A cordial welcome is due to the first number of
the Northern Counties Magazine (Andrew Reid and Co., Newcastle ; Elliot Stock, London; 6d.), edited by Mr. Howard Pease, already well- known by his clever Northumbrian tales and sketches. Mr. Peasehas enlisted a goodly array of contributors under his banner, and the opening number contains, amongst other interest-
lug contributions, a fine poem by Mr. Swinburne on Northum- berland, excellent short stories by the editor and Mr. Barnwell Sutcliffe, a London literary letter from Mr. E. V. Lucas, and a most interesting illustrated article on the great works at Elswick. We may be allowed, however, to protest against the acrimonious tone of the paper on "Some Aspects of Modern Art" by Sir William Eden. The new venture, which represents literary Particularism in a most engaging form, is well got-up and printed, though it might be well if a bolder type were employed for the table of contents on the cover.