people, and the correspondent of the Sunday Times states that he does not believe any member of the present Free State Government would be able to command so. large a rally. The meeting does not appear to have been as great a success as was hoped by the Republicans. The " heroics " which filled the bill in 1917 fell a little flat, and after an hour and a-half of Mr. De Valera's Nord-spinning the audience was obviously disappointed. From Mr. De Valera's remarks it seems pretty obvious that he will follow the path of peace himself and recom- mend his followers to do likewise.

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