_ It seems from Mussolini's speech that he wishes to
rely more and more on this support of the non-political masses; who are neither Fascists, Socialists nor members of any other political party :- r- " Fascism " (he said) " must get into closer touch with the 39,000,000 people who were not entered on the lists of any organiza- tion Finally, the way to the heart of the people was through action in the sphere of industrial relations. This was the task of the Fascist Syndicalist or trade union movement, which must first develop these institutions in such a way as to secure them legal recognition. Secondly, to improve the moral condition of the working classes so as to bring them into closer touch with the life of the nation. Thirdly, to bring about practical, collaboration between employers and employed, in which the latter should receive a share of the profits of the former, who would recognize that this profit-sharing was in their best interests."
All this obviously is easier said than done. But it is certainly a move in the right direction. At any rate, it seems clear that Fascism° will stay in power in the immediate future, and for two reasons—first, that there is no -practical alternative to it because of the essential weakness and disunity of the opposition, and, second, that the country as a whole is undoubtedly far more prosperous, and therefore contented, than it has been for many years. At any rate, we must all, whatever our political convic- tions, sympathize with Mussolini for having been at this late hour " discovered " by the Daily Mail.
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