OTHER NOVELS.—The Compulsory Millionaire. By W. Harold Thomson. (John Long.
7s. 6d. net.)—A very entertaining story describing how the residents of a remote island in the North of Scotland insist on taking an ordinary tourist for a millionaire. The reader will enjoy the accounts of their toadyings and advances, and of their fury when the truth is brought home te them. The backgiciund of Highland scenery is charmingly picturesque.—The Spirit of the House.By Anna Dorsey Williams. (Appleton. 7s. 6d. net.)—A. long story of which the scene is Washington. It opens in the year 1894 and ends with the Great War. The heroine is a very attractive if not Very convincing figure. It is difficult to believe that anyone of generous instincts could be so indiscriminate in her lack of sympathy with modern ideas.